The following is a story from the Monitor:
City hall completion pushed back again
June 8, 2008 - 4:39PM
Jackie LeathermanEDINBURG - Nails jut out of the latte-colored walls in City Manager J.J. Rodriguez's office, tucked in the back of City Hall.
Rodriguez took the pictures off of his office walls weeks ago. He has boxes everywhere.
Everyone in Edinburg City Hall has boxes everywhere, he said.
Staff is packed, ready to go - with no place to go.
City officials are growing restless with the continuous delays in their new City Hall's construction.
Rodriguez said they are "getting very, very pushy with the contractor," but the city council has approved two construction deadline extensions.
Enriquez Enterprises was supposed to have had the building ready to occupy in December, according to the original contract approved in April 2006.
Then the council approved an extension in August that pushed the deadline back to February of this year.
It approved an additional extension in May that stamped June 20 as the date the majority of construction should be finished.
Rodriguez uses phrases like "expressed serious concerns" and "somewhat of a little uncomfortable" and "getting really impatient" when he talks about recent conversations he's had with the contractor overseeing the new City Hall's construction just one block away from the current one.
Rodriguez said the contractor is having "a little bit of trouble" with subcontractors over the "decorative end of the process."
Enriquez Enterprises Vice President Gilbert Enriquez said changes to the project have continuously pushed back the final move-in date. He said there are more changes waiting for council approval that would push the date past June 20.
In fact, Enriquez said the building may not be ready to occupy until July's end.
Heres my question:
If Ochoa and Gus were suppose to get "STALLED PROJECTS" Completed, whats with the City Hall and Police Station buildings? The former mayor and councilmember were voted OUT 2 years ago, whats the hold up now? CAN YOU SAY "BULLSHIT CAMPAIGN SLOGANS?"
The aforementioned two are no more real than silicone implants.
The "O" gots to GO!