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Location: SOUTH TEXAS, TX, United States

Sunday, July 06, 2008


Blogger: King-X, FRIEND OR FOE?
I've been away enjoying some R & R and I come back to read my blog with some interesting entries by one that goes by king-x. Now I will reserve my comments on this character until I further read and analyze his/her work. Now now now, I know for sure this person doesn't really write to please anyone in particular so I can respect that. Is this person out to reveal some coruption? Is this person on a one way track to sabotage some political careers? Is this person afiliated with any faction, political network, or family? or is this person just hell bent on just unleashing revenge on some old employers of the past? Well I don't have the answers to these questions, so again I will reserve my opinion about King-x for the time being. My take on this person for now is that if they want to reveal corruption that is cheating the taxpayers, then full steam ahead. But if theirs some political agenda behind their rhetoric to benifit a campaign well then, YAHN! NEXT! I must say, there seems to be some originality in their perspective so far, and it might not be long before they begin a campaign against me. But with every blog comes a series of free thinking expressions illustrated to drive some controversies regardless of what side of the tracks you live on. Now as for trying to guess identities of bloggers well thats just pretty stupid if you ask me, it takes away from the sport of free thinking, free writing, and most of all free expression. Yes yes, people get carried away with some french on these blogs and can hold back a little if they just worded their thoughts a bit differently, but hey I'm not one to judge and am guilty of letting loose from time to time. So bring it on mr. king-x and lets see what you got in the goody bag. I'm interested in knowing more about your SECRETS REVEALED. I guess the pic of the unknown masked magician that got popular after a series of televised appearances on fox recieved so much praise that even that secret revealer was revealed at some point. As bloggers, We may not always agree on certain issues, but I can RESPECT THE TRUTH wherever it may surface.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ernest Barnett is "The Voice" for the click against Joe "the clown" Ochoa as he likes to put it, in Earn My Vote. Barnett mobile home park on Sugar and Canton.

Looks like Earn my vote has been revealed. He even took his site down. Let the lawsuits begin!

7:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barry Barnett 2811 S Sugar Rd 380-1788 or 383-1074.

7:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Barnett's are the owners of the trailer park located on sugar and canton rd. You will see two 4x8's of Aaron Pena. One facing canton rd. The other facing sugar rd. That means Aaron Pena knows who Earn My Vote is.

11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barnett Mobile Village 2811 South Sugar Road, Edinburg, TX 78539 ...

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:24 AM  
Blogger South Texas Kings-X said...

Hell bent, YES! Affiliated with any political ring, click or otherwise, NO! End to Corruption is my pipe dream! The deep pockets of Corruption involve alot of different characters. I will write about each one and leave it to the concerned to ascertain their identity. When someone in power chooses to look the other way instead of promoting justice, believe me the community will know about it! To the community as a whole; how many of you that are not connected to any click, politician, etc...have been victims of quick justice or lack there of? Why only the select few, Rios, Bazan, Navarro, Chuy, others in law enforcement that will never make the NEWS are special priviliges extended to or their court date just never arrives? It is big circle of "organized crime" I refer to as the "political syndicate". They sit atop the "White Collar Crime" group whose boat is slowly going to wash ashore. Where others fall short, we will complete the story, not rumors!

Kings X

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Well, I don't know whether Kings X really does know the true identity of Earn my Vote, but let us assume – and that is a big if – that Kings X is correct.

What does that say about Kings X?

It says that he or she has intimate knowledge about Earn my Vote, because that kind of information just doesn't suddenly pop out, especially after a couple of years of many angry people trying to unmask Earn my Vote.

Given that probability, then we must presume that Kings X has stabbed Earn my Vote in the back. So what's that say about Kings X?

Can you say there is no honor among anonymous bloggers?

Can you say when and how Earn my Vote will strike back, or will he/she ignore the damning information in the hopes that people won't believe it?

Can you say Judas?

Can you say What goes around comes around?

Now, let's review your integrity. What if the posting by Kings X is wrong? You do realize that there are a lot of people who would want to physically hurt Earn my Vote? Do you want to be the one responsible for someone who is innocent getting beat up, terrorized, sued, or literally and physically tarred and feathered?

Even if that is Earn my Vote's true identity, do you want harm to come to him/her/them?

Don't hide behind the First Amendment, because there are limitations to what you can say, broadcast, and publish.

I recommend that you delete the name, address and telephone numbers posted about the alleged Earn my Vote. Yes, he/she has posted private information about other people in his/her website, but do you want to be guilty of the same cowardly attacks?

By the way, your posting was written quite well, yet when people get to your goats, you go ballistic, ramble on, and explode in your replies.

I like your more logical postings much better than your responses.

Also, don't be so quick to give clues that you have been away. You might slip up and someone will think they have you uncovered your precious secret identity, and post nonsense on Earn my Vote's web site!

By the way, why do you waste your time posting remarks on Earn my Vote. Invest your time on your own product, and the hell with your competitors.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:41 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

"Even if that is Earn my Vote's true identity, do you want harm to come to him/her/them?"

11:36 AM,

What seems to confuse some may in fact humor others. You see it really doesn't matter what people tend to opinionate on these blogs these days because its all a matter of perspective or one's point of view. Now as far as Earn goes, well that's just not the case here. Earn's a pretty savvy individual and yes Earn's probably pointed out a number of FACTS that happened to bother those it exposed, SO here's the Million dollar question: WHY IS THAT A BLOGGER'S FAULT? Hey if you did the misdeed and they uncovered it via newspaper or news network are those investigative journalists at fault for reporting what was fed to them. That info was found out some how and then it was reported to an audience, please point out the fault in that. Now does Earn or Kings-X have a bone to pick with certain individuals? Now how would that matter? If they choose to illustrate their perspective on facts, well then thats their OWN PERSPECTIVE or TAKE on things that just so happens to be about 80% of the time about some public official or officials. For example: If there was some corruption going on in your community, would you like to know? Chances are you would unless you're a relative of the one being exposed and that can be pretty popular around these parts. Nothing will happen to Earn or King-x, reason being that ISPs only give a vague coordinate as to where the servicing towers of ISP customers, and in this case they're speculating that because a tower may be within the area of sugar and canton, that it may somehow be the owner of barnet mobil park. Well theirs ways to manipulate those things if you as a blogger dont want to be found. I'm almost certain that the cat and mouse game of finding the identities of certain bloggers is meaningless and on many occassions are more than one individual.

Revealing CORRUPTION in our Community.

What's your priority? What would you like to know? POLITICAL CORRUPTION EATS AWAY OUR TAX DOLLAR. Anonymous BLOGGERS may eat away at our time and GOD knows we got plenty of that. It's silly to sit here wondering who's behind every post, and it's also SEVERELY STUPID TO SIT HERE AND LET OTHERS RAPE OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM AND RAVAGE THE TAXPAYERS OF THEIR INCOME. BLOGGERS write on their own equipment while CORRUPTION STEALS YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY.


The aforementioned may not always agree with me or eachother, but they in no way shape or form STEAL YOUR TAX DOLLARS.....Now do they spew with vengeance from time to time? Of course, but behold the pale horse, for he who rode on him was death and hell, political corruption, high taxes, followed with him. oops! Got carried away there for a minute with that last line, just thought it be some bad ass quote to close, but gee who do ya think I'm referring to about the pale horse rider? ok ok ok, maybe not that bad, but CORRUPTION anywhere COSTS everybody. Anonymous bloggers do the work and say the things others are afraid of saying or doing, and for that well we need some type of balancing act here. Now can they be more eloquent in their writings? Well it wouldn't be original if they busted out the spell check and used proper grammar would it? Earn come back to join the blog world. Kings-x keep bloggin. And all those who want to blog about bettering our community or just rant about the short comings of our politicians, keep bloggin.


6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I want to know what came out of that strike at the Landfill? Anyone? How can those idiots hold up the landfill and get to keep their jobs?

8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now as far as Earn goes, well that's just not the case here. Earn's a pretty savvy individual and yes Earn's probably pointed out a number of FACTS that happened to bother those it exposed, SO here's the Million dollar question: WHY IS THAT A BLOGGER'S FAULT?

It is not the bloggers fault for opening a can of worms. They if these people didn't. Then we as taxpayers have every right to know.

What's wrong with Earn is all the libel that have gone on by the comment section. Yes, the blogger has access to either turn the comments off. Or to go through the comments one by one. That is the difference between your blog and let say E-News. Watch the libel suits start to come where Ernestt Barnett is concerned. And it has all to do with the comments and nothing to do with his postings.

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Well, you miss the point regarding anonymous bloggers. Yes, people's alleged misdeeds are uncovered by the news media (a news story is not evidence, just allegation, and often, just well-written opinion bordering on propaganda), but at least, the media and the reporter put their names on their stories.

They can be held accountable, both ethically and financially. Anonymous bloggers who post allegations, no matter how well-written and documented, don't meet that standard.

I say, you have some damning information, show some guts and put your name to it. You say so and so are having an affair, prove it. Why allow such an unfounded posting go on your comments section?

Now, if that claim was substantiated by a divorce proceeding where infidelity was the reason for the split-up, then provide the cause number, court and date, so people can check it out.

Also, you are fooling yourself if you think a lawsuit isn't enough to get a court to order the identity revealed about anonymous postings.
That just recently happened to Eddie Saenz political consultant in Austin (Kelly Fero). It was all written up in the Austin American Statesman earlier this spring. Look it up.

How about this one – start posting outrageous threats against this country on your blog, or praising any of the lunatics out there who want to do us harm, and let's see how long it is before you get a knock on the door from Ma Bell and the feds.

You think the Internet can shield the identities of people. It was developed precisely to reveal, to the powers that be, the identities of everyone who uses it.

Anyhow, I do agree with you that I would rather have anonymous blogs than crooked politicians, but not if the those blogs show the same lack of integrity and honesty that you so roundly, and rightfully, condemn the alleged criminal activities of the local powerbrokers.

Don't do wrong by your readers, PR. If they are going to criticize someone, at least have the backbone to put their names to it.

7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 7:49pm, how 'bout some of that backbone and put your name to that post? Put your money where your mouth is dumbass.

8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, 8:41 p.m.

I will be glad to put my name on my posts as soon as Political Ring does, and of course, as soon as you do.

Both of you make sure to include your telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.

What's that? You have a foul mouth but are too chicken---- to reveal your secret identity. I thought so.

9:55 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


First: Who are you to come on here DEMANDING IDENTITIES?
Second: Nobody is asking for your two cents on anything.
Third: People may blog what they please, if you have a problem with that, why don’t you contact the blog or internet service providers and see what they tell you.
Fourth: Hey look, if this blog site ain’t your cup of tea, well why don’t you seek blogging elsewhere.

I see what you’re doing here and nobody is falling for that whole “show me who you are and I’ll reveal who I am, wink wink.” That is just blatantly stupid, being that some people that choose to rant or blog of things they feel is somehow unfair to them or their community, may end up getting some type of political backlash for blogging freely.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:55am, you're the one requesting for PR to reveal identities when your very own post is Anonymous. That just doesn't make any sense.

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Boy, you sure are a crybaby, whining that if people don't agree with your pearls of wisdom, they should go elsewhere.

What's a matter, PR? You don't like it when people counter your perspectives? Or question your motives?

The reason I and many others log onto your blog site is because you deal with a community that is near and dear to our hearts.

Criticism is fine and dandy, and I have given you credit many times before when you came up with very insightful opinions about shenanigans among our elected officials.

But if the Joe Ochoas and the Richard Garcias and the J.D. Salinases were as evil and crooked as you make them out to be, then maybe you should be criticizing our local G-Men at the McAllen office of the FBI.

I mean that office has millions of dollars at their disposal to crack down on white collar crime among local politicians, and they have this BS line that they will take several years to build a case. Jesus, with incompetence like that, no wonder we didn't see 911 coming.
If I had a $1 million a year budget, I would be able to get dozens of crooked politicos indicted, at the very least.

So, why don't you criticize them for a change, Mr./Ms. I Don't Want to Piss Off the FBI Because They WILL Track Down My Identify With Their Powerful Computers?

How about the Texas Rangers? Besides unsuccessfully trying to conceal their horrible legacy of lynching Mexican Americans by the thousands in the Valley in the early 1900s (Ask Aaron Peña, he revealed that dark secret in his blog several years ago), where is this state police force, which has jurisdiction over local government?

Oh, that's right. The Rangers are part of that great state police empire that includes the Department of Public Safety, which didn't have the brains to post enough guards so some nutcase couldn't burn down the Governor's Mansion.

How about spreading a little bit of your love to them, too?

No, PR, no amount of your snarling and growling and finger-pointing is going to dissuade me, or anyone else, from posting on your website, and at the very least, I promise not to use unfounded innuendo and anonymous personal attacks against named individuals.

And don't be so cocky that a person's identity can't be revealed, one way or another, when they post anonymous websites, such as yours, or post anonymous comments, such as mine.

Me, if somehow my identity were to be revealed, I have printed nothing for which I would be ashamed. I would be more than glad to stand by my comments.

I am still confused whether there are in fact two Political Rings: the one who writes some great stories on your front page, and the one who screeches like a rabid cat when you attack comments you find offensive.

If you don't like what people write back to you, then change your format to require your prior approval.

Let's come up with something positive that makes a difference, not the politics of destruction.

12:37 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

12:37 PM,

You ramble on about every acronym and your disgust about each of them is quite visible, so seems to me that you got some issues. Why don't you prioritize your issues and attack your own demons first before telling all to oblige to your demands? I really don't care to identify nor rant about the things you blog about, nor does it peak my interest. You're wasting your time on this blog and seriously seek blogging elsewhere. Your forte seems to be with identifying blogging individuals and are hell bent on making conversation with strangers that don't find your postings amusing, so you in turn go on other people's blog trying to analyze, interpret and give advise to boot. I don't fall short of blogging about those issues in my community, I do it on my own time, and really don't need a blog coach. You claim I dislike opposing views, but I believe you need a correction in that sentence: I dislike it when others come one here trying to identify people who can really care less about who you are. Then you spew some junk about trying to get me to rant about government entities, Damn buddy where do you get off? Do what you will on your time and leave the bloggin to those who wish to blog about something worth their time.

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough of the BS 12:37pm and PR, while you two idiots are arguing over identities and other immaterial issues, there continues to be nonsense going on in the community. I mean, from a crooked Police Deparment to unfinished city hall. There's plenty of chatter out there.

12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Earn my vote or a family member of his is at it again. His latest blog.

3:48 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

12:08 PM,

Crooked POLICE DEPARTMENT? Look lets get our story straight here first before we start CREATING some mean rumors that are UN-NECESSARY.

1st.- The story you are referring to is about a FORMER Edinburg Police Officer and not the Department.

2nd.- The Department's Chief along with other Edinburg PD officials Investigated that officer and it wasn't as if they didn't know or pretended not to know about it.

3rd.- That officer was suspended indefinately vaguely meaning fired, just different wording when it's an ongoing process ie. investigation or hearings.

So now that we've laid out some ground work as to what we're talking about, then what's you're gripe? An officer got caught up in some hairy stuff and did it wrong, but thats no reason to LABEL the ENTIRE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Hey, one bad apple doesnt necessarily spoil the dozen. You are right in having that officer's story an issue, but it seems to me that Edinburg PD handled it and it's done. Now are Defense attorneys for those that had that officers' investigation records behind some convictions gonna come out with appeals? Thats the story you should worry about. Anything can happen at this point, in regards to all the cases this officer was handling, time will tell, but blogging about it will be pretty vague being that it's all technical stuff. And I in no way shape or form wan't to go blaming an entire police force for the wrongdoings of one individual. That's just not my style. I still respect the department, and think they handled it as any other department would of handled it in house.

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


As an officer in the department, thanks for your support. There are still major problems there. Leal got away with what he did for so long because he was not supervised. There haven't been any new superviser spots created in over 20 years but the PD has more than doubled in size. Chief Munoz asked the city for a new lt. position but it has been denied two years in a row. Most of the problem is that there is old fashioned ways of doing things and the attitude that just because someone is a sergeant they don't need to be watched. You are right. We patrol officers are out there everyday doing what we need to do. But there are some serious problems in the way the department is managed. By the way our police association is pushing for a solution to the problem, but the city is ignoring us. Maybe you can help.

8:30 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

Calling Mr. Gene Espinoza!

Gene you are the Veteran Councilmember and need to listen to our officers. If things aren't working for them at this point and morale is down, then there needs to be a solution at some point. Now now now, I know you just got elected, Congrats for that! And I must add that being re-elected doesn't necessarily mean you can check your political promises at the door. Now I ain't trying to single you out here, but you are the most seasoned veteran, so I guess theres some type of seniority in that capacity. I am aware that you met with some of the officers back when Johnson and Richard were seeking re-election. And it's bad enough the PD Personnel have had to put up with all the construction constraints, but to deny them positions of leadership doesn't add up. Growth breeds more positions to delegate leadership. What do you say Mr. Espinoza, you've replied in the past when it came to flooding, roads, etc, now the PD could use some much attention. These men and women make all the difference in the world on our streets, the least you can do is address their concerns. I will keep ranting and addressing this issue until something can be done or meetings can be held between councilmembers and PD unions. I trust you'll make some kind of difference in this situation.

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, crooked police dept. was a stretch but as the officer confirmed, there are some serious issues there.

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard You Calling

Need your help here. I will gladly meet with the police union again. Not sure what you mean by "positions of leadership" denied. Are you talking about someone or general statement? When I met with the union before my re-election (March or so) they were on what I thought was the right track. I even offered to carry the flag for some ideas they had. I asked them to prepare those ideas and bring to me to work on at the council level. Don't know what status is on those ideas. Anyway I am ready to meet when they want. Whats your take on their needs?

12:01 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

Mr. Espinoza,

the following is a quote from an Edinburg PD (employee)

"There haven't been any new superviser spots created in over 20 years but the PD has more than doubled in size. Chief Munoz asked the city for a new lt. position but it has been denied two years in a row."

Positions of leadership? From the quote, it seems Edinburg PD lacks Lieutenant positions, again thats what I gather from the quote.


Can you make up a generic name for yourself so that I may address your issue now that Mr. Espinoza has come on here for some clarification on the "issues." Again you specified you're with the PD, so I'm not asking for any true identity, so just any handle will do. NO you're identity will not be compromised and I only wish to help here.

7:54 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

"Okay, crooked police dept. was a stretch but as the officer confirmed, there are some serious issues there.

11:59 AM"

Look, I may rant and blog about some injustices or scams on political or community issues, but When Honorable Men and Women are out there placing their lives on the line so that You and I may sleep safe, I tend to have some issues when someone refers to our community's police as being "Crooked," that dis-honors all those that had nothing to do with that ISOLATED INCIDENT. Now am I saying I know it all in this case? NO, but have the desencie to single out isolated incidents when all proof tends to indicate so. The Monitor singled one officer for their story, and all of a sudden the entire Department is now crooked? C'mon show some restraint now. I'm with ya on the bloggin about all that is crooked or wrong within our community, but I won't come on here and dis-honor the men and women on the force for an isolated incident. I have too much respect for the Police Department to pull that stunt. And that is a major reason why I lacked respect for one Mr. Eddie Saenz for the bully tactic they pulled on a Mission Police Officer doing his job. Why the respect you ask? Here's some criteria officers have to meet:

Polygraph, drug test, physical condition, background investigation, credit background, Education background, entrance exam, academy, field training, work graveyard shifts, holidays, etc. and they offer their services to work extra details to make ends meet.

Politicians just got to get elected, so yeah I have some respect for those wearing the badge. They have to walk a thin line daily.

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Mr. Espinoza, the Chief asked for a new lt. for two years in arow and it was denied. I was not able to go to the union meeting you spoke at but I was told that you were fair and said you would help us. The union has sent a meet and confer contract to the city a month ago but so far we havent heard anything. The contract has issues in it that deal with the number of supervisors. As you and anyone else who can read this can see, we're already aware of the problems and we have some solutions. Thank you Ringmaster.

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told about a meet and confer, but never heard anything else as far as when or what it was about. I really would like to see a plan of action when it comes to re-organization of our PD or before we add any new brass positions. In other words, is it more brass that we need or a complete re-organization. I would be happy to meet with your group once more to start addressing these issues.

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

King X or PR read the Guardian blog about our sellout county judge jd salinas. First he cant get it up to fire his movida teressa navarro now he has sold out to the border wall contractors and cornyn. Hey salinas remember where your roots are. Why are you fencing our people out.

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Gene,

What ever happened to your blog? Don't waste your time on this one, because all you will do is fight phantoms taking shots at you.

What was the name of it again? Edinburg First or something like that. I bet you get that site up again, and PR will lose 80 percent of his/her audience, because you identify yourself, and your constituents know it is indeed you, talking.

By the way, how do we know that really was the honorable councilmember responding? That's the point, Gene. Get back online and off this wasteland.

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Get back online and off this wasteland."

Come on now, this site can't be that bad, your on it too. I know what you are saying but, I don't respond very much anymore. The only reason I responded was because a friend of mine told me there was a comment here asking for my help. Trust me the PD people that read my comments know it's really me.

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gene, don't listen to 10:49am, that's David Diaz. Need i say more!

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you all believe that the employee is missing? What a bunch of BS, their all in it together. Right Joe!

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the DA had any interest to crack down on Vital Line, he would seek cell phone records and land line records for Eddie, Sandra, business phone line and all employees.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie Saenz News aka Edinburg News is full of shit picking on mayor Richard Garcia. Did you notice they said nothing about the 1000 lbs. of mota his ambulance company was carrying.

No wonder he picks on everybody else but himself and the other losers on his team. Eddie Saenz the feds are on to you and your buddies. People in Pharr named you and named you often.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the same thing. J.D. Salinas who was an employee of Eddie Saenz by more than coincidence got Saenz the loop project so that they both could make millions. Drugs and mud politics only in the Valley. Bring back Othal Brand before these crooks get in your wallet.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PR For Your Readers,

Sand bag locations for the City of Edinburg. 12th street and Mahl and north Dolittle Edinburg Service center. There is city crews on site to help.

7:25 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

Thank you Councilman Espinoza for the Helpful info and for those of you Edinburg Residents that work in the McAllen Area, The McAllen Civic Center on 10th and Expressway(not to be confused with McAllen Convention Center) is also handing out Sandbags 24hrs starting today.

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just wanted to point out that when the newPD was built, the on-site gas pumps in the plans were cut out to "save money". As a result, during the hurricane, we had a few cars almost run out of gas because the pumps at the city service center went out with the electricity.

We had to result to finding a city credit card to fill up the cars with, but the only stores with power in town were out of gas.

Fortunately, the power came back on.

The point is, it should have not happened. The old building had pumps and they worked off the generator when the power went out.

I don't know who's to blame and I don't really care, but somewhere in the past someone chose $$$ over the safety of the citizens of this town.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, leave it to Joe Ochoa to give the PD the shaft again. We won't forget come next May.

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggested that we plan a central fueling station in town somewhere. PD and FD can fuel up at this future location. I have a city owned spot already picked out. It's a matter of the state approving it and finding funds. The fuel station at the service center should have been backed up by generators, I will question this. I was told at one of the EOC meetings that the power was ready to be backed up. I know that we had plenty of fuel.

One thing that I have to say. City crews did an OUTSTANDING job keeping our city functional. GREAT JOB!

11:28 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


First of all, let me start by giving thanks to all the men and women working for the City of Edinburg, I saw some pretty quick resolve in getting our city back to normal after dolly. Cops on the roads during and after the hurricane shows this city that they're out literally "protecting and serving" and thank you for that. Fire Deparmtent personnel of course doing what they do best, a big thank you there too. City of Edinburg workers as well were out in full swing getting some normalcy where chaos was the norm during the hurricane.

Now as far as the new PD station not having a gas pump on site, well it does sound suspicious as to why they (engineers & contractors)wouldn't of alotted some funds for that particular piece of crucial commodity to a department that heavily relies on such resources. I know for a fact that every patrolman on the beat must check their fuel guage prior to ending their shift and re-fuel at the pump depot over on doolittle, which is a considerable distance from the PD Headquarters. And during a hurricane, well that can prove to be challenging when you have a full court press at the pd having hummers and units on the road to help the people in the community. Great Job guys! You guys pulled through even considering having to come through without a much needed resource.

My recomendation:
Well it's never to late to improve the conditions at the New PD HQ, the pump depot on doolittle is not all too big, I suppose a replica can be added to the back of the PD HQ.

Councilman Espinoza,

What area do you have in mind for a possible gas pump depot for the PD and FD?

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't want to reveal too much but it's north (not too far) of the square. It's an idea right now. I will tell you that it's not pluged into the budget right now. I am thinking it might be a good idea for us to enter into an agreement with our fuel supplier. Something like buy so much fuel, for exchange of pump station. Just a thought. You just never know with fuel though. At one point gas was cheaper buying from Stripes than from our supplier. I know, I couldn't beleive it myself. I will keep it in mind as we roll into next budget round.

3:23 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

Councilman Espinoza,

Well you know the North East corner of Schunior and Closner where Tide use to be is probably out of the question for any deacent living quarters, so why not there?

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't own that piece, but your close.

7:05 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

The Old Ruben's Shamrock on North Closner and West Lovette or The Old Jaime's Store location on North Closner and West Van Week could also use the facelift.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Info On Mosquito Control:

We started spraying for mosquitoes in our city. We will be addressing all areas. I hope to have a schedule within a day or two. I have requested more spraying machines if need be. This is going to be a problem for quite sometime due to the standing water outside our limits. Just came back from the store, people are buying up repellant fast! We have begun our pick up stage of brush in the city. As you can see there is quite a bit to dispose of.

6:46 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

Good news on the mosquito front. Any word on water pumps for some parts of the san carlos area as well as other rural areas? Yes I know thats considered county but just curios to know if city personnel is helping out in those areas.

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes we are helping out in the San Carlos, La Villa, and the Monte Cristo and Hohen areas. Mainly our Fire Department crews are in these areas. The rest of our crews are in the city working on clean up and pick up. Our crews have done an OUTSTANDING JOB! Shelter remains open with EMS and police on scene.

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PR is any of this stuff true about Carmen and a police report? Wow I thought she was an educated person. Willing to help out the community serving on the school board.

But that site shows something totally different. I am a concerned citizen.

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Edinburg News and Eddie "I got drugs" Saenz is at it again. Turned the dogs loose on Carmen Gonzalez huh Eddie? Dogs like Mary Villareal, Little Richard, Robert Pena, Sandra Saenz and her sister. Every time you attach our local leaders you lose, remember. Get ready for another. We slapped you around and kicked you out of town. So stay out. And take your little dog too!!

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calling all Feds!

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie Saenz is next.........Eddie's donation is highlighted in the indictment.

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey PR,

Tell me what you think about this.

Nicol: Judge Salinas is attempting to sell us the Border Wall

By Scott Nicol
Scott Nicol

WESLACO, July 21 - In his recent opinion piece, Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas has presented Valley residents with yet another sales pitch for inserting the border wall into our flood control levees.

From his perspective it is critical that he sell this project to Hidalgo County taxpayers as a “win-win,” because we will be spending millions of dollars to build it.

Initially, we were told that the levee-border wall would cost $5 million per mile for its 22 miles, for a total cost of $110 million. Hidalgo County would pay $46 million, and the Department of Homeland Security would pay $64 million. But when the contracts were put out for bid, the lowest bids were $12 million per mile, while the high bids were $16 million per mile. Instead of $110 million, the levee-border wall will cost at least $264 million. Hidalgo County is on the hook for that money, and Judge Salinas hopes, but has no guarantee, that the Department of Homeland Security or Congress will reimburse us.

This puts Judge Salinas in the awkward position of having promised to spend more than Hidalgo County has available in existing bond money to construct a levee-border wall that Hidalgo County residents do not want. Hence the sales pitch. Like most sales pitches, facts that might not lead to the conclusion that the salesman wants tend to be distorted or left out, which is why fact-checking is so important.

In his op-ed Judge Salinas says: “The levee segments are being reconstructed in spots identified by local Border Patrol agents as ‘hot spots’ for illegal activity and where identified by the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission as needing certification.” This is at best only half true. The levee-border wall’s locations are based entirely upon the maps drawn up by DHS when the configuration was strictly a border wall, without any pretense of providing flood control. When the border wall became a levee-border wall the locations did not change. Any overlap between the levee-border wall segments and the FEMA maps showing weak points in the levee is purely coincidental. There will be numerous identified weak spots in our flood control levees that will remain untouched. If the levees are still riddled with known weak points, it will be difficult for the federal government to certify them with anything approaching a clear conscience.

This calls into question whether or not the “tactical reconstructed levee” project, as Judge Salinas now wants to rename it, will in any way improve the overall integrity of our flood control levees. There is no evidence that the levee-border walls that DHS wants to build will be “sound flood protection structures.” When DHS Secretary Chertoff waived 27 federal laws in Hidalgo County, he declared that no further studies would be conducted. At that time, the announcement that the border wall would be carved from our levees was less than two months old, and so no detailed studies of the safety or effectiveness of the new design had been carried out. “Letting go of that fear that we could become the next New Orleans or Iowa” is hard when bulldozers are tearing into our levees during hurricane season, and DHS refuses to provide any evidence that the new levees will work. $264 million later, Hidalgo County residents may still be forced to buy flood insurance, or worse, may be forced to evacuate following a levee breach.

Referring to Secretary Chertoff’s suspension of laws, Salinas writes, “It is important to note that although acts such as the Endangered Species Act were waived by Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, both his agency and our partners have committed to being good stewards of our environment.” Setting aside the obvious question of why Secretary Chertoff would waive environmental laws that he planned to obey, and the fact that the waiver also included the Farmland Protection Policy Act, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and others that are not environmental, the idea that DHS is “committed to being good stewards of our environment” is absurd. In a letter dated March 3 of this year, the US Fish and Wildlife Service wrote to Customs and Border Protection and declared, “any proposed fence and/or levee segment that bisects lands within the Lower Rio Grande National Wildlife Refuge cannot be found compatible with the purposes for which the Refuge was established.”

The refuge was established to create a wildlife corridor along the Rio Grande that will allow endangered species such as the ocelot to forage and access water and mates. When portions of the refuge are separated from one another or cut off from the river, that mission becomes virtually impossible to accomplish. The solution that Judge Salinas presents, that “monitors will be on hand all throughout construction to identify species, report problems and prevent damage to the environmental or even found cultural artifacts,” will do nothing to solve this. The problem is not that endangered ocelots are lounging about on the levees and will be too lazy to get out of the way of bulldozers unless someone shoos them away, it is that if their habitat is divided by a 15 to 18 foot tall wall they may well be driven to extinction.

But the Department of Homeland Security is not in the business of protecting the environment; that is the job of the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Environmental Protection Agency. They also are not in the business of constructing flood control levees. When Judge Salinas says, “Your local government sees the levee-barrier construction as strictly a flood control project. We are not in the business of immigration,” he is being disingenuous. If this were “strictly a flood control project” Secretary Chertoff would have no authority to waive any laws to build it. The Real ID Act only allows for waivers to build border walls. Either this is a border wall or the laws that Secretary Chertoff waived must be obeyed to the letter.

As a border wall, its primary function will be to restrict the movement of people who come across the border. Of course, this restriction cuts both ways. Despite Judge Salinas’ assertion that, “as part of this levee-barrier plan, in Hidalgo County, access to this land remains. County roads will continue to be open and landowners living south of the levee will continue to go to and from their property freely,” DHS has yet to answer key questions as to how residents, including homeowners and landowners, will be able to access the areas that are behind the wall. DHS has said that there will be gates in the border wall, but they have yet to say how those gates will be opened. Will they be left open for anyone and everyone to pass through? Will Border Patrol agents be stationed at the gates 24/7 to check ID’s? Will property owners be given keys or remote control openers, which they hopefully will not lose? Will keys be passed out to the kayakers and other recreational users of the river that Judge Salinas mentions?

The fact that these basic questions have not been answered on the eve of construction goes to one of the fundamental problems with the levee-border wall. This is not a well thought out project. The border wall was a political gimmick that passed two weeks before the 2006 mid-term election. No one evaluated the needs of the Border Patrol, and then designed the border wall to meet those needs. Instead, politicians who had never been to the border drew lines on a map with a marker. In the past year its location has shifted as Washington, D.C., rhetoric met the reality of our international treaties with Mexico. Its design has repeatedly changed as well, and the Rio Grande Valley will now see at least three different designs. None of these designs will prove any more effective than the original border wall in California, which was found to have had no real impact on immigration or smuggling.

Judge Salinas ends by asking us to, “Have faith that your leaders are doing everything in their power to keep residents safe physically and financially.” Perhaps this should be taken as an admission of local leaders’ impotence in the face of the Department of Homeland Security. It would, however, be much easier to have faith in our local leaders if they were working diligently on our behalf to prevent border walls from tearing through our communities and wildlife refuges, instead of trying to sell us snake oil.

Scott Nicol is a spokesman for the No Border Wall Coalition. He lives in Weslaco, Texas.

12:06 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

12:06 PM,

I don't think much of JD Salinas, In my opinion I feel he's the quinticential political type. He'll tell you what you wanna hear and do quite the opposite. I believe all his inner political circle have a big say in his going ons as a county leader. Eddie Saenz employed him prior to him sitting in office. Teresa Navarro and him go back some time as well. And well those two aforementioned haven't done so hot lately in the press. JD of course has to answer to those who put him in office and regrettably I DONT FEEL ITS THE PEOPLE, rather I FEEL ITS THE FAT CATS OF HIDALGO COUNTY and THERE IN LIES HIS PROBLEM. AGAIN all of this is my opinion and my answer to what you asked on what I thought about the piece you posted with JD Salinas and the border wall.

10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate your candid response. I hear Ramon Garcia is going to run against JD. Do you think this border wall issue will hurt JD?

6:07 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

6:07 AM,

I believe a number of issues will plague JD Salinas' re-election campaign. This guy is just way too expensive to have in office. Lucrative contracts to buddies will surface I'm sure. Hint hint, Eddie Saenz's name will surely surface. I just hope Ramon Garcia can defeat him this time around. Garcia gave his office a more professional mystique as opposed to stuffed coats hanging around JD's ill witted administration. And that A&M Flag stint after the A&M and UT game was pretty immature if you ask me and serves as a reminder as to how immature this County Judge is. He had the gaul to publicly air that he would seek those responsible and punish them for it,,,,,HELLO! he himself is an aggie, had his whole campaign jargon in aggie colors, had his county clerk office in aggie colors and now the flag of A&M rose after defeating UT and lets see who the person responsible is? HMMMMMM, gee I wonder who??? Cmon now man, lets get a little more professional here...

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey PR, you left out that JD's wife's family owns JIII concrete and are the ones getting all the work for the county.

8:29 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


Like I said, This JD Salinas sure sounds expensive and shady to me. I hope the taxpayers of Hidalgo County take note during his re-election bid. This guy clearly wasn't a better choice than Ramon Garcia. I am clearly not a fan, didn't vote for him and am utterly disgusted by his antics, politics and repugnant style of leadership. I mean this guy won't even wipe his own dereare without checking with Joe Flores (Hidalgo County Commissioner)from Mission or Eddie Saenz.

6:20 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


6:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Espinoza,

What have you heard about the meet and confer contract that the union sent to the City? The union leaders say that the City manager is not responding to their phone calls. Is he trying to ignore us?

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will ask first thing Monday morning. Thanks for bringing up again. I don't have an answer right now, he has not brought anything to us. But I will find out.

8:40 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

Mr. Espinoza,

At this point what can the City Manager do for the PD Union? Or is it more effective to brought to the attention of The Council and Mayor? I don't think much of our current City Manager, I just think he was the more known candidate from the bunch more qualified candidates. I mean let's see if it were a new city manager with a proven record in administrating a city of Edinburg's magnitude or larger, it would of been sort of a " Laisse Fair" type of administration, yeah like a city government off and running with not so much council intervening. Ironic huh? A Government body without the hands of an elected body of Government. But the council picked the more LOYAL lame duck out of the bunch, Hence the reason the PD Union has no luck getting his much needed attention. Would The First National Bank Brass be having the same RUN AROUND from Edinburg City Manager J.J. Rodriguez that the PD Union is having?

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you PR. I can't ever get my phone calls returned.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree this is a matter for the elected body. Maybe one of the elected body is asking to keep it on ice?? Not me before you ask. I say, lets hear it. I will extend the same message that I ALWAYS have. My phone is always on. Anybody with a problem, idea, or concern is free to call me. The men and women in blue have the same invitation.

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jl salinas to run for ciro spot on the school board another winner wait till people find out the real reasons why he not the super any more cant wait till that info come out and then gilbert lets see if enews wins this one haha

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with the meet and confer contract?

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PR, you make a damn good point on how the First National Bank Administration gets preferential treatment from the City Administration over it's very own Police Department. That is the sad truth when you have hardworking individuals making a difference for their city while the First National Bank head honchos just make a difference in their books at the end of the quarter.

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF - I've been complaining all this time about my brush not being picked up and now finally, Channel 4 shows up. Thanks to whoever called channel 4 on this because now the City will maybe listen. To make things worst, go pass by Joe Ochoa's places and there is no brush is all picked up. This is the link to the news report.

7:01 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


Well yes I had witnessed that about Joe Ochoa and had some friends call into the Monitor and Channel 4 as well as Channel 5, I guess one channel came through. The call was long overdue. Just trying to keep people honest here.

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I'd share comments posted on Ch.4's listen line based on that Debris story.

Posted by Resident Soliz, edinburg - Friday, August 15, 2008 at 11:05 a.m.

This problem can not be attributed to the storm. The city of Edinburg has trouble picking up brush even during great weather. I live in what I thought would be a great new subdivison north of Mcallen but in Edinburg, Sprague(Bagdad hiway) and McColl, We have not seen a brush pickup on our streets in three years we put our brush in the Trash cans.

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Those idiots at E-news think people are actually going to believe their posts. It'd be good if their links would work or if they would try to at least give us some kind of reason to believe what they post. But it's all nonsense. And to top it off, people aren't going to change their mind due to a post on E-news.

What a bunch of dumbasses!

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe it! She is cooked!

6:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Gilbert uses this information. Not like that other idiot in Lonny Guerrero. We should have a new city council member. But he decided not to use the info E-News had. Now they are handing over Carmen on a silver platter. I wonder if Gilbert will use this info. We shall wait and see!

8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record, 8:20 am is Obie Salinas.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obie Salinas? That dude couldn't get elected to be a hall monitor much less public office. What does that dude know about campaigning or politics? From what I hear not much but brown nosing. You gotta listen to Obie Salinas in Hi/Def,, either you gotta be High on something or completely Deaf from hearing. That I think sums up Obie Salinas.

6:59 AM  
Blogger South Texas Kings-X said...

Just because things are not reported in the news does not mean it did not happen....When a JP judge or municipal judge, for that matter sets a bond, then you pay the fine, you leave, after you leave why do they re-do the paperwork and show that they gave your a PR bond? I didn't read about that in the paper.
There are also other major events that transpired that only chosen few know about...however, that's a federal case I rather not touch but it involves the jp judge and municpal judge mentioned above in-directly....good to be back in town :-)

5:07 PM  

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