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Saturday, May 10, 2008


BRAVO! Mayor Ochoa's latest attempt to Recruit and shove into office a couple of "YES" Boys has DRASTICALLY FAILED YET AGAIN! I am happy to say that enews and company haven't had their way since Ochoa and Gus took office. We here at The Political Ring have been at oposite ends with those goofs at enews for some time already. We Predicted

1. Aaron PENA over Eddie SAENZ in The State Rep. race.
2. Charlie Espinoza over David Chavana in the J.P. race.
3. Gene Espinoza over Yes Boy #1, Leonel Guerrero
4. Alma Garza over Yes Boy #2, Johnny Rodriguez
5. We've also predicted on the National Level, stating that Obama would get the nomination over Hillary and well it seems to be headed in that direction.

So if enews wants to place a wager on the next city or school board election, We're GAME! The Hate campaign has no home here in Edinburg. People have been over heard saying that Gus and Ochoa are next on the cutting block, don't know how true that is, but we're not speculating on those races as of yet. Stay tuned we will make our predictions prior to those elections as well. CONGRATS are in order for Mr. Gene Espinoza and Ms Alma Garza for their victory in getting Re-Elected. Now before people begin to peg me as a one sided blogger, here's some advice for those that want change in the Mayor's race.....Get some new blood, one with a fine history, not one of those here today gone tommorrow type of people. A woman perhaps. We are in dire need of some new direction in this town and I'm sorry to say, but the "O" gots to GO! Thats right Ochoa gots to go. Our Economic situation here in this city has ran dead last amongst the Mission, Mcallen, Pharr, and Edinburg area. A woman the likes of that President of UTPA, Dr. Blandina Cardenas, NOT her, but someone with that type of history and credentials who's got roots and history in this Community. Enough with the "O" or Richard Garcia, we need someone to get our city to the next level, not someone who's gonna continue some GRUDGE MATCH with the other side. A woman can come in and get this city straight and unite the council. We need Economic growth the likes of McAllen. This city still remains a bedroome town and that my friends is UNACCEPTABLE! What has our new Mayor done lately for us? Here's the answer to that question: RECRUIT RECRUIT RECRUIT some naive "YES" BOYS that are going to be loyal to him and will do what he asks, just ask Gus Garcia. Gus gots two new vehicles since being elected, I guess those kickbacks are kicking in, well maybe or is it merely coincidence? You decide. We're yet to see an improvement done for this city by Gus and the "O". And I challenge any Ochoa or Gus supporter to come on here and clarify what exactly these two have done for you the taxpayer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well put ring master one of your supporters since you first started your blog a aron,alma,gene,charlie backer what a shame what happened to joe ochoa he used to be a good person and what up with those terminator sunglasses he wears all the time to every event does he think hes a teenager again or is he hiding his drunk eyes from the public

5:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These Ochoa and Saenz people spent so much money and lost to Pena that when it came to the city elections the people were ready to protect their city when this election came up. My question is where is all the money coming from that Saenz keeps pouring into these races? Is it good government that Saenz and Ochoa want or is it something else?

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

saenz and ochoa just benefit themselves. its the you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours.

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No "O" or "G" supporters are going to come on here to clarify anything. Their political futures are done. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see "O" throw in the towel before his term is up.

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

I couldn't believe my eyes. You actually are giving up on Richard Garcia, too? Maybe you are NOT a one-sided blogger, like E-News or Earn my Vote!

Here's my humble prediction:

Joe Ochoa will run for reelection.

Richard Garcia will challenge him.

The bullshit is going to start heating up pretty soon (like when the new city hall is opened WAY over budget).

By November, the good citizens of Edinburg will be fed up with the Palacios and the Peñas and the Enriquez and Espinozas and the Chavanas and the Garzas trying to carve up the city like its their family inheritance.

Right before filing time, an ANGLO will file for mayor and run on the platform that he (or she) isn't related to half the town, and remind people it doesn' take rocket science to run a city the size of Edinburg, just common sense and honesty.

First National Bank, which is controlled by Anglos, will have a cow and be forced to work behind the scenes to elect one of their own.

The Anglo will get every Anglo vote there is in Edinburg and wind up in a runoff with either Joe Ochoa or Richard Garcia.

The odd-man out will cut a deal with the Anglo to endorse him/her, and presto! Edinburg will have an Anglo mayor for the first time since Ronald Case.

I'm Mexican, I'm not a coconut, and I don't care whether a politician is white, brown, black, red, or yellow, as long as they try to be as honest as they can (no one's perfect, so I never expect perfection).

And, for good measure, the Anglo will pay a third Mexican to get into the race, thus ensuring that the Mexican vote will be even more splintered, possibly giving the Anglo the race without of runoff.

Hey, if I can come up with this scenario, you think the gringos aren't thinking the same thing?

I know quite a few Anglos (men and women) in Edinburg that could fit this bill quite nicely, AND they would have the qualifications to be mayor! So, fellow Raza, think about it before you start throwing mud at one another. The White Man is watching!

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop trying to throw a wrinkle David Diaz. We know that's you! And we also know it's you writing for Enews. Give it up, it's over. You're a loser!

10:37 PM  
Blogger DAC said...

Well, it has been awhile, but we have taken care of a the local elections. Things are predicted to heat up for the next mayorial election.

I am a little lost on the Machiavellian logic of the Raza vs Coconut vs White man thing, but it certianly sounds like a viewpoint. The old Sun Tzu, divide and conquer combined with Orwell's Big Brother, with just a hint of Reverand Wright. I like it.

I guess I have to be a pessimist here, I don't think the saga will end anytime soon. It is going to be hard for any "third party" to get the kind of money it will take to compete in these races. Besides, many would simply rather not put their name and their family on the line. Can't say I would blame them. Who in their right mind would want to run for State Rep. after that last election.

Hmmm, I like the term bedroom community. Both the County Seat and the home of the largest University in the RGV. It does sound a little odd. Dare I forget we have the nicest baseball field, the best looking City Hall and a nice new police station. They may have cost a little more than anticipated, but nice...very nice.

12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Take a tour of the new police station. The inside is a waste of space. Hallways large enough to play roller hockey in, dead spaces, and useless "conference rooms." The jail was designed so as to create as much danger for the officers and jailers as possible.

All you have to do is look into the records window or the new municipal court side where the clerks work and see the wide open spaces.

This PD is already outgrown and thanks to the narrow vision of cheapskate politicians, the building is incapable of being built up to add a second floor. The first design plans had the infrastructure and reinforcement to support such future growth, but was cut out to go cheap.

It might look nice on the outside, but the inside is a design disaster.

1:26 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


not too sure about the "machiavellian logic of the Raza vs Coconut vs White man thing" but I can only guess at what that blogger is trying to state.

But enough about that, its back to business for the council I suppose. And heres my rant of the day:
The city needs to do something about the property the ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE was suppose to be located on. The corner of Trenton and Jackson is poorly landscaped. I know the scapegoat for the stalled project is either "it's not a city project, but a corporate project." SOLUTION: Penalize that corporation or business entity not following through on the said project. The area is quickly becoming a weedy lot, an eyesore if you will. Well if the city can't seem to finish projects these days, why dont Mr. O and his sidekick step in and borrow Mr. Eddie Saenz's FAIRY GODMOTHER, (you know the one he put on payroll when he was seeking to unseat Aaron Pena) and her majic wand. I mean that was one of their platforms to getting elected into office. "Stalled projects would get finished."

Oh and to address those comments about the interior of the new police station, well I believe the man who designed it was a buddy of Mayor Ochoa and that he the designer had a hand in stalling the project whereas then builder Claudio Velasco was trying to put out an All Points Bulletin on that designer's whereabouts during the entire lengthy ordeal. Way to go JOE! I tell you, some people fail to see the slight of hand, mr. o has got down to perfection. Well a decade in office creates such a menacing corrupted politician along with allies. When a politician spends that much time in office, they have an inclination as to where all the dead bodies have been buried and just how many skeletons in the closet some opponents have. But on a serious note, that Block long PD building isnt nice compared to Mcallen's PD. Again, when there is a construction contract, there are plenty of hands in the budget grabbing their share. Gilbert Enriquez is laughing all the way to the bank. I'll tell you why, some have speculated Snake eyes (aka Gilbert Enriquez)built a building at UTPA, and well they had some materials left over and well alot of that material has been used on our very own city hall. Doesnt our city hall look alot like a UTPA building? You bet your taxes it does. Snake eyes is cousins with Noe Garza aka Hush Hush on the council. How did he get that name you say? Well when do you ever hear about him or his going ons? Never, yet that man has had his hand in the cookie jar since he himself was the city engineer, then school board president, the v.p., etc etc. Those type of politicians or bureacrats are known as TACUACHES (possums) because when they finally get out of office they're so sweaty from all the time they were so far hidden in all the city going ons. Noe Garza, Ramon Garcia, and Joe Ochoa are guys you're gonna have to get use to if you dont like them, because they're never going away just as long as they can purchase people and their vote. It's not their looks (well because they dont have the look of a respectable servant)and its not their ethics, because they dont have any. These guys will make a buck selling holes in the ground to dead people. They're very shrewd business men that dont have a HAND in it, they HAVE A CLAW IN IT ALL without you the taxpayer knowing about it, hence Noe's name Hush Hush. Are these guys harmless? NEVER THINK THAT, they're always in it for themselves regardless of what you may think the have the reptilian complex (snakes). Be careful of their politics they're very expensive once in office. Some are now getting groomed to do the same such as: JD Salinas, Gus Garcia, and well you get the picture. The next generation of snakes are upon us and believe what you will, but be careful of the taxes when these guys are in office. They wrap their agendas on worthy type legislation. For example that bond issue, well they have children as the mascot for such things and well of course who wants to turn a child down? Nobody does. Its genius to give to the children, and these politicians know that in advance that you'll pay through the nose money you dont possess. JD SALINAS got a new building on canton to house many departments, the sheriff (another in the making:an errand dog of Beto Salinas and Joe Flores) got a hefty pay raise as did JD and JD will be getting a BRAND SPANKIN NEW STATE OF THE ART OFFICE on Canton in the Near Future to be located just west of the old KMART which is now a County Blding. Why couldnt they just add an office in the existing building? Because JD's ego wouldnt fit so their go figure. What does he care how much it costs, its taxpayer money. Oh and his campaign along with the sheriffs is financed through none other than Joe Flores and Beto Salinas, so where does that leave their allegiance? You guessed it. At the end of all this ranting because it really hurts at the end of the year when I gotta pay 4,500 in property taxes, I think well does the county really need all this? Or Does this sheriff really need all the 100 plus SUVs Mr. Flores and the commissioners gave him? Can you say: PALANCHA COMPADRE ESTILO MEXICANO! Congrats guys, you surely went into the right field of work, swindling people out of millions legally. Thats what the term FULL TIME PUBLIC SERVANT MEANS TODAY! MORE TIME TO TAKE YOUR TAX DOLLAR.

5:52 PM  
Blogger DAC said...

Perhaps sarcasm is not the best approach on this blog. The crack about the stadium, police station, and the city hall were about the fact they all finished late (the police station/municipal court is still not finished) and city hall likewise will be dedicated before the workers move out. PS they all have the same builder in the end.

Come on between the lines. Guess it is my fault, when you have to explain a joke it must not be very well told.

Anyway, I do have some input on the County Judge offices. The relocation has a lot to do with the moving of offices within the Courthouse to expand the Courts (there are several courts both new and not so new, with temporary offices and even roving offices) and even some of those with permanent offices are temporarily courts due to some falling apart of the building. There are new courts that will not have space in January when they take office or they will displace some that are present. For that reason the County is trying to make room at the building were the County Commissioners are housed for some of the District Attorney Offices now at the Courthouse and avoid building a new Courthouse. One of the problems is building a new Courthouse would cost the County way too much, even if it is needed. Also it would need to be built on the same property due to certain property title restrictions.

As for the new nickname thing, interesting, but hopefully it is not heading as dark as certain blogs out of Cameron County.

4:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

DAC had some good points, and sure sounds like he or she is an inside player, especially with the insight on the county courthouse.

The anonymous posting on the alleged shortcomings at the police department also was quite informative. I have not read anything about those issues anywhere.

I gotta hand it to you, Political Ring. The "sources" that contribute to your website are pretty good (present company excluded – I am but a humble citizen).

What gives with your dig at Noe Garza and his voting patterns? We have read the junk about the other city councilmembers on various and sundry other blogs, but you sure came out of left field on that one.

Word is that Lonnie Guerrero is looking at running against Noe next May, when Noe, Gus Garcia and Joe Ochoa are up. But one of Lonnie's uncles is a big time supporter of Noe. Will blood be thicker than water? Or is it a play by Noe, who is no spring chicken at about 70 years of age, to cut the last of his deals (all legal, of course), then not file for reelection at the last minute, so Lonnie can get in unopposed. Everyone will be so focused on the war between Joe Ochoa and Richard Garcia, and Gus Garcia and whoever takes him on, that Noe can still have a vote on the city council, it will just be someone he trusts.

I still say an Anglo is going to get into the mayoral race. It's a no-brainer. Say what you want about our fair-skinned brethren in the All American City, but down here, where they are truly a racial minority, everyone of them old enough and who is breathing, votes! Not us.

How's that Cheech and Chong song go?

Mexican Americans, we love an education, go to night school, take Spanish, and get at B....

We will have to wait and see, Kemosabe!

10:59 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


Well if I had to make some predictions at this point in regards to our up coming city elections where:
Joe Ochoa seeks re-election v Richard Garcia
Noe Garza & Gus Garcia seek re-election v possible opponents. I would first have to state the obvious and that is it is too premature to predict winners in these 3 races. But we can speculate the following:

Joe Ochoa v Richard Garcia
Well this race is no longer about serving the people or the city’s benefit. It’s become a blatant grudge match that has divided the voters in this city. So my prediction is to get rid of these two and start with a fresh new direction. A female seasoned administrator with a proven track record that can unite the council in one direction and that is to help this city’s economy. I mean both Richard and Ochoa have their people, but some of their circles can careless to have them in office, but refuse to state this publicly for fear of political reprisal. In the end you cant control the people’s decision in the voting booth regardless of what the campaign outside yells at you. I wouldn’t vote for either one. Too much grudge nothing gets done because they can’t play well with others. “It’s my way or nothing,” They have to load the council in their favor and it doesn’t suit the city’s interest. Pharr suffers such political problems at this point, just pick up the paper and read about it. Not a pretty sight for the faint of heart. Thick skin needed for that type of political maneuvering, years in office get some candidates that callous.

Which brings me to Mr. Noe Garza,
Now about him retiring due to being old, HA! Those in power only seek to get more power and not to mention money. So if you have any questions about the age factor, need I say to take a gander at the ECISD Schoolboard. Geriatrics have every right to seek office just as the toddlers now learning to walk and seek office. SARCASM!! I seriously doubt the elders are just going to seek greener pastors and retire due to age, so no I don’t see that happening. NOW if you state that Noe may not have the popularity he once had, then yes I would agree, but with the SLATE being used these days, who needs popularity? It’s all about SAM’s packaged deals. Yes the store SAMS and their buying in BULK or shall I say packaged deals, it’s always more than what you care to buy, but you get it anyway. Well the same can be said for some of these political duos.

Which points out the obvious in my last candidate Gus Garcia,
Political duo? Well as for this young political novice trying to make a name for himself, shedding the shadow of ochoa will be hard to come by. Many in political circles have been angered by his prod-like questions during council meetings, but I have no problem with his style. But you live by the slate, you die by the slate! His political future aspirations largely depend on ochoa’s fate in the upcoming elections. My advise to Gus, cut from ochoa partner with Guerrero and an elder female seasoned administrative type candidate and get a new chance to make it an election about the people and the city’s future economy. Lonnie Guerrero can take out Noe Garza, the female Mayoral candidate will unite the council and eliminate the grudge match spilling into the council as well as the city. Gus will then have a chance to create REAL CHANGE if he wants. Of course the aforementioned is just speculative. 2 home grown kids seeking to better their city has a nice ring to it. And a woman cleaning up the political mess in city hall has a nice ring to it as well too.

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

I must say, you have quite a bit of insight into the relationships and alliances of the Edinburg City Council. Your "expertise" is starting to get a lot of other people logging on to your blog, which is a credit to your writings. What I like is, although sometimes you tend to ramble (don't we all!), you put out some tremendous nuggets of knowledge.

I am curious, though. You link Gilbert Enriquez to Noe Garza, calling them cousins. Are they really related, and to what degree? Because if they are 1st cousins, then wouldn't Noe be guilty of nepotism every time he votes on any city contracts with Enriquez Enterprises (and there have been more than a dozen contracts and change orders that I know of)?

If they are not cousins, then you owe your growing legion of readers an explanation. Perhaps you used the term "cousins" not in a literal sense, but figurately, suggesting their relationship is close, like a family, but not really by bloodlines.

What do you say, Political Ring?

It's okay to make a mistake (we all do), but if you made no error, then you have released information that could not only shake up the city council in Edinburg months before any election, but actually put into motion a possible civil or criminal inquiry.

Finally, where do you get all your insight? Can you give us some clues, without identifying yourself?

As for a woman running for city council next May, why not Alma Garza? She and her family pretty much laid claim to their own political power base (although Johnny Rodriguez ran a very lame campaign against her), and I think Gene Espinoza owes his reelection to her, because he rode on her political coat tails as part of a slate featuring her.

I look forward to your replies.

Keep up the good work.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Regarding my previous posting about Alma Garza, I meant to say why doesn't she run for mayor next May. Obviously, she is already on the city council with her recent election victory.

See what I mean – we all make mistakes in our writings!

8:57 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


First of all, I’m not here as an investigative journalist, just care to see some much needed change in my community.

2nd As far as Nepotism, I think you have to do some research as to what exactly the City Constitution considers nepotism, because we here in Edinburg are all pretty much within 3 to 4 degrees of being related by blood, baptism, or marriage.

3rd Noe and Gilbert are related through marriage not by blood, so call off the hounds, Ken Starr and the Congressional hearings for now, there will be no witch hunt or impeachment. If you don’t believe me, do a genealogy search and discover who in fact are related. Look that was blunt sarcasm, but just remember Obama is cousins with Brad Pitt, so you see although it may seem far-fetched doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not true. Just ask Mr. Garza or Enriquez if they are related by marriage. Lets just say I don’t owe nobody an apology on this one.

4th Where do I get my insights? C’mon as a lifelong resident of this town, not much secrecy goes undetected. Our politicians have grown bold and care less about making any secrets as to what their agendas are nowadays. Just look at our last elections, the slates keep getting longer. We’re not evolving politically I can tell you that. Our Politics is starting to resemble that system of Pharr’s.

5th When I mentioned a woman, a seasoned administrator with roots in this city, I was thinking along the lines of a Blandina Cardenas UTPA President Type. One who can unite the council and rid our city of the constant mudslinging grudge match between well do I really need to go into specifics at this point? Grudge matches aren’t good for our community’s growth rather they darken every possible ray of hope. Regardless of who wins the next mayoral election, its gonna be the same pointing fingers, over budget projects, stalled projects, who’s not doing what and who’s not getting along with who on the council. GRIDLOCK among so few can reap havoc among a community.

9:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Fair enough. So how are Noe Garza and Gilbert Enriquez related by marriage?

As far as you being an investigate journalist, you are better than a bunch of so-called reporters out there. But, you are even more important than a reporter. You are what is known in the newz bizness as a "reliable source."

Don't write off Alma Garza running for mayor. She impressed a lot of people, both friends and opponents, with her impressive reelection bid.

There are also many very qualified and distinguished women out in Edinburg as well who could make a run for the top office.

Let us know what other political family secrets you know. Don't be such a tease; let it all hang out!

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PR is a nobody wannabee insighter. Actually, more like a poser. Instead of ranting about things like a scary cat behind your computer, attend a city meeting and air out your issues where people can actually do something about it. PR sounds more like that other poser of an investigative journalist David Diaz.

8:24 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

Well I see the Ochoa sympathizers have made their way on to this blog with pitch forks in hand! Lovely fan mail to say the least, but I believe the word you're leading to is "Insider" brute. And yes, have attended many meetings and most are just a stage choreographed within the same political circles as are those campaign debates at the various public forums. Each candidate attends with their handful of supporters to cheer for every word and rant against the opposition, Wohooo! What a sight! Tell me what does that do for the community? The meat and potatoes of any city problem is usually discussed in executive session anyway, so whats you're rant about? I'll tell you what it is, it's your pro-ochoa blind loyalty oozing through this blog just to defend your mayor in the disguise of an anonymous blogger aimed at bickering with me. Bravo! keep blogging....

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Keep taking digs at Richard Garcia, Noe Garza, and Gilbert Enriquez, and pretty soon, their allies are going to start taking shots at you, too. Don't think they aren't upset about your observations that Edinburg needs to start out with fresh blood.

There are a lot of supporters of Joe Ochoa who read your postings, even if they disagree with some of them, about their candidate because they want to see the big picture about every elected official, including their favorite mayor.

As far as executive session ongoings, yes, a lot of deals are probably cut in there. But as you said, in a city this size, nothing can stay secret forever, even closed door meetings. The truth always comes out, especially when it is least expected or desired. Just look at some of the stuff you have put online, and some of the stuff that your readers provide.

May I make a suggestion to you and your many readers? Every time the city council meets, it is put on the local channel 12 and run repeatedly. Also, the agenda is posted on the city's website the weekend before the meeting.

Pick the agenda item you think looks most suspicious, then view the videotape of the meeting. Tell us why you think that item is controversial, and invite your readers to offer comments. That way, you can help educate the public about at least one major city council action per meeting, and help promote a more informated citizenry.

What do you say, PR? Next meeting comes up on Tuesday night!

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

something tells me you serve on the council.

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey PR, I'm no Ochoa or Garcia backer and I still say you're full of shit. You're supposed "inside information" is way off. Mejor cuentame una de vaqueros.

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Si te cuenta una de vaqueros P.R. seras un maricon. oyes pero hoy en estos dias se vale de todo, disfrutala amigo y que te la pases hechando quentos en la cama con tu vaquero. Pero no se vale siendo un pendejo sin razon, escucha la verdad y no te hagas babozo. Pela me la verga si no te parese, oh mejor ve chinga tu madre callejera. Aqui no se permite maricones con vaqueros puto.

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke. Edinburg News calls on our rep. with a demand. Ha. Hey E-News call on your loser daddy Saenz and demand he stop drinking or take his hands out of our pockets.

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what idiot told Saenz to run anyway. Ochoa has gone downhill ever since that ego maniac decided to run for rep.

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree E.S. is dead history but he was the only guy with enough money to give us a chance to win against a popular elected representative.

4:41 PM  

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