Eddie "Humpty Dumpty" Saenz Had a GREAT FALL AGAIN! Enough humiliation for this guy, can we not see him run ever again? This guy had professionals, all the kings horsemen, all the kings muscle, some blog smut hate campaign trying to crucify just about anyone opposing them. AND AND AND, he tried DIRTY SLEEZY POLITICS with your average blue collar working class law enforcement officer in Mission. I would like to take this time in RECOGNIZING THAT THIS HUMPTY DUMPTY PUSHER HAD THE UTMOST PLEASURE IN KNOWING THAT THOSE KIND OF POLITICAL BULLYING AINT GOING TO HAPPEN HERE. MAN UP TO YOUR FAULTS and leave those doing their jobs do their jobs. I POSED A CHALLENGE TO ENEWS SOME MONTHS BACK ABOUT IF PENA WON ENEWS WOULD CEASE TO EXIST AND IF SAENZ WON THE POLITICAL RING WOULD SHUT UP. WELL WE AINT GOING NOWHERES AY!! The Eddie Saenz and Joe Ochoa duo thought they could fool the people again, but they caught ya trying to pull a fast one. WAY TO GO PEOPLE OF DISTRICT 40!!! JUST WAIT THEY AINT DONE, HERE COMES A FEW CANDIDATES THEY'RE GONNA TRY TO SHOVE DOWN YOUR THROWTS IN THE CITY ELECTIONS...
PR, I look forward to your continued blogging. Thankfully, we can now move on to (drumroll, please) the issues. Bring out your concerns. We know people are reading your blog.
It is definitely a victory by the numbers, but politically speaking Pena appears more vulnerable now then when he whipped Saenz back in 2004. If Pena had a serious opponent, one that didn't have the baggage of Saenz or that actually showed up to campaign events and debates, Pena would have lost last night. It's a victory nonetheless, but the slim margin tells me that Pena needs to be more in touch with his district to avoid a challenge in the future.
Ricky you truly need GOD in your life not Joe or Eddie.
The only reason Saenz kept it close was because he was paying big bucks for votes. There were people being paid to drive vans and pick up people. On the street, it was $15 a head and not to mention all the shennanigans at the elections office whose administrator is Saenz first cousin. Saenz threw everything on the line and he STILL came out short. I'll tell you one thing, it had nothing to do with Pena not doing his job. It was all the illegal behind the scenes activity that kept it close.
Well if there were illegal activities that took place, why don't you call the secretary of state and complain? I think you're just sour that Pena barely won his reelection.
a win is a win dummy
Hey 9:26, there's already a full investigation into TN. Stay tuned everybody!
sit and spin eddie and enews
"Anonymous said...
Hey 9:26, there's already a full investigation into TN. Stay tuned everybody!
12:44 PM"
Why are people so IGNORANT THESE DAYS? 12:44 CLAIMS there's already A "FULL INVESTIGATION" as oppose to what? Like
a half investigation
a part time investigation
a temporary investigation
a mas o menos investigation
a guessing game
WHAT REALLY DOES THAT STUPID COMMENT MEAN "FULL INVESTIGATION" every time some sore losing politician or politician wannabee loses they cry foul play. BOO FREAKIN HOOO, you lost DEAL WITH IT AND MOVE ON to your scamming the taxpayer, because We all know the CHEAPEST BID gets the CONTRACT then the CHANGED ORDERS NAILS THE TAXPAYER IN THE well you get the picture. GAME OVER, wrap it up enews, you lost, your sugar daddy lost too, bye bye you all take it easy now ok. Well taking it easy comes natural for blog junkies trying to hate on everyone in town. Oh well on to the next opponent i guess, who's next?
enews=lost political race
saenz=lost political race
jeez! never knew they had that much in common. Oh well, birds of a feather flock together.
Hey, PR before you open your mouth wide open (para que se te metan las moscas compadre) and start attacking at statements, what was meant by 'full investigation' was that therei is an investigation about his first cousin Teresa Navarro. Not about the election that just happened.
" Anonymous said...
Hey, PR before you open your mouth wide open (para que se te metan las moscas compadre) and start attacking at statements, what was meant by 'full investigation' was that therei is an investigation about his first cousin Teresa Navarro. Not about the election that just happened.
9:37 AM"
Hey Teresa Navarro has been at the elections dept. for quite some time, and Eddie Saenz had already ran in the past. WOOOHOOO very good it did him then huh!!! You're an idiot for even speculating that, Just because they are cousins, she's gonna give him preferential treatment, because if thats the case then why didnt he win either of the times he ran? I DONT THINK YOU HAVE THE ANSWER TO THAT, but yet you just say that a FULL INVESTIGATION is underway, because some compadre perdido barrato politiquero primo told you. My guess or shall I say prediction, NOT A DAMN THING IS GONA BECOME OF THIS SO CALLED FULL INVESTIGATION, as if there are any other types of INVESTIGATIONS. WHAT a moron, FULL INVESTIGATION? I just cant get over how some people have nothing better to do than to go onto someone's blog and try to talk down to them via blogging some tex mex insult. WOW! Way to try to clear your stupid comment, Like I've said in the past, "you cant put a price on stupidity!"
And about the MOSCAS, I hear they enjoy the smell of shit. So i guess they're all over your mouth. Next time you wanna spew some lame comments or accusations of people in public office why dont you site the source you so called heard or read about it. Because other than that, then you're blogging is just some lame comadre chisme and do us all a favor and go blog with yourself somewhere else with your flies.
Hey Political ringer, this is the investigation being referred to. So you can now untangle your panties around your legs and take that "riata" out of your mouth with this source being cited. Quierias mas culero, here it is....haste garas. And before you start smuttering away about how this has nothing to do with the election. You're right, it doesn't and I never said it did. All I said in my initial comment was that there was a full investigation going on at the elections office, that's it. So spin it how you want, here's my source pendejo.
Hidalgo County elections office under criminal investigation
Sean Gaffney
February 5, 2008 - 7:25PM
EDINBURG — The Hidalgo County Elections Administration Office is under a criminal investigation, in connection with possible fraud and funds misappropriations, Sheriff Lupe Treviño said on Tuesday.
The investigation does not involve candidates or their fundraising activities, but is related to the misuse of funds by employees in the elections office, Treviño said.
Sheriff’s investigators are also seeking information from at least one private corporation. No one in particular has been named as a person of interest in the investigation.
“We had concerns brought to us from the auditor’s office that possibly funds were being misappropriated at the elections administrations office,” Treviño said. “The one thing I can tell you for sure, is that we have not determined a target as of yet.”
Investigators were tight-lipped and provided few details Tuesday. They are seeking a grand jury subpoena for financial documents from at least one private corporation and are also combing through documents from the elections office.
“We are in the extremely early stages of the investigation,” Treviño said. “I’m in no rush here. I’m running no race. We will leave no stone turned.”
After the elections office’s financial documents are reviewed, the sheriff expects to have a better idea of who in the office may have committed any wrongdoing and then turn over information to the prosecutor’s office to determine if any criminal charges will be filed.
Elections Administrator Teresa Navarro did not return repeated phone calls for comment on Tuesday.
" Anonymous said...
Hey Political ringer, this is the investigation being referred to. So you can now untangle your panties around your legs and take that "riata" out of your mouth with this source being cited. Quierias mas culero, here it is....haste garas. And before you start smuttering away about how this has nothing to do with the election. You're right, it doesn't and I never said it did. All I said in my initial comment was that there was a full investigation going on at the elections office, that's it. So spin it how you want, here's my source pendejo."
Stop being presumptious ojete. Nobody said anything about anybody being charged yet pendejo. All that was said was that there was an investigation at the elections office. You didn't believe there was an investigation so it was cited for you menso. No entiendes o te haces idiota. Quizas no te gusto que to conteste baboso porque no era chisme, era la verdad. Haste garas, querias mas.
HA! we'll see what happens to your FULL INVESTIGATION MORON!
That illustration was published Feb.5, why didnt you post that pre-election time you IDIOT? But being that maybe your candidate didnt win, you post it post election via TOWN CHISME CHEERLEADER.
How's that old saying go?
Better two fools than one.
Mr/Mrs. Political Ring, whenever I venture into the anonymous blogs on the local internet scene, I always like to visit yours. Not because I always agree with you, but because your comments are well-written and thought-provoking. And, some your stuff is downright funny.
But I glanced at the battle going on between you and another anonymous writer about Eddie Saenz and Teresa Navarro and J.D. Salinas and the connections there. Very interesting. But do you have to go ballistic with curse words to get your point out, just because someone else is posting expletives against you?
Now, Mr./Mrs. Political Ring, don't go down that slippery slope. Just get your points out, defend your position, and don't degenerate into gutter language. That shows no class, and is not consistent with the goal of your posting, which I presume is to educate and enlighten Edinburg and Hidalgo County voters.
I mean, why are you going getting all huffy, anyway? It's not like you are getting insulted in public (none of us know who you are), so why act like you have to defend your name?
The Humpty Dumpty analogy was pretty clever. That's the hard part of writing. Talking s--t? Well, any a-----e can pull that off. Keep your blog on the up-and-up. And don't favor one side over another. Expose all sides when they screw up. After all, isn't that why you created this endeavor in the first place?
4:03 PM,
You're absolutely right, but I guess it's the competitive edge in me that doesn't allow me to fold at the knee when some try to belittle such a WIN, and In my opinion felt that Anonymous blogger was trying to cast a dark cloud over Aaron Pena's win, now was that attack fueled by some enews crony? Dont know, but decided to get on the defensive. Right about the Anonymous deal, but it's just that person should of declared such news break prior to the election, as opposed to post-election. It's the usual, "You beat me, but an investigation is under way over the way you won." which was clearly just a statement given it was posted prior to an election, but being that this anonymous blogger decided to post it after the election, makes the election look flawed. And that was just not the case, but people are free to say what they will and people are free to think what they want, and in any case its usually circumstances like that, that have people questioning the winning candidates' victory at the polls.
IT WAS MY CLEAR DISGUST AT HOW SOMEONE WOULD TRY TO SMEAR A WIN. And you're right about it getting under my skin. But the win is valid, Pena got re-elected and I still feel Saenz's down fall was trying to Bully the BLUE COLLAR WORKER ie. police officer who arrested him for DWI. AND THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE FOR ANY CANDIDATE and if the ROLES WERE REVERSED I WOULD SAID THE SAME ABOUT PENA. WE HERE AT THE POLITICAL RING WILL STAND FOR THE PEOPLE RATHER THAN SOME CAMPAIGN OR YES MEN as enews has proven to be. Appreciate your advice, valid points well proven.
Alright PR, after this I'll call it peace but would you stop putting words in my mouth? When did i say that the investigation had anything to do with the election. You took that way out of context. This is what was posted at 12:44pm:
"Hey 9:26, there's already a full investigation into TN. Stay tuned everybody!"
This was referring to an actual investigation underway but if you notice, nothing was mentioned about the election.
Btw, I fully support Aaron Pena, so there was no dark cloud being portrayed whatsoever. Stop being so paranoid and presumptious. Get over yourself and if you're going to have a blog, it is for anyone and I MEAN anyone to post freely unless you want to control commentary like Enews.
I will continue to post as I wish and if I see you get out of line again, I'll be calling you out on it again. If you don't like it, then get rid of your blog. if you decide to keep your blog, then deal with it.
il mondo è pieno delle valutazioni
"the world is full of appraisals" dude what kind of comment is that. Yes I know italian and I think you meant to say that the world is full of critics. Not bad for a young'un, eh dude? BTW, you're so damn bitter. Take a chill pill and relax homie.
"This World is Full of Critics" was the phrase, I guess your online translator didn't translate it well enough to inform you the correct phrase. And about being a Homie and taking some pills, yeah ok whatever.
Bitter is hardly the word, try defining SYNICAL, and yeah age and experience will to that to you green horn, It comes along with the gray hair.
And its phrases like "take a chill pill" and words like "homie" that continue to STUPIDIFY the Youth and then we wonder why the wording on STATE EXAMS (ie TAKS)plague our children. Here's a thought, why dont we just continue to LOWER the BAR of ACADEMIC EXPECTATION and HAVE THEM LISTEN TO SOME MORE HIP HOP AND RAP, ok homie? Keep taking them Chill pills like tic tacs bro. nevermind the sinics.
You're an angry elf, Grumpy
Well, this has been interesting reading. I think it is just what blogs are about. Shouting thoughts. I guess we all get steamed about something we have heard, read or seen. Sometimes its the only place we are permited or permit ourselves to shout.
Thanks PR for a place to do it on local issues, we are really short on them. But, you are an "angry elf", though I don't know about the "eyehole" or some of the other terms used.
Frankly, I had hoped for a larger win for Mr. Pena, because the breadth of the win only supports those that would use the negative campaign tactics, but then again sometimes logic does matter, ask Walo.
Just like Elvis, the Beatles and even Disco did not destroy the youth, I don't see hip hop to be the blame for plight of education.
All that matters for those of you that follow Edinburg politics is that Pena took over 60% of the vote in Edinburg alone which is of paramount interest in the upcoming city elections.
6:35 AM,
You are absolutely right! 60% shouts an interesting edge in a city election, it'll be interesting to see who Mr. Pena supports in the city of Edinburg's elections, thats if he gets involved or chooses to support any one candidate. Saenz and company have had no such luck in Edinburg as of late. I think the sitting commissioners will pull through in the coming election. This Johnny Rodriguez or Leonel Guerrero pose no real threat, they do however pose as someone's yes men. But we'll just have to wait and see.
Things not looking too good for the democratic party. Outlandish remarks and sermons from Obama's pastor are plaguing Obama of course and well just about anything Hillary is saying nowa days is plaguing her. It seems evident the press is having a field day with Hillary's campaign, but tends to ignore any negative news on the Obama campaign. Too one sided on the press side if you ask me. All I do know is that the Economy is doing bad, the dollar is doing worse, the housing market is collapsing more and more daily, and the only guys making real money are big oil. Hmmm!
Hey PR, what's your take on the upcoming city election?
"Anonymous said...
Hey PR, what's your take on the upcoming city election?
7:34 PM"
I feel that in order to keep this Beautiful City I call home, Edinburg progressing and having its elected officials on the right path a few things have to be implemented.
We must re-do our city elected officials' time in office. After a while some of these candidates get complacent and just go through the motions. Theres some teachers that teach 1 year of their life and just repeat it for 10 years with no new methods, NOW before I get HATE BLOGGER to come on here in protest, NOTICE I mentioned SOME, not ALL. Could that be plaguing our School system? Could NO TERM LIMITS be plaguing our POLITICAL CORRUPTION (ie PHARR CISD to name a few) MUST WE ALWAYS RELY ON THREE LETTERS TO KEEP THINGS HONEST IN POLITICS HERE IN HIDALGO COUNTY (F.B.I.)? It seems to be the norm nowadays that so many voters are so desensitized to the notion of an elected official being either investigated or indicted. Such findings use to KILL A POLITICAL career, nowadays its just quite the opposite. Federal investigations now do for politicians what shootings and jail time did for RAPPERS (gives them street credibility) I GUESS. TERM LIMITS keeps the squeeky wheels greased and it helps implement NEW IDEAS in where the city should be directed. NOW, veteran savy career politicos will come out with a sharp tongue and make their case as to why what when where and how on things only they know and convince voters not to seek such new rules in city politics and if that doesnt work, they'll resort to buying votes and that always seems to work.
Yes, I said it, I blogged it, and now Im repeating it. Its enough with all these politicos being in bed together on any given issue or agenda, (NO NO NO NOBODY IS LITERALLY IN BED WITH ANYONE HERE, NOR AM I INSINUATING THIS IS ABOUT A SEX SCANDAL!) Its a figure of speech. Most of these elected officials live comfortably in nice areas usually near those they serve with and are oblivious as to how the other side of the tracks live or work. And the only time they walk in those areas are to pander votes. The EDINBURG POLICE patrol in quadrants properly titled A, B, C, D etc. so why shouldnt politics be done the same. A councilmember from each area? It can be done, but some of these in power that live in well to do areas, will not be comfortable with such notions and thats what separates me from other bloggers that blog for certain candidates (brown nosers), I will call a spade a spade and tell you when something is broken. And our system isnt effective. MCALLEN has single member districts! Now people will come on this blog and try to ridicule such idea by comparing populations, but before you buy into that argument lets analyze something here for a while when comparing populations between Edinburg and McAllen:
They have almost the same amount of High Schools, Hospitals, But Edinburg is larger in LAND AREA, if you dont believe me, just ask yourself why McAllen has some area north of Edinburg? Because they are LANDLOCKED and Edinburg, well hasnt even begun to excercise the Land north of the city limits. I mean we have a decrepit measly air hanger people call an airport, but we have enough land to make an airport larger than Mcallens and harlingens put together.
So thats my take
Now my predictions:
Alma Garza will retain her seat against that no-namer dude.
Gene Espinoza will have the family momentum his uncle had in his latest election against Mr. David Chavana for Justice of the Peace. And COULD RETAIN his seat against political novice Leonel Guerrero. Gene just needs to re-connect with the boys in blue, dont know if they're happy with him at this point. My advice would be for him to get the endorsement of the PD and meet with those who keep this city safe, they deserve to be heard. Fire Dept.endorsement helps too. AND ONE MORE THING, city elections are up and we know what that means: break out the pachangas, bailes, and YES the paving of CERTAIN STREETS wink wink. Mr. Espinoza we need 6th street paved and in case you're wondering what part, do I need to give directions? Well just in case, that would be the part just west of ECISD Central Office yeah the area just east of Edinburg's EYE SORE, our CHIRNOBLE, THE UTMOST LOW DEGRADING DEHUMANIZING POLLUTING, WORSE LOOKING PART OF EDINBURG yep BAROID or shall I call it HAZARD-ville. I am so worked up about this GROTESQUE piece of HAZARD RIDEN area. But that area's roads are so riddled with holes that Edinburg has forgotten about them or so it seems. Again just a heads up for Mr. Espinoza. Now if Mr. Guerrero wants to come around harping on how he can help in those areas where the current administration has failed, WELL then we might have ourselves a race. But if that doesnt happen, I see the incumbants taking it. In order to be the champ, you need to knock out the champ here in the POLITICAL RING. And Mr. Espinoza and Mrs. Garza hold the belts at this point.
It's hilarious how Enews continues to post as if they have any kind of impact on any election. Every candidate Enews supported in the primaries lost including Eddie Saenz and David Chavana. So as Enews was so fond of saying in the past, you are a loser blogger that is 0-10 with all the candidates Enews supported lost.
yes, single member districts!
I think it is a good step in helping secure less "cooperation" between the powers.
It is not about land mass, it is about avoiding or attempt to avoid the concentration of power and to allow the spread of representation.
I think Edinburg should Consolidate PUEBLITOS (ie McCook, Linn, Fayesville, Hargill) and have That area Represented accordingly. North of Edinburg is another City all on its own without Representation on the Council so to speak. Theres a great deal of land and interest North of Edinburg City Limits that arent just RURAL areas anymore. I believe the Future is in Single Member Districts and have at least Added one more Council Member in the Not so distant future. I believe some POLICE SUB STATIONS should be placed in upper North parts of Edinburg when the city limits move northward. Hidalgo County Sheriffs office patrols enough area in the county, that once Edinburg redraws its city limits further north, it will make sense to have patrols not only patrol out there but to be stationed in a sub-station there as well. East of 2812 have various Neighborhoods going up, La Blanca East of Edinburg along with San Carlos need to be Consolidated and be Known as EDINBURG as well. If our School District can do it so can the city. In order for this to occur, all that is needed is WATER SUPPLY. Cities engulf parts of land as far as their water supplies can reach along with their drainage. IF WE ARE TO EMPLOY SUCH MONSTROSITY OF CITY HALL, THEN WE MUST BECOME A MONSTROSITY OF A CITY LAND WISE. And to govern the city accordingly, we must implement single member districts. That'll be a sign that Edinburg is growing beyond the two faction political tug of war we got going today. So those that are for EDINBURG should seek better representation for ALL EDINBURG RESIDENTS not just those in power or those family members that are well connected. Those days are numbered and new people are emerging calling this city home. I remember a time being able to recognize a great deal of people at the supermarket, but today I have no such luck. Too many people and not enough familiar faces. And that is a sign of Growth. If we are to have one more High School and a few more elementary schools then who is the one responsible for the ill-advised city master plan? Do the math right and you'll see how much this City can grow within the next FEW YEARS. Those that argue against this point are those guilty of milking this city's taxpayers and government. More new patrol, fire dept., water facilities, schools, etc= more new jobs. It's a shame that our University grows at a more rapid pace than our city.
5:13 PM,
edinburg news chose eddie saenz.
The Political Ring chose Aaron Pena.
So does that make it PR 1 v en 0?
NO! That makes it the People 1 v en 0.
The Political Ring speaks, blogs, and represents the Citizens of Edinburg, NOT Political Factions. We chose the blue collar worker Mission police officer doing his job in the DWI case of Eddie Saenz and will continue to defend those like that officer, when interest, connected people, or political factions decide to try to push their weight around on the everyday people.
Hey PR,
Okay I agree with you on term limits but I completely disagree on single member districts. Have you seen how that has impacted negatively the cities of Mcallen and our county? When you have single member districts, each commissioner is fighting for money for their own district and lost in the shuffle is the good of the community overall. Look at Hidalgo County Commissioner's court. Each commissioner has its own budget that they use for their own districts and we all know what good that's done for us taxpayers. One example is that proposed loop around the county. Did you know there are four different engineers working on the same thing. All because each commissioner wanted to hire their own engineer. So which engineering design is going to be followed? What a mess! Edinburg is fine as it is. Anyone from any part of town can run at anytime. No one is restricted as would be the case in single member districts
"6:19 PM
When you have single member districts, each commissioner is fighting for money for their own district and lost in the shuffle is the good of the community overall."
Let me disect your argument and counter with MY interpretation of what you blogged.
For the 1st paragraph, Each commissioner is fighting for each district makes that commissioner accountable. Its like when the High School Marching band is playing during half time and one kid decides to go through the motions and not actually blow his horn or play their instrument, instead just BLEND IN with the others doing their part in the band. Do you see my point. GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS is like a disease, once one of these commissioners do it, they just blend in and attach their name to any success the council has, yet detach and disagree when things dont go well. SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS WILL MAKE EACH INDIVIDUAL COUNCILMEMBER ACCOUNTABLE. And if theres disparity between districts about money, well lets analyze something here and lets see how much you know about your City: Does the neighborhood of Castle Ridge and its surrounding areas need as much money as lets say La Rodriguez East of Town, that floods and is in need of some restructuring? OH WAIT A MINUTE, no AFFLUENT LIVING THERE HUH! Lets not bother with that part of town, one may think. But thats WRONG. WHY IS EAST EDINBURG NOT UP TO PAR with west Edinburg? Who's not doing their math homework on the council? Who fell asleep on the council and forgot about East Edinburg? Where's the Economic prosperity there? Does East Edinburg NEED MORE MONEY? You bet they do.
"6:19 PM
Edinburg is fine as it is. Anyone from any part of town can run at anytime. No one is restricted as would be the case in single member districts"
Well I guess you were one that thought this Town was ok with just one high school too huh? We saw how off that notion was. Its inevitable, this city will continue to grow, and all corners of the city needs proper representation. These council members need to be held accountable under the watchful eye of their constituents in their districts. McAllen doesnt seem to be hurting from such government organization. Yet you mention Hidalgo County Commissioners, they're too busy paving streets to sit well with their constituents. Sylvia Handy (FBI investigation) yet she was out there paving her districts' roads and WULLAH! she got re-elected,,,,WOW! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN....WAS IT ACCOUNTABILITY TOWARDS HER DISTRICT?
You can’t compare the county with the single member districts because the commissioners are duplicating services with their individual crews and budgets, not so with single member districts; they are fighting over the same dollars and departments. The county government (governments with fiefdoms) is a wholly different system.
Why should one geographical area dominate an election? As long as they are fighting over the same resources, it is much more democratic.
I see valid points to both arguments. The way I see it is that if a Commissioner or Mayor for that matter isn't doing their job, they will be voted out of office. It's happened before.
IMHO, the East Edinburg argument is a weak one at best. I live on the East side and anytime anyone tries to make a point about something that uses East Edinburg is because they can't find any other reason. I mean, we are the way we are not because we've been ignored but because improvements have been made to areas that are growing (i.e. Trenton, Freddy, Monte Christo). Go ask around the East side and you will hear the same thing. Ain't got a thing to do with who is in office.
8:02 AM,
East side of Edinburg
Los Lagos?
Edinburg Municipal Park?
Monte Cristo Country Club?
And no IMPROVEMENTS to the EAST SIDE DOWNTOWN AREA? ie better stores, shops, places to work. WHY NOT?
I feel just the aforementioned schools is GROWTH, dont you think? Or Does Trenton have more of a population working as do EHS and JEHS? I think NOT! Aside from STRIPES STORES, wheres the ECONOMIC GROWTH IN THE EAST SIDE?
PR, i think that person meant that there hasn't been growth on the east side which is why improvements haven't been made.
11:21 AM,
GROWTH? Right, that is why named the two highschools on the East side, usually high schools in the 5A category account for 2,000plus student body not to mention the staff employed by those 2 schools. Which brings me to the conclusion of: In order for those 2 high schools to have a population, the city must be divided accordingly to population in the district. And well since we have 2 5A schools on the East Side, Are you insinuating that those schools' populations does not signify GROWTH? Take a walk or make a phone call to the code enforcement office in Edinburg and witness how many building permits got issued in residential construction on the east side of town and see if they are proportionate to that of Commercial building permits in the same area. Then in the same building is the Planning and zoning office and ask to see what the city has in store for the next 5 years as far as growth goes commercially. Residential Growth is rampant on the East side, yet commercially still lags behind the west side. I wonder why that is? GROWTH IS GROWTH. Schools and residential growth does signify that the city is having more congestion in that area. Aside from Bealls, can you name a major department store that rivals either Mercedes or McAllen's choices? Dont worry I'll wait for that answer. We as a city havent even seen the completion of ROME on TRENTON (aka The Alamo Draft house) (warning: not a city issue, but a private company financial issue, so we've been told)but getting back to the whole GROWTH THING, if the aforementioned didnt signify GROWTH, then I dont know what will.
Are you kidding me? Just because there are two school built out here, you're saying that signifies growth for that area. Give me a break! That's the only areas the School Board was able to acquire property which by the way was with NO infrastructure. The truth is, the school has no formula as to where they build a school. Wherever they find land, they'll go for it. Por eso estamos como estamos. It has nothing to do with the East side. It just happened to be where there was land available. But you're right, there has been growth throughout the City but much of it concentrated on the southwest and northwest part of Edinburg.
OK ONE MORE TIME! In order for kids to go to JEHS or EHS, the school boundaries are drawn lets see, EAST SIDE POPULATION PROBABLY ATTENDS ON THE AFOREMENTIONED SCHOOLS RIGHT? Im not talking about the compadre deals that had the school property purchased, thats a whole other story. But chances are if you live in the vicinity of where these schools are, well then you probably attend them. SO LOOK AT OUR SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AND REALIZE WHERE THE CROP OF KIDS OF EHS AND JEHS DERIVE FROM AND THERE MY FRIEND YOU WILL SEE GROWTH...PLEASE TELL ME YOU UNDERSTAND quit with the how the school got there, worry about the population that is directed there by boundaries in our school district and city........
Okay PR, eres o te haces? You mean to tell me that only the kids living within those boundaries go to those schools? Do you know how many kids zoned for EHS go to ENHS instead and vice versa. It's all politics so because of that and the politics of where to build a school, the numbers are skewed and do not represent actual growth. You want to see growth, go to the city planning department and they'll tell you where the growth is.
9:01 PM,
I believe your confusion has been answered with my previous statement. Just read it again and again til it makes sense or sets in. Muscles take a while to build, as does the brain. Cmon, lets not let atrophie kick in. Now you're just being difficult. But hey, whatever. The Word Growth has various definitions i guess. Im just very passionate about what i describe when it comes to my hometown. This city is and has been very economically UN-BALANCED for quite some time. How many fenced communities are there on the East Side as compared to the West side? SO AGAIN, PLEASE NAME AN EDINBURG DEPARTMENT STORE OTHER THAN BEALLS ON THE EAST SIDE....We have ancient dilapidated RANCHO LOOKING nickel and dimes from the 40's still hanging on. Why do you think all those cantinas lasted as long as they did. (Beto's Lounge, Las Vegas, Max's, Dorados etc.) Yes I do know my Edinburg History and shame alike. Now what has the East Side of Edinburg EVOLVED INTO? AUTO PART STORES (a record number of about 4 within feet from each other, WOW! CALL THE PRESS and PHONE THE MAYOR TO GIVE THE KEY TO THE CITY TO THESE SO CALLED BOOMING ECONOMIC PILLARS IN OUR COMMUNITY. What a shame that Taxpayers are having to face the back door to raising taxes (and for those who dont understand what I mean, let me explain: The last administration was faced with having this city known up in Austin and on paper as PROJECT-VILLE, from all the govt.housing and runned down colonias and if this city wanted High End Eateries or Retail, this city would have to look way better on paper ie. higher property values so that this city may attract the likes of Applebees, luby's, chilis etc.) You see the truth is taxes of course were going to increase due to your property being assessed at a higher appraised value, Something like a 5% increase across the board. Which just meant in political jargon they cooked the numbers on properties just to look better on paper, but guess what its still the same property without the improvements and that my friends is POLITICAL MANEUVARING 101. They say voters get the candidates they deserve rather than the candidates they need. And well our history has not proven otherwise. East of Edinburg has been a key indicator, its like going to CUBA and seeing ol studabaker automobiles on the road. Well East University has its fair share of Grotesque Eye Sores. Now no need to name them, People can just tell. El Cine El Rey revitalized and renovated has become some what of a success in an old Downtown McAllen that is seeing its fair share of rebound as of late, yet our Citrus sits as a legal document shelter for some Edinburg Atty. What a waste. Roberts Chevrolet went out, Bert Ogden took it over and then GAVE IT to the county, but speculation has it, that the county decided to BUY it instead. NOW IT SITS THERE waiting to become some type of County parking lot or facilities. Could the city have taken over Roberts chevrolet property, sure. The Cantinas relocated from East Ediburg to North Closner, we got about 3 within feet from eachother. If it wasnt for the Historical move of the Hidalgo Co.Courthouse relocating to Edinburg or UTPA, what growth would Edinburg be Celebrating? Whats our EXCUSE? Why the lax in Economic growth. Sure the School district has grown, but has Edinburg Created Jobs in Edinburg that require a high school diploma? Unless you wanna do fries, sales counter at Advance auto parts, or store clerk, well you dont have to many options. If you have a college degree well the aforementioned sentence applies as choices as well, because if you aint related to a council member or mayor you really dont get much of a job in this town. Teaching or Beuaracrat in County Govt. is the best you can get. NOW Im in no way putting those professions down, but consider this: Some county employees have been working for 20 plus years surviving on 14,000 a year. We need MORE and I find it difficult to SETTLE for THIS CRAP OF THIS CITY IS FINE WHERE ITS AT. THE CITIZENS OF EDINBURG DESERVE MORE CHOICES in jobs, eateries, retail and entertainment. Is there a Wal-Greens East of Edinburg? HA! We have 2 on the west side within a block from each other. How bout the ever popular Wal-Mart? Ha! West Side has 2 of them, its a simple ECONOMIC UN-BALANCE. You know that its evident that you can tell what type of community we are by just seeing the businesses around us and where we as a community spend our money. Try noticing the types of businesses around our community one day and analyze what we have become as a community. What businesses do we notice most? And then notice how that is a reflection of what we have become. And people the picture aint pretty. We must EVOLVE ECONOMICALLY INTO SOMETHING BETTER!
I'm having trouble following your filibuster of a response which makes no sense. Bottom line: Edinburg has come a long way. Are we where we need to be? Not yet. There's quite a bit of work associated with helping Edinburg achieve what PR is talking about which is an economic balance.
The problem that I've seen is that you had Joe Ochoa as Mayor in the 90s doing pie in the sky projects like Supersplash, a golf course and other failed ventures that drained public tax dollars and ignored the basic needs we needed as a community such as investing in East Edinburg. Richard Garcia and company came in and decided to invest in a new city hall, police department, library and a new water plant. These were all badly needed and if they were to have been done in the 90s, we would have been that much ahead right now to work on the economic balance that PR is referring to. There's only so much public tax money available to do projects.
It's all about priorities.
East Edinburg:
Fiesta Chevrolet
Lack's Showroom
Carmike Cinema
The new mall project
Los Lagos and all the new subdivisions out there.
There's alot going on, but admittedly, it's not in the heart of East E as we know it. You know, 107 from the Courthouse to Raul Longoria. Look at the changes there though. In the past 15 years, cocaine/cantina row from the expressway to 29th has been replaced with a McDonald's, Whataburger, Subway, Burger King, and a Victor's chicken.
Every town has its "old part" of town. Fernandez Grocery is part of that "old town." Are we going to force them to spend thousands to spice up their place so that we can fell better about our city? Doing so would break them. East Edinburg has its icons like Fernandez. La Olla, Hamburger King, Falcon's, Pop in Go, Aguilar's, El Fenix, Kwik Chek, Starlite Burger, etc. Don't these small businesses desreve some credit for their logevity? Sure they are not big tickets like WAL MART or HEB, but they serve the market they're in. And I assure you there are a bunch of folks coming from the west side of town to patronize those businesses. Why? Because they are unique.
East Edinburg will not change until the people who own those places change. When the money goes away, so will they...but then what? The City government can try to ram renewal down our throat, but if the investors don't want it, they wn't buy it.
"East Edinburg:
Fiesta Chevrolet
Lack's Showroom
Carmike Cinema
The new mall project
Los Lagos and all the new subdivisions out there."
HA! You must think my horn is green partner.
Fiesta Chevrolet-Old Roberts Chev., now owned by bert ogden just relocated to a major expressway just as the memo from automakers suggested. ie. toyota, ford, saturn etc. all off major highways. better for exposure. Did edinburg move frank smith toyota too, i think not. Just an old car with a new paint job, is all.
Lacks- just relocated MORE EAST from EAST DOWNTOWN, WOOPI!
Los Lagos-are you really going to name that place? How many working class barely making ends meet really get a use off that one? Really?
new subdivisions out there: CASA LINDA HOMES, OBRA, KB HOMES- WOW! is that the best you can do, aside from MGM, most of those cookie cutters are gone now. please tell me there will be better homes coming...
One million dollars in 2004. Now a second mill in 2008 and whats Eddie got to show for it? Look up the word loser in the dictionary and find Eddie's picture.
PR. Gotta love ya. You complain about big business on the west side of town, then, when it is pointed out that big businesses have relocated to the east side, you use 3rd grade level nah-nee-nah-nah-boo-boo retorts because you have no answer. The guy spanked you and you got pissed.
Fiesta Chevrolet cannot be compared to Roberts Chevrolet. Was Roberts that big? That nice looking? There are more vehicles in stock on that lot than Roberts probably sold in 2 years. Yes PR, it's the same model car, it's just a 2007 model and it's on the east side. Lack's could have moved west or out but it didn't. Big woop it might be , but fact is, it's on the east side.
Los Lagos? Yeah Los Lagos. Without the course, that area would still be Colonia Rodriguez and the area of Cypress and Woodstone surrounded by plowed fields. Very attractive for business! Sure the course might not have been a wise investment for the city...or was it? It provided an attraction for residential developers for homes of varying price ranges, including OBRA and KB where your beloved working class who can barely make ends meet live. Yeah, they may not be able to play golf there, but because of that place they have a home to call their own, however humble, that isn't in a colonia. And yes, it's on the east side.
With all that growth, in time, the Walgreens, Wal Marts and so on will come. TO THE EAST SIDE!
" Anonymous said...
PR. Gotta love ya. You complain about big business on the west side of town, then, when it is pointed out that big businesses have relocated to the east side, you use 3rd grade level nah-nee-nah-nah-boo-boo retorts because you have no answer. The guy spanked you and you got pissed."
I complained about BIG BUSINESS ON THE WEST SIDE? WHICH ONE? Please do share with the rest of us, WHICH BIG BUSINESS ARE YOU SUGGESTING? Is it FOLEYS, MACYS, DILLARDS, or MAYBE SOME OUTLETS??? EDINBURG almost pulled something off in the Alamo Draft House, yet No cigar...PROPERTY VALUES WENT UP my friend, YET WHAT HIGH END RETAIL IS IN? Hey nevermind the complaining, if you like it when the property values go up for lets say no apparent VISIBLE VALUE in your community, shoot then why dont you just fork over your money without question in an ignorant manner. But for those of us who are having to pay a higher tax due to our higher assesed values on our properties, well at least show us something worth such a hike in property value my friend. You sit and boast about RECYCLED LAME BUSINESSES THAT HAVE MORE BELLS AND WHISTLES, BUT RATHER LETS COMPARE RETAIL to our neighbors WEST and SOUTH OF US Mission and McAllen. PF CHANGS, CRACKER BARREL, GROVE, PLANTATION, Sports Authority, BJs Brew House, Mimi's, etc. the list goes on. Yet EDINBURG has LACKS! BEALLS! and A NEW MALL THAT HAS drum roll please!!!!! JC PENNYs....WOOOO...Hey my friend don't be trying to play us citizens as fools, we know when it comes to paying a premium on a good or service, that it might be worth it and choose to accept such price, but when you try to shove some two-bit reason as to how Edinburg is progressing and why the people of Edinburg should be pleased to see such RETAIL BOOM, you are just NOT MAKING PREMIUM SENSE. OUR PROPERTY ASSESED VALUES WERE INCREASED FOR A REASON! AND SADLY I AS A LIFELONG WITNESS OF THIS CITY HAVE NOT SEEING THE REASON AS OF TODAY...Why dont you tell us instead, how our beloved city and taxpayer dollars are getting raped from a selective few's lucrative compadre deals! I will believe that, you see only a few prosper here in my city and its like an old kingdom in old Europe when only the Kings and Nobelity prospered while the peasants were allowed to live in the kingdom and pay taxes through the nose, but never really lived well. Why dont you make that your case. Because Edinburg isnt even comparing to McAllen nor Mission in just the RETAIL and RESIDENTIAL GROWTH as of late, Yet we have the TAJ MAHAL as our new city Hall that rivals McAllen's We have more high schools than Mission. Pharr even got a Best Buy, Road House, Sams and yet we're WOWing a mediocore Lacks which Pharr gots a gallery. Cmon now dont tell me you're happy with what we've got here, Trenton can be so much more, the East Side can be so much more, and the NORTH SIDE can at least have a desceant Airport. Its not like we're handing over our tax dollar to some MOB that uses it for personal gain are we? Please tell me that our higher taxes are going to better roads, better businesses, better schools, and better city services. Edinburg has more land than McAllen, Mission, and Pharr yet why dont we utilize it? And well since you make a claim about fiesta, lacks and los lagos, Heres a question for you: Which one of the aforementioned WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK AT? Lets say this city was to some extent operated like a corporation with its taxpayers being somewhat investors and at this point our CEO (being Mayor) should of been out of a job long ago.
Oh wait a minute he was, but he got re-hired to do what? I know of a fight that started once upon a time over TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION...This city and the people should have BETTER and I WILL NOT ACCEPT WHERE WE'RE AT, because I feel we as taxpayers pay way too much to settle for measly retail like BEALLS. While McAllen and Mission order the PORTER HOUSE STEAK we get the PEAS and CARROTS side dish yet We're PAYING STEAK PRICE FOR IT...
Hey PR, I get it, you don't like to pay any more taxes than you have to. We all feel that way but with the area growing so much, that'll increase the value of all properties. Let's not forget that the City has not increased taxes (as is the case in nearby cities) 'cuz otherwise it'd be worse. It's only normal that as a citizen we ask what is the increase attributed to. But I as a life long citizen appreciate what the City has done thus far. I don't necessarily agree with the Taj mahal but the new retail and restaurants coming in are great. Okay, so we don't have a steakhouse or a neiman marcus, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't appreciate that we basically don't need to leave our city anymore to eat or shop. You claim to struggle having to pay taxes yet all your arguments come down is wanting to shop in high end retail stores and eat at steakhouses. You sound like you have some money management problems. Look, our city has come a long way and there's still many improvements needed but I for one am not going to sit here and knock what has been done because at the end of the day no matter how you want to slice it, these recycled lame businesses you're referring to have added NEW taxbase which has offset the need for the city to raise our tax rates.
PR. You are an idiot. Sam's, The Texas Roadhouse and the Best Buy are in McAllen, not Pharr. Jackson Road is the dividing line. Know your shit, before you talk your shit.
Mistake or not, the truth is the truth. And as a lifelong resident of this city I LOVE MY CITY, BUT DONT FEEL THE SAME ABOUT THOSE FACTIONS CONTROLLING IT...THIS CITY HAS NOT AND WILL NOT SEE ALL ITS CAPABLE OF HAVING, BECAUSE THE MAJORITY OF US ARE PASSIVE AND ARE EASILY AMUSED BY THE TABLE SCRAPS FED OFF THE TABLE FROM THESE FACTIONS WE CALL IMPROVED PROGRESS. Those factions will continue to enrich themselves while those sleeping in this town continue to spend their hard earn money in McAllen, Mercedes or Mission. You see, those factions have interest and people they use to come out and cheer their agenda and will blast anyone verbally saying otherwise as I have. The NORM, QUID PRO QUO, the STATUS QUO is what its all about here. I advise all citizens who read this to look around our city do some research if you will and discover the TRUTH, its in black and white. Records will show just how, when, and why those who prosper here do so and continue to do so. TRY TO FIND A DIFFERENCE FROM 10 years ago, I bet you wont find it. Those who were in charge 10 years ago are still calling the shots today. DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK THOSE CALLING THE SHOTS WANNA SHARE WITH YOU? THEY WILL USE YOU FOR THEIR GAIN POLITICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY AND WHEN ITS ALL SAID AND DONE THEY ARE REMARKABLE IN MAKING YOU BELIEVE THAT THEY HAVE PROGRESSED FOR YOU THE CITIZEN. THAT THIS CITY HAS PROGRESS, YET WHEN I ASK FOR ANYONE TO NAME HIGH END RETAIL, NOT BECAUSE I WANT TO SHOP AND EAT STEAK, BUT BECAUSE I FEEL IF WE ARE TO BE TAXED EXCESSIVELY WHY NOT HAVE THOSE HIGH END PRODUCTS. People blog what they're made to believe not what is the truth. ie. (If my uncle is the mayor, i would come on here and use vulgarity against such blogs to try to discredit anyone's accusations that would negatively attack my uncle's doing or administration's failures, but it doesnt negate the facts?) enews does that for its customers, it spews negative blogs meant for discrediting anyone who opposes their faction. THE FACT IS THE CITY HAS NO REAL PROGRESS to MATCH WHAT IS BEING TAXED, we have a court house, university, so-called airport, and yet cant capitalize on that. In the end we have 2 factions and one bank that controls the whole damn city...GO FIGURE! PROGRESS DEPENDS ON THEM AND HOW THEIR INTEREST GETS AFFECTED BY THE SO CALLED PROGRESS, SO ITS NEVER IN THE INTEREST OF THE PEOPLE YOU SEE!!!
Hello, PR,
Back again. I see you have had some very good, hard-hitting, but well-written postings since I urged you to refrain from using profanity. Do I agree with all of them? No. At least, not yet. But I am persuaded to look at their viewpoints more carefully because of the way they were presented: opinionated, but without the rambling gutter talk that turns many people off.
A recommendation. Rather than continue to post your latest thoughts in the comments section, post an new lead entry, instead. I have a suggestion for you. Steve Taylor did an outstanding job in his latest posting (www.RioGrandeGuardian.com) where he reported how the Freedom Newspapers and their ad section, along with key news staff, allegedly used their power to make money, try (unsuccessfully) to beat incumbent county officials, and in the process, wound up libeling (allegedly) dozens of people by leaving the clear impression that they were suspected of child molestation and/or abuse.
Now, that's a topic for you to hit. Here we are, reading about local blogs ripping each other in Edinburg, when the big dogs (Brownsville Herald, Valley Morning Star, and of course, the McAllen Monitor) are the biggest hatchet-job masters in South Texas.
Freedom Newspapers are by far the biggest political tool and exploiter of the Valley as there ever were, although the Internet has pretty much forced them to abandon legitimate news reporting in favor of scandal and rumor-mongering.
The big TV news stations are pretty slanted, too.
So, let's lay off, at least for a while, the local anonymous blogs and their conflicts-of-interest, lies, and innuendo, and talk about the Big Rags and the Broadcast Bullies, and how they cover up, sell themselves to the highest bidders (advertisers and politicians), and use their positions of influence to get themselves and their families big-time government jobs and sweetheart deals.
Few ever want to talk about what a lousy press we have down here in the Magic Valley. No one holds them accountable (at least, not until the lawsuit reported in the Rio Grande Guardian). How about you put their big feet to the fire? Then those editors, reporters, and news directors will all be flocking to your website, terrified that their "chones" will be exposed!
Think about it, PR. You have the perfect platform. (But don't post anything libelous, or you will join Freedom Newspapers at the bank, taking out a huge loan from Alonzo Cantu to pay for your defense attorney!).
David Diaz are you Edinburg News?
Ringan. More advice on dealing with posters' comments.
Keep your responses brief. Whenever a commentor writes something you disagree with, counter it without rambling. It's hard to follow your logic when you do that, and you wind up sounding like a raving lunatic.
Remove the caps lock key from your computer.
For God's sake, use proper grammar and spelling. It lends credibility to your thoughts.
Happy blogging!
"For God's sake, use proper grammar and spelling. It lends credibility to your thoughts."
If you want English Classes, Enroll at UTPA or STC.
Quit trying to build this up more than what it is, its ranting online about things I for one see Wrong about the community I live in. Now whats your motive aside from playing English teacher? Relax, pick a subject and have at it. Write what you think and care less about grammar, its the point that usually hits the target, to hell with anything else. Oh and quit trying to be so pretentious, again its a blog and people rant on these thhings, its not a formal public setting, GET OVER YOURSELF.
I left you an extra "h" in thing just for shits and giggles. Break out your grading red pin and bleed the damn thing til your blue.
"People blog what they're made to believe not what is the truth."
Thanks PR for being clear about you being full of shit.
Your statement makes it seem like the city is raising their tax rate on us when in reality, it is the assessed values that have grown as a result of the new tax base added to the tax rolls. Whether it is high end, low end, middle end, there is new tax base that needs to be accounted for. Your argument (weak by the way) about there not being high end retail to account for the taxes you pay is silly. There is no direct correlation between the two. Just pay your taxes and appreciate that your garbage is picked up every week, parks are properly maintained and your family is secure at home. The new commercial retail stuff is just gravy when you consider that almost every other city in this country is not having any new commercial or new tax base added.
I doubt that you will find a city that grows in a balanced manner in any direction.
I see PR's point, which I think that is that power (and voice) can determine growth which is why he promotes the idea of single member districts.
However, I think that much of the growth has been centered in areas that have caused some questions. The westside growth in McAllen along 83 was fueled by the new beautiful convention center, which was itself the center of controversy: Othal's idea landed a lot of property value for his supporters, but in the end was an economic boon if not culinary boon for the city and because of its proximity to Mission, did not hurt that growing part of Mission either. The growth in Mission could be said to be more in the direction of McAllen, than in the direction of old Mission. Same with Pharr and same with much of the Growth in Edinburg, which was truely a seperate city 15 years ago, but now is contiguous with McAllen.
Anyway, just some thoughts.
Though I love the Caps lock, and the occasional misspelled word (kind of gives you the feeling of the passion that the writer has) I would like to hear more about the lame news reporting. Wouldn't it be great to get some hard hitting local story of bribes, scandals and power flexing. I know it won't happen, but wouldn't it be cool.
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