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Sunday, February 17, 2008


Ok we got a RECYCLED MAYOR back in office along with a new councilman to boot and the results have been well less than mediocore. WHY? Under the previous Mayor, the city was seeing New City Hall, Sub Station for the Fire Dept., Police HQ, Water Plant, City Library, and a slew of new corporate representation vis a vis strip malls here and there. NOW, we got what? The New outfit in office pranced around preaching that the previous administration stalled on projects, now well the irony of things. Corporate entities here in Edinburg are now STALLING ON PROJECTS on TRENTON RD. HA HA HA! who's getting the last laugh on that one? Are the Recycled Mayor and his boy wonder prancing around that project site yelling through there bull horn about how stalled project wont get them Re-elected? Of course not, because those projects arent related to city government or at least thats what Im told. So the truth is what we were told on these last elections were really a pile of garbage, all the hooting and hollering were nothing more than a few words baiting the citizens to get elected. I see some change in this city though, let me tell you the change I have seen since the new administration took over:

I see Mr. Ochoa's family prospering very well, his nephew which I'm sure you guys know has done rather well with his many business ventures here in this city. This city has managed to let them convert a family oriented establishment in the parking lot adjacent to a cinema theater to convert into a BAR, now how that sits with the citizens is well up to you to decide. NOW theres no law prohibiting such change, and as long as that bar has the name GRILL by the name BAR, they can declare it a family establishment right? WHATEVER, its an adult BAR SETTING with a bunch of minors running around during the weekends, now that Friday night football isnt around. Dont believe me, just drive by there Friday nights. A herd of children gathering in and around that area with heavy traffic. Wait and hope that day of a drunk driver heading out of that establishment knocking a minor pedestrian over. Hope it doesnt come to that, but The combination of an adult bar with a theater that has plenty of minors running around its parking area makes for a bad situation.

I also see Mr. Ochoa's buddies making a run back to "Lets GET RICH-AGAINS-VILLE" ala using city functions at our establishment for profits. Any city event should be held in city venues ie. Edinburg Auditorium, Fountain Park, Activity Center, etc. you get the hint here, but instead they're being held at none other than Mr. Ochoa's buddy's bar, named the Social Club. WHY? Profit my friends.

Another Mr. Ochoa BUDDY making a 2nd run for The Dist.40 State Rep, same ol tactics, same ol ensemble of people with him, and same ol sleeze campaign. Whats different you ask, well his buddy the mayor is now well mayor and maybe his buddy's campaign will rub off some luck on him too, being that the sleeze campaign happen to sidetrack voters on mr. ochoa's campaing. FOOL THEM AGAIN AGAIN AND AGAIN, till they believe you right mr. mayor. Make them old folks believe you're the second coming and take them to the voting booths yourself.

Mr. Gus Garcia, well I really dont see this young man doing much of anything for the city, but I do see him sporting a Brand New Land Rover and is helping a high school buddy get ready to make a run for office here in our very own city. YEP, thats right the Ochoa political machine is at work again, recruiting young YES MEN all over again. Like I mentioned before, we have a RECYCLED MAYOR with the same OLD TRICKS UP HIS SLEEVE ALL OVER AGAIN. Well heres the plan for the Recycled Mayor:

Getting the Veteran Councilman out of office with a brand new YES MAN: HOW you SAY? Well they've Recruited some Nerdy Guy they can trust names Lonnie Guerrero, whos name well really doesnt mean anything around town NOW, but In a few weeks its gonna be everywhere that he's the MAN and that Gene Espinoza is the Wrong man for reasons A-Z and there BLOG THUGS are gonna be trying to DESTROY MR. ESPINOZA our seasoned Veteran Councilman, whom as we have seen on this blog, will come at you and prove his point and stand firm on an array of issues. Now Im not here defending Mr. Espinoza, God knows he's done that on many occasions and we dont always agree. But I can respect that he defends his issues and opinions. But the voters will get this new YES MAN, LONNIE GUERRERO SHOVED DOWN THERE THROWTS come election time in Edinburg. NOW THATS NOT POLITICS, its a GANG TACTIC used for TERRITORIAL PREMESY.

If Mr. Ochoa and Mr. Garcia want to decieve the voters this time again, let them please tell us what they have done for our city, hence the reason i stated in the beginning what the campaign slogans were for the two. WHATS CHANGED? WHATS IMPROVED FOR THE CITY?

Mr. Gus Garcia is sporting an 85,000.00 new vehicle. THATS CHANGED

Mr. Ochoa's BUDDIES ARE BACK IN BUSINESS (social club and Eddie Saenz for dist.40).THATS CHANGED



Mr. Gus Garcia is doing well for himself, but what has he done for EDINBURG?

Mr. Ochoa is doing all he can for his buddies running for office, but what has he done for EDINBURG?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe and Gus are trying to give away (free) taxpayers property. A track of twenty ac. valued at 4.5 million. We don't need another yes man!!!!

5:51 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

well come this city election time, Joe and Gus are gonna try to ram this Lonnie Guerrero down the citizens' throwts, I PROMISE YOU THAT!

Heres are my Predictions:
The Ochoa-istas are getting
Lonnie Guerrero vs Gene Espinoza, and they are gonna trash campaign against Gene as they are doing against Aaron Pena. Sick tactics, but they nevertheless are gonna do it till they're blue in the face.


They recruited some Johnny Rodriguez to run against Alma Garza, God knows this woman is related to Half of Edinburg, but that wont stop whatevernews from blogging that this woman is guilty of just about everything from Katrina to Who shot JFK!

Seriously people ask yourself a few questions:

1. What new things has the city got going besides what was left from the previous administration?

2. What have Joe and Gus done different? They gave buddy Gilbert Enriquez city contracts and let him rack up some CHANGED WORK ORDERS wink wink chaching chaching!

3. WHAT NOW? Anything else NEW?

The Strip Malls, New Library, New City Hall, New PD station, New Water plants etc are all the doings of the former Mayor.

As Janet Jackson once quoted in one of her songs:

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME (US the citizens of Edinburg) LATELY MR. OCHOA and GUS?

4:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Not a thing has been by Ochoa. I saw the State of the City given recently and all the successes were from projects of the former administration.

9:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is unrelated to the discussion.

PR, I understand your disgust with the lack of substance in the political races. In a way I understand your lack of interest in blogging. I wish you would blog more frequently than you have been. I had to take your blog feed off RGV Life because of your infrequent posts.

As a blogger, you have the ability to shape the conversation by adding your own two cents. I warned you at the beginning, when you started, about taking on the underbelly of the RGV blogs. I hope you can now see that it leads nowhere other than what interests them.

I urge you not to fall into that trap. Bring up topics that interest you. Create discussions. Shape the topics that people are talking about. When you react to others, you become a slave to their mindset. There is more to the RGV than a couple of political races.

I don't know who you are, and it does not matter. I think that you have potential. I would like to invite you to be a member of You can join anonymously. I don't really care who you are. I think you can become a good influence on the community if you escape the trap of arguing with cretins.

By now, I hope you believe me that responding to these fools leads nowhere. It's the same crap over and over on any side. Don't react to news, create news.

I wish you luck.

10:45 PM  
Blogger DAC said...

PR has always been a strong critic/commentator of the Edinburg Government. It doesn't seem he is responding to other blogs. While I am often the first to disagree with him on points, his is one of my favorite blogs.

(Not to kiss your computerized butt there PR)

3:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:45 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

5:45 PM,

Yes I did see the Eddie Saenz Mug shot in the Monitor as well as the Edinburg Review. YIKES! Although some may argue that the photo is a fake due to the background being white rather than having the height measurements, i suppose. Oh well dont know how much that arguement would stick, but I did see both papers and well depending on who you're rooting for one can choose to place there loyalty with either party. I really dont see how that picture would cause Saenz to lose votes from his faction. As I dont see Pena losing votes from his faction over what whatevernews is writing about him. Not too much swing votes or independents here in our neck of the woods. Its usually the same ol voters clamed up into the same ol factions drawing lines in the sand, street, fields, pavement and anywhere there interests dont match. Most people should not only research what affects them, but be alert of the interests within there community and if that is being addressed. Think what you will about The Political Ring, we dont necessarily side with either candidates, but we will side on the side of the people and when that whole dwi thing arose and the officer doing his job was criticized for it, we went on the offensive about Saenz and have been ever since. One doesnt have to be a sinical thinker or bully to tear down people or public servants for one's own interest or gain. And that seems to be whats going on in the Dist.40 race. Whats the difference of who gets elected, they're gonna give you what they want, not what we need or want. Its an Ultimatum between Pena or Saenz, no other candidate is available to disect. So either you're with Pena who's got a record in office which his opponent can pick and choose what facts to adulterate or misinform the public about. While Saenz ride in on his white horse trying to look like the people's SAVIOR! FROM WHAT? I dont know, but Saenz tries to use the Republican tactic at times and tries to scare people into voting for him rather than pena. for example:

Pena doesnt like kids because he cut CHIPS and Saenz will bring it back! Give me a freakin break here, anyone who knows about government can tell you that if Saenz is elected, he'd have to get elected twice just to try to author some type of legislation and if he wants it heard on the floor, guess who decides if it gets heard? YEP YOU GUESSED IT, CRADDICK, but since Saenz's battle yell over the aforementioned bad guy, it seems Saenz will never get anything done, because he refuses to work with Craddick or any republicans for that matter, because he's one stubborn idiot you say? No because he tells you guys what you want to hear. Will he work with Republicans? HELL YES, if it means putting some coin in his pocket, yes and another hell yes he will. Saenz will build a bridge to the Republican side and a bridge to Nowhere if it means more coin into his pocket. You and I dont make Saenz money, Government contracts do, so if he had a choice between playing along well with those in power or walking the streets all day long with idiots agreeing with him all day because they're on payroll, who do you think he's going to do for? Cmon, you'd really have to have something seriously medically wrong with your common sense if you think otherwise.

Its a question of Interest and Interest in most parts of the world means money, capital, mullah, coin, benjamins, you get my point here.

Its never about the poor, lets get that clear right now, those poor people you see on the streets and at the polls will never see a dime of that interest or contracts Saenz will one day garner. Those poor people will get a meal, a drink, a handshake, a pat on the back, a shirt, a sign, and a "si se puede slogan sign" and see ya next election time thank you for your cooperation speech crap. No groceries, no bills paid, no health insurance, nothing.

So really, enews, Saenz, the campaign, and loyal followers can fool those undereducated, vulnerable, less to do people that make it so easy to get suckered into such campaigning that really never care to know the truth behind the campaign. But those who know, well lets just say, we see it and smell it a mile away. You're no different than any other stuffed coat hair do claiming that you have all the answers to a poor population in need of help in there household. but the sad truth is that not one politician is gonna be that aid in the immediate future, it takes time, education, and funds to accomplish that. And Pena needs less time to do the same thing Saenz would want to do in office due to his experience.

Thats Truth and no punches were pulled, i could go on some more, but it gets tiresome when it falls on deaf blind loyalty. And you diehard campaign followers really have no clue as to the bigger picture usually involving interest and money rather than peoples' needs.

10:09 PM  
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9:08 AM  

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