Don't know who was responsible for The Edinburg Not-So Amusing Parade, but the illustrated photo depicts a rather borish looking parade as seen above. I mean we had #2 council members participate and a few elementary schools, 3 cop units, 5 fire trucks and a few ambulances whaling and deafening sirens. Oh and they happend to bunch up the high school bands together for kicks, I guess. I thought the whole thing was a last minute patch of "JUST PUT WHATEVER TOGETHER" kinda deal." I feel that our community could do much better. What is the city doing to better the entertainment in our parades? It seems that the Parade is predominantly The School District personnel and students. Wheres the business sponsors? Wheres the City personnel? Wheres ALL the Elected Officials?
It's a Chamber of Commerce event, not the City's. Blame them.
I was thinking the same thing. My family was pretty disappointed. I remember the big posadas we used to have at the square and the whole town was out there. If the Chamber people are in charge, they sure need to be replaced to lighten up things.
9:19 AM
A Chamber of COMMERCE EVENT huh? The Sarcasm sandwich had the sarcasm-whip laid on pretty thick, hence the reason Ring Master mentioned the LACK of BUSINESS SPONSORSHIPS. The City needs to aid in the event after all it shuts down major roads to have the event, might as well do it some justice.
An enews float? Never! that blog lays out more garbage than our city's waste department. And that whole POWER RANGERS, well ochoa once had something similar to that back prior to his loss to Richard Garcia.
Heres the skinny on our Power Rangers vs the world here in our hometown:
Its called turf wars, ochoa ponies up some young not so bright spirited political novices to spank into shape and learn the word of his gospel to the last word then lights a fire under his peeps to first embrace the who-ever will do and then to support them. And the political ticket is formed with the brand name- being Ochoa. The other side has there brand name as well and they recruit stuffed coats and yes men all the time. Look at our Sheriff, County Judge, etc. These are so-called FULL TIME ELECTED OFFICIALS, WOOOOOOO! that simply just means, that they have a full time schedule, but doesnt mean they actually work all day, they strip the system down to the bare bone and pass the buck up to there bosses like good little workers. Its a crap shot, some win and others crap out when they lose there term. When the powers that be get tired of these yes men, they replace them with other wide eyed spirited stuff coats that bend over when told to do so. Takes the fun out of politics. But then again, Hidalgo County is one circus show politically. Well at least thats the reputation in Texas' major cities. All these so called full time elected officials are scary when it comes to taxes, one eyed willie couldnt read a lick, but just so happens to be a county commissioner, so it must be nice even though you're the black sheep of the family, they still happen to put you in office. What a joke. The Sheriff is also one big joke, I mean how much money does this guy need? He's forever having fundraisers and hasnt seen an opponent once since he got elected. Im sure the deputies that serve his office are sure tired of having to pay for the famous $100 tickets themselves cuz no one cares to go to that crappy event anyway.ITS A SHAKE DOWN, and no the DA wont come down on him at all, thats his little puppet. And this sheriff wont even go after drug dealers, name one drug dealer this sheriff has brought down? But yet he goes after those in office for his political buddies. Kinda has in interest in having some of these elected officials get busted, so that his people get into those offices. A big shakedown, these sort of things are what plague our county, but Brig Marmolejo went down, so its just a matter of time before this sheriff gets too greedy and gets the attention of some acronyms. Its only a matter of time. The word at the sheriffs office is that many in the ranks are hoping someone busts up the joint soon.
Think of it Eddie pass out: Get out of Jail Free Cards for DWI's. What a great idea for the holidays! Maybe a training video on how to refuse a breathalyzer.
What kind of credibility would the the people of Edinburg have if they where to elect a candidate such as Eddie Saenz. The state will continue to look at the Valley as a place were hoodlums run local government. Aaron has done an excellent job.
11:16 AM,
Theres many spins one can put on this issue Eddie Saenz is faced with. Lets go over a few here, If it were me Managing damage control on a candidate's Image:
1. Throw yourself on the sword and admit to the people whole heartedly and claim you aint perfect and leave no room for others to bash you. Admit admit admit all of it was your fault and by election day, people will have noticed that you stood by your mistake and accepted any and all reprucusions. Once you admit to wrong, people have about a 15 minute time span for that kinda stuff. Does anyone remember that lady that put the finger on Bill Clinton and Lewinsky? Didnt think so.
2. Playing politics and accuse the opponent of using Municipal resources or political connections to discredit you as an opponent.
3. Criticizing a cop for doing his job, is not the way to go. But you can accuse a cop of misrepresenting your actions when denying a breathalyzer. Like was the cop Stigmatize certified? or Did the cop notify his C.O. prior to making the arrest. I guarantee you that officer did his job right and called it in and they left the decision at his discretion. All the political guys in the PD work the 8-5 gigs. That is why the day after is when the damage control began. When the brass came to work, is when all the retracing footsteps began.
4. Those voting for Eddie Saenz can care less of a DWI or Charges of one. If this is his first offense, NO PROBLEM, they'll give him a break some how, plus his attorney is connected in Mission. Thats the Same attorney that defended omar guerrero in his Aunt's Court Room, wow go figure that one out.
Conclusion: The factions are already pumping there fists against one another and their minds are already made up as to who they are going to vote for. Those factions are already labeled with campaign stickers, banners, or signs, so this DWI is really a watered down ISSUE. BUT! The fact that Mr. Saenz would go out of his way to vengefully accuse a blue collar worker of wrongfully doing his job is yet to be seen by the those that are riding the fences in this race.
My Prediction: To be the CHAMP, you gotta KNOCK OUT THE CHAMP! And if this bout goes to the judges or scoring cards, Pena gots the odds in his favor. Now that is just simply Political Science 101, You gotta knock off the incumbant in order to establish supremacy. And this DWI is going to be nagging at Eddie's feet. He should of fell on the sword from the get go and begun to live with the consequences and play catch up in this race. but hey , i guess he's got some mighty bright kids over in his camp. cough cough enews cough cough!
“E-News has learned that the city of Edinburg paid $25,000 for the right of way. On the Owassa rd to nowhere. Because the city paid the $25,000 the state was able to pump in $250,000 in improvements.
Now, who is the one benefiting from all this? It was Gene's employer Rio Grande Steel. The paved road was improved only in front of Rio Grande Steel. I'm sure Gene got a big huge bonus check in all of this.
Would you hire Gene Espinoza if you knew you could get over $250,000 in road improvements for your company? Of course you would! This is going to haunt him when it comes time for re election.
Did he know that the city had $25,000 in the budget at the time? Of course he did! Do you think he told the city manager, Wendy Smith Sturgis, to make sure to put $25,000 aside? Of course he did!
We will never and I mean never forget!”
I invite everyone to check with TX DOT and the County of Hidalgo Pct.2 to find out the truth the Owassa Rd. project. This is the way that road came to pass. I already explained this to David Diaz after Tuesday’s city meeting and now you will all read it.
When TX DOT works on major roadways such as Expressway 281 they make sure the lateral roadways are safe for people trying to get on or under the new construction. In the case of Owassa Rd. TX DOT planned a 200’ improvement to and from Expressway 281 on the West and East side. In order to do this they needed 10’ of right of way on both the west and east side. Rio Grande Steel was the ONLY choice for the county to buy this right of way because on the other side were homes that were very close to Owassa Rd. already. When the county approached Rio Grande Steel for the 10’ there was a quite a bit of planning. After all for retail store to give up 10’ of parking is unheard of. We ended up giving the county 5’ and they (the county) purchased the other 5’. You see that road would have been improved Rio Grande Steel or not. (just ask TX DOT). The 25,000. that E-News is talking about is for a corner clip (a piece of property at an intersection) that IS NOT OWNED BY Rio Grande Steel. The agreement to purchase this corner clip was made years ago even before I worked for Rio Grande Steel.
For those of you that have not been out to this location, this road is not only paved in front of Rio Grande Steel, it goes all the way to I road and beyond!!!! It was also improved on the west side 200’.
For anyone wanting to see the right of way map and the documents for this project and the way it REALLY happened please leave a post or call city hall and leave your number and I will call and meet with you.
E-News, I also won’t forget!!!
Stigamtize certified? What the hell is stigmatize?
well dont know if i spelled it correctly, but that is when an officer shines light in your eyes and has you follow the point of the pen he's holding from side to side to see if your eyes are pulsing, jumpy, or twitching, something like that, im not a cop but ive seen it done on people and usually the cop performing the test has to be certified in order for him to be able to charge the driver with dwi, symantecs i guess, legal stuff. but the attorney for a dwi will ask if the officer is certified if that exam was performed. again, dont know how you spell it correctly, but the exam is quite popular in the courtroom when a dwi is being contested. google it.
This will confirm why some people call Eddie Saenz a criminal. Here and here he is shown as a member of the Edinburg Economic Development Corporation Board and was awarded considerable contracts. When he says that someone is "lining his pockets" he needs to look in the mirror.
Can anyone say FBI?
Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus.
Hey Political Ring
Looks like Aaron lied to us all. He didn't do very much in Austin. How can he lie to the people? That is so sad!
That's a dumb strategy, saying he didn't do anything. It gives Aaron an opportunity to go through the list of all he accomplished. You're bringing more attention to him, dummy.
I overheard two of Eddie Saenz' people having breakfast next to me. I could not help overhearing that they were afraid that the Pharr FBI investigation was going to take their guy out of circulation.
2:33 PM,
LIE? funny you should mention that word, lie lie lie, is all we do on a daily basis why should politicians be any different. Now am I trying to say its ok to Lie? Nope, just being honest here. Since we were kids our parents lied to us, anything from santa, tooth fairy to cookuio in the closet. So yeah that whole lie thing is a little played out already, do you got anything else to gripe about? I mean, granted you're not supporting Pena, but why say the guy is telling lies, I'm guilty of that as you are too. We all lie daily, so that maybe we dont hurt peoples feelings. Cmon how many times do you tell your insignificant other that they dont look like they're gaining weight when they are, or when was the last time you ate some lousy cooking and declared it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Married people reading this should be falling off there chair at this point knowing exactly what I mean. Cheating, Lies, pointing fingers, the blame game, the sky is falling, the world is burning, drugs, d.w.i., cleaner environment, blah blah blah already! One damn gossip column after another, who comes up with this crap? its a couple of out of work wanna be political movers and shakers that fell way too short that funnel some adulterated gossip and slap on the net via blog enews and spin the hell outta of it in order to bash anyone they don't like. This District 40 is turning out to be a popularity contest rather than political race. I mean if its on the blog on the net then IT MUST BE TRUE HUH? THESE BLOGS ARE THE BEST SOURCE OF TRUTH HUH? What a barrel of crock. Lets get these two candidates to DEBATE EACH OTHER and then we'll see who's got the goods in regards to what is really going on. enews this is a direct challenge, get your boy to commit to a debate then if he's being portrayed as the second coming on your blog. DEBATE WILL ANSWER MOST SWING VOTERS' QUESTIONS, AND FOR THOSE RIDING THE FENCES WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO HEAR BOTH CANDIDATES OUT. ITS GO TIME, TIME TO PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
IF PENA WINS, enews shuts down blog, never to be heard from again.
IF SAENZ WINS, The Political Ring will shut down blog, never to be heard from again.
RingMaster, I am getting a sinking feeling Saenz is not going to file. If the rumors coming out of Pharr have any truth to them, this race will be the least of his worries. The longer Saenz waits the more the rumors grow about possible legal troubles.
Love your blog!
First of all. You can't compare your blog to E-News. That's like comparing Nike's to Pro Wings.
Second of all. E-News has been up an running for more than three years.
Third of all. Now your saying it is ok to lie. You are a piece of work.
If you want to play hard ball. Play with something that is going to attract your opposition. Cause what you have now. Is nothing but crap!
Yeah, I heard the same thing about E Saenz not filing. That Roy guy that got indicted goes way back with Saenz, so you know what's coming.
5:50 AM,
Nike vs pro wings, so i guess your from the 80s, oh well, funny stuff there anonimo, but the truth is enews if fuming out just nothing but smoke, the best thing is for them to keep making idiots of themselves. I guarantee you that people are getting pretty tired of those jokes already.
Your right Ring Master... he is from the 80's but graduated in the 90's. Your also correct about these bloggers be politicaly dead. Your 5:50 AM is none other than Ricky Alamia Jr... another prostitute of Eddie Saenz.
Eddie Saenz no longer has Aaron Gonzalez running his Delta area program. The polveros won't be the same without him. Eddie will need to hire more crooks in that area in order to make up the difference.
I hope you had a nice holiday PR, but it is time to do some blogging now. I am tired of the anonymous blogs and would like to see more on your site where more people identify themselves, if only by moniker. So now that you are through returning those socks that Tia Petra bought you, lets hear your thoughts for the New Year.
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