Now you may ask yourself whats with the picture of blindfolded people in a line, well thats an easy answer you see (PUN INTENDED), that much of the politics, rhetoric, ridicule, finger pointing, and drama usually falls on deaf ears and the blind loyalists keep the fire burning for the candidate of their choice. REGARDLESS of ISSUES!
DISTRICT 40? Saenz! Pena! ones wrong ones right! Etc. etc. etc. enews tries trashing everyone not on their list of candidates that pay them and well everyone goes against enews in return. Voters are herded and none are educated on the platforms each candidate stands on, nor are they informed about the candidates credentials, success, or work history. Now if you wanna tear down a candidate, then well start a blog site and begin finger pointing daily.
Its sad to say that the majority of voters that side with a certain faction can care less about issues, political affiliations, or mistakes on a candidates' part. Family sticks with family, factions stick together, and in the end if you're IN with the winning candidate, you'll get the job, contract, and a good return on your investment.
Unless it is televised it really doesnt matter what is said at those debates. You see the room is packed with supporters from every camp. No matter what they say wont matter. You are not going to change the oppositions supporters mind and their own supporters already know what the candidate stands for. You see the only people they are speaking to are either with their camp or they are the other guys people.
Voters already know what Aaron has done. In Aaron's case, the Good has outdueled the Bad. Aaron Pena is everywhere and anywhere striving. Furthermore, this rep likes doing what he is doing. Eddie Saenz hires people to do his work and this challenger appears to be a detriment to the community for sporting a "I can't wait til happy hour attitude".
"In elections 90% of all Voters usually have their minds made up two solid months before voting day," according to Dr. Poly at UTPA. "8 out of 10 will choose the incumbent. And in this race since the challenger has not brought much of himself to dinner, 8 out of 10 might be generous". The Rumor Mill has it that challenger Mr. Saenz has spread his monies out to politiqueras and bying votes. That is an extremely effective tactic. If done, the challenger does pose a threat to himself if voters realize that they are being bought to make a choice on Saenz. "Prostitute Politics" is what this practice is called.
Hey PR,
Your candidate is a sell out. $170,000 come on.
11:01 AM,
Politics and Money go hand in hand. Love or hate, its the truth. Aint no candidate doing public duty free of charge. Go Ahead and NAME ONE CANDIDATE NOT TAKING MONEY. Clinton, Obama are taking in millions from everyone a-z. So give me a break in trying to have your candidate (Saenz)portrayed as a church alter boy. Its Damn if you do or damn if you dont take the money. Is it right? well thats for the public to decide, but just dont make excuses for your candidate.
I have seen some changes as the County as areas have grown and diversified. There seem to be some areas that are impervious to change because of the lack of those same factors.
While I don't totally disagree with PR that politics is an extension of economic philosophy, it is not always just about money, sometimes power is the aphrodisiac, sometimes it is other things or goals. I assume everyone that runs at one time has specific reasons, but those goals can clearly change with time.
Arturo Guajardo Sr. is an excellent example. While he will likely be judged for the crimes he committed and therefore be another posterboy for greed and politics, at one time his motivation was noble.
It also is interesting that Economics is mentioned, because the "science" grew out of moral philosophy, not graphs and widgets. Adam Smith's study was more about why people and nations do what they do. My favorite quote of his from Wealth of Nations is:
"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our necessities but of their advantages."
Doesn't the City have a cable channel? Why not televise debate there?
"Hey PR,
Your candidate is a sell out. $170,000 come on.
11:01 AM"
SELL OUT? funny phrase you should mention. Do you know what exactly that means? African American Rap Artist at one point during the early stages of Rap Music declared that they (the Artists) had Street Credability and therefore deserved the respect they earned on there records (cds if you will)because they rapped about how hard the hood was and who was shooting what not. But never the less God forbid for some rap artist to come out and rap and make a hell of a lot of money doing it, well then they would turn around and Call him a "SELL OUT" Now how ignorant is that? I mean doesnt everyone deserve to put food on the table? Slowly but surely those former street credible rap artists became multi millionaires no longer living in the so called hoods, instead they are buying mansions and displaying them on MTV Cribs. WOW! The Madness, the loss of street cred, the selling out...Heres to you and your sell out comment, WELCOME TO AMERICA, where even Murderers make millions selling their story to the papers. And here you are bickering about some politician getting money in a form of political contribution. Please tell me you have more to the story than some bold face print. You probably do have some info on Pena, but how true that is might prove to be in the favor of his opponent and I wonder why you'd even care to mention it? Hmmm, maybe because someone is SELLING OUT? Are you a SELL OUT? Because if your selling some trash on Pena, Im sure Eddie is buying. Buy buy buy as much trash as you can and get all your cheerleaders at anythingbutnews and give it a go with joe and Co. and wish for the best for your candidates' sake.
The question is, why is Eddie Saenz willing to spend so much of his own money for a job that only pays $7k a year? He wants something. We need to Stop Eddie Saenz.
I guarantee you that Eddie Saenz won't sell out, cuz he's already bought. Everybody who defends this guy say he's a hard-working guy who has built up his business. Let's remember that his profits and the benefits he gives his employees are paid by us the taxpayers. Once he's in office, he gets to decide what projects get built, where they get built, and will bid on them too.
Why Aaron Pena? The guy sold out to the Republican Party and betrayed Hillary Clinton. With friends like that. Who needs enemies?
"Anonymous said...
Why Aaron Pena? The guy sold out to the Republican Party and betrayed Hillary Clinton. With friends like that. Who needs enemies?
1:30 PM"
I think you're confusing the situation even more.
1st. If Aaron Pena or any Democrat in the State House or Senate works, golfs, associates, accepts campaign contribution, or decides to co-author a bill with Republicans that would be called BIPARTISAN.
2nd. Ditching Hillary Clinton and Opting for Democrat Candidate Barrack Obama, well Mr. Pena is a Superdelegate and has every right to do so. Even Republicans are jumping party lines to endorse Obama. They're considered OBAMACANS. Dont Believe me, read about it in the papers.
And Last, why does the aforementioned even matter to you if you're mind or vote is made up already, why the spread of ill-will? If Aaron Pena isnt your candidate then dont vote for him, but if he's not your choice and you go off on a rampage on the man's campaign well then you just got some personal issues and this race isnt about which candidate is best for the job, its about some personal vendetta that Pena slammed Saenz in the first election. Lets call a spade a spade here, and lets face the facts. Neither candidate is perfect, but I've been able to notice some significant progress. NOW how much of that is truly attributed to INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE ALONE, well that can be argued day in and day out. If good comes to the valley every politician will attach their name to it, but when theres bad times, candidates distance themselves from whatever it is causing some bad times. Again lets call a spade a spade, all you guys mention is negative things about Aaron when in fact all you're really doing is not mentioning the bad stuff on both candidates, which just makes it one sided and that really aint gonna stick. And speaking of Stick, why dont we stick with what works and this State Rep is working fine. So I repeat
"Lets stick to what works!
Pena '08"
Saenz keeps using scare tactics from the republicans with enews spreading rumors on just how bad the district 40 is with pena, and a change is needed now. Thats just considering the voters that much stupid and trying to fill them with Republican fear tactics.
First of all. Aaron Pena is not a super delegate. I thought you were smarter than that. Second, Aaron Pena was the South Texas coordinator for the Hillary campaign.
The other democrats or republicans your talking about. Didn't work for Hillary.
And why do you say we should stay with Aaron. He hasn't done a damn thing. I've got 25 votes. Me, my wife and kids and aunts and uncles. And we want change.
I'm tired of the same thing. And nothing in return. We will vote for Eddie Saenz.
5:23 PM,
25 votes huh? Well its just like voters here in the valley, so easily amused by some commercials, slogans, and campaign rhetoric. You're so easily persuaded by newcomers promising you guys the moon and the stars, but in reality and this is what every candidate FAILS to INCLUDE in their speech verbage that:
"I as a candidate can't do a DAMN THING ALONE and I am just one of the many that vote on a process for anything and most of the time it takes years before laws are agreed on by all parties, so don't expect quick action, and if action is taken, I must take action for those that supported my campaign (constituents)(financial backers)first (voters are somewhat important, but the money is always key for that is what controls and buys the poor smucks that'll believe anything i say once i feed you at a campaign rally), thank you very much for all you're FREE HARD WORK, and thank you especially for all you're cheerleading for me, I felt like an NFL quarterback at a home game thanks to all your shouting and fighting words against the opposing team and I look forward to your blind loyalty and promised 25 votes for me!" SUCKERS!
DAC, you are right. No challenger is going to get elected and change Austin overnight. Its one guy against everybody. Without seniority, without good committees, what the hell would Saenz accomplish his freshman year? He already said that he won't vote for craddick. This means that he's going to end up on the agriculture committe or some other harmless place.
We have not endorsed Pena. Our position is, if you don't like him, don't vote for him. Just don't be stupid and vote for Saenz. If you don't like Pena, skip that vote. Don't vote for either one.
Saenz will push toll roads down our throats if he ever gets any power. His cousin at TxDOT is all for toll roads. Eddie Saenz will obviously bid on those projects. Talk about a tax on the poor. Just look at the other politicos who are backing him. What do they stand to gain by having a road built?
That was us by the way.
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