Well clearly men can rise in an uproar and root for any team they wish nowadays with clear knowledge of their favorite teams' forward by name or number. I mean really who's Cheryl Swoops? Who's Michael Jordan? The 2nd question is obvious. Well am I comparing Obama to the NBA? NO! And spare me the racist remarks. The pictures above represent Basketball and two leagues comprised of superstars that play the game RIGHT? YES! But do they both air on National Television? Of Course. The NCAA also just had their Final Four: Mens National Champions Kansas over Memphis and Womens National Champions Tennessee over Stanford, both very memorable games. "Damn! Did you see that Kansas shot in the final game?" Of course some guys are howling, yelling, or even high fiving each other regardless of the school or geographic location it represents, its just damn good basketball and it makes great headlines. That Kansas/Memphis game will be talked about for quite some time. Why because Kansas hasn't had a championship in quite a while? NOT exactly, its just in our Male DNA to speak of those types of games to some degree. I dont know if you can guess where Im going with this blogging at this point but hang tight I'll begin to make sense of the Headline in a few sentences. Is the NBA far more superior than the WNBA? Maybe, more marketable, more star recognition, more history etc. right? Well not exactly, its the following it has. You see the following means alot in many ways, Men love the game of basketball and so do women dont get me wrong, but its also the women that enjoy watching the NBA over the WNBA you see. Now does that mean women should only watch the WNBA? NO Not at all, but they probably have more history of following it for arguments sake. SO, getting to the Headline Clinton vs Obama, is this a Black vs. White? Democrat vs Democrat? Political Ideology? To War or Not to War? Economy? Or Whatever Bush Screwed up? NO! Its as simple as WNBA vs NBA... NOW when you figure out why the NBA is far more Popular than the WNBA then you'll understand why Obama is far more popular than Clinton, reasons why he leads in the POPULAR VOTE....But hey Gore won the Popular vote against Bush and we saw where that got him huh? Well some analysts analyze daily as to what Clinton or Obama can do to garner the nomination and plenty of finger pointing has been done, but the sad truth is that our Country is a Sexist Country that lags behind culturally than its European counterparts to some extent, NOW does that mean I gotta LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT? HA! Fat chance, Theirs no place Id rather live, but Im calling a spade a spade. We tend to be sexist and the proof is in the pudding. NBA is far more popular than its female Counterpart. The NCAA final four Mens had a far greater attendance and television viewers than the NCAA final four Womens. Why Basketball? Is it because Obama is black? NO, but their are no Womens NFL, MLB, or NASCAR. Soccer in the olympics maybe or volleyball in the olympics as well, but Men seem to garner the most popularity. We've had 43 men run this free world for quite some time and a new universal face will garner the popularity of the rest of the world for once in quite a while. You see corporate America isnt kindly welcomed throughout most of the world due to the workings of one man's rule, BUSH, so now they need to quite the riots with a more universally known face of peace while corporate America will be accepted to run business as usuall. You see other countries dont know us Americans, they percieve us to be what our Presidents are. What can be further from truth. A country's people reflect its leadership and we need to be percieved as culturally tolerant, peaceful, and united and I guess they figure that Obama is that voice and face to get our Corporate entities' feet back in the door of other countries. Right about now its about MIGHT makes RIGHT with BIG OIL. Politics for one has taken a back seat to Popularity. Are they one in the same? Not exactly, you see in order to be able to apply policy, one must know about policy domestically and abroad. Now whos got that experience. And if that isnt enough, how does one person tie in so many Egos in Washington to set policy. Yeah that word POLICY will be one overused word in the next Administration for one reason: Too much policy has been written due to the change of so many laws due to 911. Nevermind the policy jargon, Laws, day to day operations on the Hill, Senate, or all over the world, We simple minded Americans just wanna watch Sports dominated by men and hope to make our choices in politics using the same methods we make our final four brackets, (heads or tales flip of a coin) Again we're simple minded men that have a history of being Ruled by men, being entertained by television and sports. And if sports and politics are dominated by men, then thats what it shall be for the next decade and so on. Our Bible, our religion, our History has been dominated by men and a woman is merely made of a man's rib right? Well that seems to be our common way of thinking as has been for most part of our history. And that is why I compared the WNBA to the NBA, and the headline read Clinton vs Obama, because this election will be decided by OUR HISTORY. WE AS A PEOPLE ARE SEXIST. Clinton has the same chance of surpassing Obama's popularity as does the WNBA surpassing the NBA 's Popularity. Is that an unfair comparison? You bet it is, but that is the same measuring stick they're using to compare these two candidates. Its not about knowledge or experience, its simpler than that, its about WHO DO I LIKE....Not to be President, Governor, Pastor, King, or Queen, NOPE its just WHO DO WE LIKE...Im sure many of you had that one teacher that no matter what, students just didnt like em, or that one student that nobody cared to associate with. Yep, we're that type of creature. Our history, literature and cinema has warped our mentallity into thinking that their will always be a love story with the Protaganist beating the Antagonist in the end. The Press has earmarked its Protaganist and its Antagonist this election and people whole heartedly have been bitten by the Polly-wood-itics and have chosen their role in this historical election. How will you decide in the booth as to who you like? Will you think about the story of the Protaganist(Good) vs Antagonist(Bad)? or will you prefer the Popular choice WNBA vs NBA? or will you nonconsciencously pick the choice you've been groomed to pick since you were a child, Mans world and Men rule it?
This post made "War and Peace" look like a Dr. Seuss book.
stop posting when your drunk dude, it doesn't make sense.
Looks like the ochoa supporting morons entered the blog, why dont you two idiots fuck off!! Go spray paint your Mayor's name all over the town.
Which one of them said anything about Ochoa? Chill out. They are obviously amused, as I am, at the Ring's shotgun style of blog post. It read like one big run on sentence, but it was entertaining.
They're just pissed at ol Ring Master because he tends to say it how it is and just so happens to nock the current mayor so they in turn come on here to nock him.
Ok who's the idiot using the word dude on here? Shouldn't you kids be on myspace instead.
Hello, Political Ring,
Although you don't deserve the searing commentary about your posts being too long, a couple of your readers who posted did have a good point.
Break down your postings to about 20 sentences, which is the standard used in mainstream journalism. After 20 sentences, unless the story directly involves the reader, or is so scandalous and provocative, most readers leave the story.
Also, your headline can grab and hold a readers attention and leave the longest-lasting impression.
Then, when your readers begin to post, you can elaborate in your responses to their inquiries, observations, and challenges.
And, please, do lay off the obscenities, because it diminishes all your many good and interesting viewpoints. I have been reading your website for a while now, and I can tell you get some very informed political writers. Don't lose them because they think your website is not serious.
Just a suggestion. Now, if you are high or drunk when you make a posting, then let us know so we can understand why one some days, you sound brilliant, and on other days, you sound..well...high and drunk.
Keep up your good work. I learned quite a bit from both you and most of your readers.
David why have you stopped posting at Edinburg News?
5:47 PM,
You know when you're on a beach during Spring Break or at Mardi Gras, some girls will flash their breasts JUST to get some beads or attention. But do they actually mean anything by it? Probably not, its maybe the moment, the setting or the alcohol right? Well thats exactly what I think when people like you post on here trying to get some type of attention or word in. Dont Need it, Dont care for it, Dont ask for it. Go on about your blogging and disregard our blog. We write WHAT We DAMN WELL PLEASE WHENEVER We WANT. This is no essay, thesis, or novel to be checked by some English Professor, its just illustrated thinking. You give some praise to some extent not as credit, but to simply discredit those you feel superior to, which is quite sad when all you do is go on other peoples' blog to act like some type of degenerate obssesed compulsive disorder plagued individual. You need some help, heres a few tips:
1. lay off the blogs and hit the meds for O.C.D.
2. get into a relationship that takes up your free time.
3. get into a program, one that preferably has at least 12 steps.
4. get a sponsor, one you can call when you get the urge to crack or blog.
5. and if the aforementioned dont work, well then try getting high or drunk....Obviously you have some type of crave towards getting high or drunk.
Look whatever you choose to do, UNDERSTAND, we dont need you here, so let the healing begin elsewhere.
and well if anyone else has any other word that means Bye in any other language, feel free to blog it on here for our ANAL O.C.D. Fellow blogger.
hey ringmaster how bout GTFO thats the best way to talk to idoits that you want to say goodby
I hear tasty waves is part of enews and that he's the one that keeps posting vulgar comments under anonymous.
Hey PR, what's your take on Teresa Navarro and the scam at the elections department? Didn't someone on here recently alluded to this investigation? Way to go whoever gave that insight! It must of been someone from the inside. Anyhow, I hope they get rid of her.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Broker, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
"Hey PR, what's your take on Teresa Navarro and the scam at the elections department? Didn't someone on here recently alluded to this investigation? Way to go whoever gave that insight! It must of been someone from the inside. Anyhow, I hope they get rid of her.
7:15 PM"
NOT SUPRISED AT ALL!! I blogged my prediction about this so called investigation's outcome: And not to toot my own horn, but I clearly pointed out how and why Ms Navarro was going to retain her position.
JD SALINAS sits on both The Commission and Commissioners court, Navarro is related to Eddie Saenz which happens to be JD's former boss and ubber buddy. So there you have it, nothing was to happen to Ms Navarro, which just happens to be extremely close friends with JD Salinas County Judge. And yes someone did come on here indicating that an investigation was coming and thats when I predicted the aforementioned.
LOOK PEOPLE THIS COUNTY PLAGUES YOU AND I TAX WISE A GREAT DEAL and its no mystery that the powers that be are usually all connected to one another. These UnderEducated body of Govt. all lack College Degrees, yet they have given themselves GRAND OL PAY RAISES, A New County Building, They GAVE the sheriff a fleet of new SUVs and A new County Judges' office to boot. These guys are as organized as they come, call it crime or govt. And they are all connected to one another. The county is being ran by the west side of the county. County Commissioner Joe Flores runs the entire damn thing. The sheriff and County Judge are his personal lackies. JD Salinas, Joe Flores, Lupe Trevino and Mission Mayor Beto Salinas pretty much comprise the COMPADRE CONNECTION that control pretty much the going ons in this here wreched county. The Sheriff, Joe Flores and Beto Salinas are all in business together. CONFLICT OF INTEREST YOU THINK? JD SALINAS buddy Eddie Saenz is now reaping the rewards of employing him in the past via the county loop contract that went to a Houston Firm but has garnered local subcontracting bids worth millions. Thats what happens when you elect so called FULL TIME COUNTY JUDGES, THEY HAVE A FULL TIME SCHEDULE TO STEAL YOUR TAX DOLLAR. Just give it time, this circle will break ties, because at some point one always gets greedy.
You hit it right on the nail buddy. Can't anyone do anything about this? I mean, we all struggle come Jan.31st to pay our damn taxes. What gives!
don't let him hit our federal tax dollars with this con. watch out Ruben he is aiming for your congressional seat.
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