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Location: SOUTH TEXAS, TX, United States

Sunday, March 23, 2008



Who's Footing the Bill for Recent Wildfires?

Reported by Ryan Wolf

Fuel for the body. Fuel for the trucks. Both man and machine are running on empty after nearly two and a half days of non-stop firefighting in north Hidalgo County.
But with containment at 85 percent the question now remains: Who's footing the bill?
"I wouldn't even be able to put a number on how much this is going to cost us... but it is going to be a sizeable amount," said Hidalgo County's Emergency Management Coordinator Tony Peña.
As many as 500 people have helped to battle the enormous wild fire on the local, state and federal levels.
Peña says everything must be documented from agencies involved, manpower hours, gas, cost of repairs, food-you name it.
The information is crucial Peña says for any kind of state or federal reimbursement.
"We'll base it on everyone's involvement," he said. "There's formulas involved, mathematical formulas and FEMA and the Governor's office help us work all that out."
Hidalgo County has already been declared a disaster area.
About 26,000 acres have burned, four homes destroyed and about 40 head of cattle lost.
Peña says the county is eligible to receive a Fire Management Assistant Grant (FMAG) through the state from FEMA.
"We are looking at getting up to 75 percent reimbursement on some assets used," he said.
It's partial repayment for efforts to combat wildfires threatening to become major disasters.
And with no lives lost so far, the county appears to have won.
Texas State Plan:
Again, Hidalgo County stands to recoup about 75 percent from the federal government.
Governor Rick Perry says it falls short with some 216 counties in the state suffering 1 million total acres of wildfire damage.
He's urging the government to pay 100 percent.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

single district sounds good. the question is how to go about it. and who will get the ball rolling.

9:54 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

A candidate will come around and help unite the council, be the voice of the people and take the single member districts to a public vote. BUT this Mayor we have today will not do such a thing, why, because he wants YES-MEN he can control not the peoples' choices.

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd be a fool to think that he wouldn't be able to find a yes man in each district. Single member districts won't fix the problem, it just changes the inner workings of the system.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

+1 on the above comment.

6:52 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

"3:05 PM
You'd be a fool to think that he wouldn't be able to find a yes man in each district"

So by your remarks, I gather you feel our present Mayor makes it a habit to accumulate young impresionable men that find it exceptionally gratifying to accomodate our mayor with the "Yes" Vote to all his ventures regardless of how self rewarding they may be?

well each districts' representative would have to account for their district and not to mention their constituents. It's like saying some outlandish comment that JD Salinas County Judge controls the commissioners. Pretty far fetched when each is concentrating on getting re-elected by doing for their constituents and district. Yeah and that would greatly eliminate the ONE TICKET with 2 to 3 candidates' names on it. That election process was so yesterday and Ranchitos can rely on it in the future, but those growing cities should EVOLVE at some point.

3:49 PM  
Blogger DAC said...

I think there is likely no perfect system (maybe if I were king), but as a city grows, I think that area representation is necessary for a "better" democracy. Yes men or woman can always be found, but they still have to be answerable to the voters they represent as well as work in unison with the other areas. I think that the damage done by those that run on a slate of candidates as in La Joya and Pharr have shown the potential for damage and division.

4:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"So by your remarks, I gather you feel our present Mayor makes it a habit to accumulate young impresionable men that find it exceptionally gratifying to accomodate our mayor with the "Yes" Vote to all his ventures regardless of how self rewarding they may be?"

No, I'm not saying that, you did when you said,

"A candidate will come around and help unite the council, be the voice of the people and take the single member districts to a public vote. BUT this Mayor we have today will not do such a thing, why, because he wants YES-MEN he can control not the peoples' choices."

I merely pointed out that the system might change, but the policitics and power plays will remain. Any mayor, not just this one, can find people to run in each district who he can count on as a yes man.

6:56 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

6:56 AM

Yes, but their terms would not all be up for re-election at the same time and the slate of candidates on one ticket would cease to exist. It will change, it has to change. Only Interest is being represented, while the people get no such luck. That is why IN MY OPINION I think the style of governent here in our city SHOULD change and Has to evolve at some point. It is the most common thing to do, when growth is rising monthly.

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Single member districts do not work. They haven't worked anywhere else and they certainly won't work in Edinburg. All it does is it divides the city into territorial precincts. We are one city and should be governed as such.

5:51 PM  
Blogger DAC said...

I guess that the flaw of all representative democratic government is that they tend to divide interests. If you believe that the current system is working for the City as a whole, then you are right there is no need for change. Those that don't feel it is working for the whole would like to see a change.

Personally, I don't think that each area of the city is currently having there interest represented. The hybrid solution is single member districts with additional at large representatives.

But I am curious as to your statement that single member districts have they not worked. It seems that so many cities have them, how is it possible that they have never worked.

3:39 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

"Single member districts do not work. They haven't worked anywhere else and they certainly won't work in Edinburg. All it does is it divides the city into territorial precincts. We are one city and should be governed as such.

5:51 PM"


Ochoas faction vs well anyone opposing him.

FNB vs well everyone opposing them

a selected few scrambling to rule the major areas in Edinburg.

Enriquez Enterprises vs well everyone that rivals them.

Back in the Day:
Eddie Saenz vs well no one, thanks to Ochoa.

Hector Casas' SOCIAL CLUB vs the ECHO, wooooo!

ANY CANDIDATE RUNNING TODAY is apart of any of the two factions of this city.

SO about what you were talking about in regards to things are great the way they are, Who's representing the North East region of Edinburg? Or the North West region of Edinburg, a great deal of people live in those areas, with a great deal of interest as well. What about the La blanca, San carlos, Hargill, Fayesville, Linn, San Manuel, McCook Areas? Some of these areas have fire depts, schools, and a population, but do they have City Govt Representation? Our City's future lies in Growing up North, because we've met our boundaries East, South, and West with our neighboring cities. Some of our neighboring cities' city planners at one point didnt want to have our city planners attend the same Corporate Entity meetings because they found out that Edinburg was trying to undercut their progress at attracting Corporate entities to setting up shop in their city. HOW did they do this you ask? Well all cities in the south texas area get together in regards to planning and make some type of un-official pact as to neither one of them would try to under sell the other when making some of these corporate entities offers to come down here and set up shop, but then you have Edinburg trying to take some of these corporate entities from neighboring cities by offering a better packet, better tax breaks and the like, but I guess it backfired to some degree and I have yet to see what corporate powerhouses ended up here in Edinburg. A great deal of failures have transpired in the course of a decade for Edinburg and its possibilties for growth, it's just the voters are so enamored with one little political guy that seems to take them every time on some type of pipe dream and usually those taxpayers pay through the nose for it. Yet people talk about CHANGE at the National Level. Yet when you come to Edinburg, its "its fine the way it is!" well that saying is because some people dont know any better or they havent seen any better. People will come on here and cry bloody murder, defend their lovely mayor, how Im so full of it, use vulgar language and how our present mayor can do no wrong etc etc etc, but in the end that is why the rest of the United States that begins from San Antonio up never seems to care to bridge the gap. GEE I WONDER WHY? We kill ourselves down here come political season and end up in the same rut. Families end up throwing hands for what? Wheres our ECONOMIC GROWTH? Why arent we like McAllen Economically or close to it? Has anyone really even addressed this question? NO! Why not? How much land do they got, that we dont? People bitch about illegals, yet McAllen is closer to the border, yet they're doing a way better job than Edinburg. Look at their infrastructure, look at their Economic Growth. We dont even rival them in that area, BUT WE RIVAL them in HOSPITALS and High Schools. Our whole County, legal system, and country is divided into territories, yet our city is untouchable why? The future dictates with growth comes division. SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS IS THE FUTURE FOR THIS CITY.

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Single-member districts are a tough sell. How about term limits, instead?

Single member districts make it easier for the wealthy to buy city councilmembers, either through jobs for their relatives, campaign contributions, and a slew of other legal ways to exert influence.

You give Joe Ochoa way too much power but not enough credit, just like you ignore the tremendous influence exerted by the Palacios family, yet ignore the disproportionate political power they wield.

We aren't dumb in Edinburg; we know what is going on, and have decided to keep the two rival camps in power so they can keep an eye on one another while we watch both of those competing entities.

Single-member districts are un-American, I believe. They deny the entire electorate from voting on every political office of which they are constituents.

Term limits allows more people to have a reasonable chance to serve in public office.

Perhaps you should consider term limits as a better option for Edinburg's success. Also, there should be term limits for persons who serve on vital governmental boards and commissions.

Look at all sides, PR, or you credibility will be hurt, and with it, your influence. Say, why don't you make a pitch for a city or school district appointment? What's that? There are no vacancies in the most powerful groups? Maybe you can focus on that angle, too.

Keep up your good work.

9:49 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

"Single member districts make it easier for the wealthy to buy city councilmembers, either through jobs for their relatives, campaign contributions, and a slew of other legal ways to exert influence."

Lets see, which councilmembers do the wealthy control? Hmmmmm....As in wealthy do you mean LOCAL BUSINESS OWNERS, BANKS, OR FAMILIES???

That is why I AGAIN am making a pitch for CORPORATE ENTITIES SETTING UP SHOP HERE IN OUR COMMUNITY ALONG WITH SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS. Makes it difficult for the USUAL suspects in town who control everything to control lets say a DILLARDS, MACYS, TARGET, FOOTLOCKER etc. Single member districts would cover a greater area than the usual hub of power. Cmon who's getting into office these days? Some young kids who are being placed into power so that we never see the real hands in the mix of politics or government. They get some piece of worthless title while voting to enrich those who got them in office in the first place. NOT ONE CANDIDATE has earned their office as of late. These new challengers for city offices coming up are No-Namers who are being recruited, pushed, and they're trying to shove them down our throwts. And you say that I may suffer losing credability, I dont need the CREDABILITY as much as this city needs IMPROVEMENTS....Whats the worse I can see, is that if some poor soul disagrees with me, they rant blog wise and never blog on here period...But if this city doesnt see improvements people get affected in their own backyard. So tell me, who stands to lose. Im just blogging whats my opinion about my hometown, and that doesnt compare to whats going on in this city.

NOW, you mention term limits: which brings me to Mexico & Russia Politics. What do I mean?
El Dedazo form of choosing a succesor in Mexico Politics. The Mexican President in office usually pics his successor and that has been the norm for most part of Mexican Politics give or take an election here and there.
And Russia elections ala Vladimir Putin choosing Mevedev as his successor which makes you wonder who is really calling the shots. And you go on to mention how single member districts can cause corruption, How has it done so in McAllen? For example how is someone from the Rodriguez subdivision gonna infiltrate who they elect in the Linn San Manuel area? How is someone from the Hargil area gonna influence someone from Castleridge subdivision area. Vast amount of area covering different types of income families. Look at major cities, they break down their city into different districts, now tell me that its more confusing to those running city government here in our city, and I will believe that, but dont say thats its a WORSE system than what we have in place today because thats just not the answer. Those in power love this type of system because it works wonders for them. Ochoa and Gus Garcia are out and about recruiting friends to take out our current councilmembers for who's gain?Hmmm, Gee wonder why? Ochoa is probably out trying to find some stuffed coats to run for school board as well, now if this doesnt bother you then well you deserve the candidate you get, but I for one dont agree with this type of Mob mentality.

4:03 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

In single member districts a mayor can try to recruit a stuffed coat to try to get elected in that district, but in the end of that elected official does not come through for that district, they can ver well vote him or her out. You see, that candidate's agenda will differ from that of the other candidates to some degree and will be judged based on their voting record which makes it more difficult to conspire on a certain project for a certain wink wink group of people. Its a form of checks and balances so to speak. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. You might get elected once, but if you dont come through for your district, then well that political faction begins to lose CREDABILITY....

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring.

Well, you made good points about single-member districts.

What about term limits on key city boards and commissions. For example, Mr. Fred Palacios serves on both the Edinburg Economic Development Corporation and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Yes, he has excellent credentials, but why get to be on those two most powerful appointed boards?

Alma Garza serves on the same Planning and Zoning Commission as does her second cousin, the daughter of County Commissioner Oscar Garza, who sells real estate.

The Edinburg Housing Authority board includes current Edinburg schol board member Ciro Trevino and former Edinburg school board member Rudy Ramirez. Both of them are good men, very qualified, but they have served for years on a board that decides who gets subsidized housing.

If you go back into the first administrations for Mayor Ochoa, there were similar situations, just the names of the powerful appointees were different.

The current situation is the result of decisions made or supported by the majority of the city council, which are dead set against Ochoa.

How's that famous song go?

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss.

Let's hear both sides, Political Ring. If your readers wanted to hear one side or the other, we can always go to Earn My Vote or Edinburg News. But we don't want that option. That's why we come to your website.

Keep up the good work.

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What about the La blanca, San carlos, Hargill, Fayesville, Linn, San Manuel, McCook Areas?"

What do they all have in common? They are outside the city limits of Edinburg. The people out there have no say in City government because that aren't inside the city. No representation, without taxation. Pay the toll and we'll let you in. Until then PR, these folks are out of the loop.

12:34 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

"What do they all have in common? They are outside the city limits of Edinburg. The people out there have no say in City government because that aren't inside the city. No representation, without taxation. Pay the toll and we'll let you in. Until then PR, these folks are out of the loop."

Gee Cookie thats my point!! They're Outta the loop because well, Edinburg hasnt Annexed them, providing drainage and better water supply. Believe me them not being in the loop isnt their choice. Edinburg Political figures are brash and arogant, and that is why nothing ever gets accomplished. They are always looking out for the few that get them elected and can care less of those you just mentioned OUT OF THE LOOP!

2:18 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

5:49 PM,

In regards to your question: Well, Edinburg sort of reminds me of Hazard County from the Dukes of Hazard, You know when Boss Hog Controlled everything including the Law. Well thats pretty much how it is here in Hidalgo Hazard County. A very select few control everything, And when I say everything I mean big money, Dont go sounding off about how they dont control your backyard. Well not yet anyway....These people that control everything hate running for office and they choose to have very flexible people with no morals or conscience so that they may be molded according to interest. And well usually the power hungry young bucks are the ones drooling at the mouth for a title and an inch of power. These are the same kiddos who smoked and drank if their buddies hazed them to do so. These kids have no idea whats going to be asked of them, but they love the idea of being in charge of something. The fat cats rarely show their face, they got the kittens doing their bidding. And for those who want to serve on committees, well maybe they have a stake in this city's growth.

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WELL x 4, said.

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey all you Edinburg folks, I thought you might be interested in what Eduardo Paz Martinez thinks of your town. Enjoy....

By Duardo Paz-Martinez

EDINBURG, Texas - There was a silly feature story in The McAllen Monitor earlier this week about peanut butter that was displayed prominently, with color photographs and a somewhat breathless approach to the reporting. It concerned one of those "designated days" we Americans like to ballyhoo, inconsequential celebrations that make us laugh. This one was Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Day at the University of Texas-Pan American campus. What struck was this: if we are to believe that this small, hardscrabble town at the near-end of Highway 281 is indeed at war against its southern neighbor of McAllen, then what is the PB&J Day doing garnering such high-profile news coverage? We posed the question and got one answer: "The wife of The Monitor's editor is a public relations employee of UTPA. Perhaps she fed him the story and he ran with it..." We, of course, being trained cynics in the field of Journalism, firmly believe there is more to that story, which brings us to that day last August when a journalist friend of ours from down here noted the bare essence of a blooming rivalry between both Hidalgo County communities.

His point centered on the differences, both physical and mental. Apparently, residents of McAllen believe they are better than the folks from Edinburg, as in more cultured, more affluent and more in tune with the social skills needed to succeed and, thus, gain favor at the local bank. You could make that argument simply by looking around both towns. McAllen has exploded in the last 10-15 years, while smaller, alarmed Edinburg has watched well-known thoroughfares like McColl Road and North 10th Street in McAllen go from open-range pasture land to Ground Zero for strip malls up the wazoo, as they say in proctology. Another argument could be made that the growth noted above is fast-turning into something ugly, as in way too much of the same "column-addicted" business architecture that spares little time in giving one a headache. From above, McAllen looks like a waffle headed for the griddle. On the ground, it is one fast-food joint after another; that, or some entrepreneur's idea of "something new & novel" for the wealthy denizens of The City of Palms, once a sleepy, one-high school town where the weekend outing was to head south to where La Plaza Mall now stands and watch the semi-pro McAllen Palms play some tough-as-nails, Ty Cobb-style baseball.

Edinburg has not been as ambitious, that is true and obvious.

It does, however, claim what is unquestionably the Rio Grande Valley's best college in UTPA, a school once known as Pan American University when a big, black cat by the name of Luke Jackson cleaned the basketball backboards for rebounds only King Kong could have imitated. But that was then, back in the halcyon days of the then-tiny school that one year almost won the small college championship, when a coach by the name of Sam Williams openly recruited hard-looking, Afroed Black players from the outs of Houston and other African-American centers. Edinburg's only reign in the war of jealousies with the people of McAllen came during the college basketball season. The rest of the year, Edinburg was McAllen's dogmeat, the county doormat, the lost sister of the Cinderella tale. To some extent, that inferiority complex is still there, is what a friend tells us. He lives in Edinburg and notes that there indeed exists a weird rivalry betwene the mayor of both communities, one who claims he dresses better than the other and the other insisting his politics are, at the very least, cleaner than anything practiced elsewhere.

I dropped-in on Edinburg for lunch one day this week and managed to enjoy a nice hamburger after the kids at Monster Car Wash on State Highway 107 (it's also an eatery, of sorts) had tried to serve me a fish sandwich that had precious little fish. I've not a syet had a bad meal in McAllen, so that's one point in favor of Bulldog Town. Anyway, I was struck by the construction activity up and down State 107, which cuts through the center of town east & west and, in part, fronts the palm-lined campus of UTPA. The development is simpler and not as expensive as you'll see in McAllen, but it is inching westward. Something's happening, and the leadership of Edinburg says it has something McAllen can only dream about, namely land on which to expand. It is a wilder dream, but there is talk that the real fight between these two ambitious bordertowns will come when they start building not as far as the eye can see. No, they say it'll be a fight for as high as the eye can scan - skyscrapers. McAllen's Chase Bank on South 10th Street still looms as the city's so-called "first tooth,' although it is hardly in the skyscraper range.

There exist visible differences. McAllen likes to think of itself as being more fashionable than Edinburg, and that would seem to be true, if we are to rate them by way of merely looking around. A stop in a McAllen coffee shop yields enough attractiveness to draw attention. Edinburg no doubt has its beauties, its BMWs, its Hummers, its Italian suits for men and women. But it is clearly trailing McAllen, although, to be fair, McAllen, you might say, trails San Antonio by a hundred yards and Dallas by a country mile. Life is fair.

It'll be interesting to see both communities by the time the calendar clears the first day of the Year 2020. Maybe by then the laughable Rio Grande Valley Dorados, McAllen Arena Football 2 team, will count more than one Mexican on the team. And perhaps UTPA will have fielded a genuine Division 1 basketball team to do battle against the Dukes and North Carolinas and UCLAs of college hoops. That'll be the sign to look for in each town.

For now, however, McAllen says, "Bring on Tiffany's and Neiman-Marcus and Rodeo Drive!"

Let's hope Edinburg isn't thinking about that one novel, "Hurry Sundown."

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an asshole. Snobbery is alive and well.

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ring Master the word at the court house is that Eddie Saenz has a warrant for his arrest for failing to appear at his DWI trial. Do you have any information on this and whatever became of the shell game with the Mission DWI video?

8:27 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

8:27 PM,

I seriously doubt that story is true, but then again I've heard weirder stories here in Hidalgo County. Heres the reasons why I think thats a far fetched story:

1. Why Eddie spend money on an Attorney, whom I know doesnt come cheap. And just so happens to be the Mission Mayor's Son.

2. Hidalgo County Courthouse is the setting for the DWI, but McAllen City Hall is the setting for Eddie's hearing for his Drivers license suspension, and nobody has focused on that one. You see, if you fail to blow in the breathalyzer as Eddie Did, you automatically get your license suspended and must resort to an sr 22 form for a temp.license so that he may drive. I believe the suspension of license is about 180 days for failing to submit to a breathalyzer. So I believe his atty is battling to court hearings. And by the way, in order to retain most attys you must pay a retainer fee up front, so why would his atty quit now. I know you asked if it were true that if Eddie failed to show up in court, and in some cases as long as his atty is present to some preliminary hearings set to reschedule court hearings on a particular case because it might conflict to Eddie's schedule might be true. The election is over, but it seems that Eddie still has to attend to his legal situations, I dont wish him any ill will, but please remember that if you're in the wrong and an Officer doing his job is flat out just doing his job, that is not a reason to try to bully them because you have more political clout or money. And that is a major problem going on around here in Hidalgo county and that is unacceptable. Other than the aforementioned I think Eddie Saenz will continue to do well for himself and his family. The man is well known and I hold no personal anymosity towards him, it's just that he shouldnt have taken that deceptive approach towards the blue collar worker as well as the voters for personal gain. I stand firm on that principle. So I wish him luck clearing his name and hope he learned a valuable lesson not only in politics, but in Humility.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heard the same thing. Don't expect anything to happen to him, he is above the law! We may have lost but we still have the money and the power so eat shit.

2:50 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

"Heard the same thing. Don't expect anything to happen to him, he is above the law! We may have lost but we still have the money and the power so eat shit.

2:50 PM"

Cant put a price on Ignorance can we?

8:41 PM  
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11:50 AM  

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