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Monday, April 07, 2008


Britney Spears song, "Oops I did it again, " is blazing in the background and people are at an awe again on how another former politician took to the good ol mug shot on the local news. This time it was Former City Councilman Eddie Johnson. Boy how many does that make now? It seems that this county got the Hollywood bug, meaning approval ratings go way up when you have a brush with the law. Well it worked for Matthew McConauhe, Mel Gibson, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, and now our very own politicians. Maybe he'll run for office again and win, now that he's gotten his 15 minutes of fame. I saw his mug shot on the News, he didnt seem to have a care in the world with that big ol grin from ear to ear, Which brings me to one conclusion: Why do most people taking a mug shot all of sudden get a serious face and fail to smile. Granted its not the most honorable picture you'll ever take, but it is the one that will be viewed the most next to your myspace mug. I can rant along about this Johnson fellow till I'm blue in the face, but the thing is he aint seeking office nor attacking the integrity of those who pulled him over. So that being said, it really doesnt matter what I have to say about some individual's private life, but its just when they decide to seek public office they are to be held to some standard. Had this young man been in public office when this occurred, I'd be picketing via blog for his resignation. enews has tried to tie this man to other political factions and bank, but in reality, are we suppose to screen those we socialize with? Are we suppose to run background checks on people that choose to be our friends or co-workers? If any of that were true, imagine how discredited we'd be when old friends from high school ended up in jail for any type of offenses. I am not one to sit there and say, geez you remember that guy that was on our baseball team, well he's in jail now, how embarrassing to us would that really be? To each their own. These public officials messing up seems to be the latest fad that has to end at some point.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


April 8th, 2008
by Sara Perkins - The Monitor

For those waiting on the edges of their seats (ha):

After two weeks of trying to get Mission PD’s Lt. Garza on the phone (the whole department was occupied with arrangements for Cpl. Jose Rubio’s funeral, and so was I), I spoke to him this morning. He says the “first tape” — the dashcam from the first car, which pulled over Eddie Saenz and whose occupant administered a sobriety test — doesn’t exist because the equipment in question was broken.

Why on earth not just say so in the first place?

I would be inclined to take Garza at his word, since he’s a likeable and trustworthy officer who’s been a peach on previous assignments. But combine this with the city attorney’s very lawyerly refusal to comment on the existence or release of the tape, the city manager’s uncomfortable grimace when I told him I was still looking for it, the fact that not having a tape would be disastrous to any possible prosecution of Saenz for DWI and the executive session item on Christopher Davis’s request on the last city commission agenda, and I’m just not yet a believer.

I’ve asked Garza to dig me up any record that the equipment in question was broken.

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there wasn't a videotape then why the run around and cover-up for over five months, this is really bad. I have been listening to the Saenz people brag for months that they had his DWI taken care of a long time ago, well it looks like they were right. If they had this covered up months ago then why beat up on the street cop? Vindictiveness. There is a bigger story here. Man it smells. I hope Perkins gets to the bottom of it.

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Mission!

1:26 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

well the people have spoken and chose to vote out Andres "Andy" Rios of the Hidalgo County Constable position. J.E. "Eddie" Guerra is the Newly elected Hidalgo County Constable. Rios' campaign had suffered many setbacks, allegations, indictment, court hearings, and well negative publicity does mount up. Guerra hails from a prominent family north of Edinburg and seems to be a good guy. Hope he carries out his duties with respect to the citizens, the position, as well as the badge. Congrats Mr. Guerra on your victory and a well ran campaign.

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mission PD Lt. Martin Garza is using lies to cover up lies.

It all started when Officer Jerald Perez made a routine traffic stop for a relatively minor traffic violation. Since Perez was working overtime for DWI enforcement, this is not at all unusual. Contrary to what is now being said, Perez’ unit was equipped with an older camera which, although working properly, does not normally start recording until the emergency lights are activated. In the newer digital units, there is a “pre-event” recording buffer that will actually caputure the minutes leading up to the activation, but this older unit used standard VHS tapes and did not have that feature.

Perez contacted the driver of the vehicle who was ultimately believed to be intoxicated. At the time, Perez had absolutely no idea who the suspect was, or that he was running for office. Since Perez is a “K-9″ officer (with a large-toothed dog in the back seat), he cannot transport a prisoner so another unit was called. It should be noted that Perez was later criticized by his superiors because the camera angle from his dash cam did not clearly pick up the field sobriety testing done at the roadside, but his camera WAS working properly.

Some time after the suspect (Saenz) arrived at the jail, he was released by PD administration on his own recognizance. I don’t know if he submitted to a breath test or not before he was released from custody. While this is somewhat of a double-standard, Mission PD did not actually break any laws in releasing the man without bond or arraignment. My guess is that this case would have probably been just “lost” in the file cabinet if it weren’t for the fact that the media got wind of it and started inquiring about it. When they did, Martin Garza and the PD administration apparently got nervous about their actions and then fabricated the story about “having” to release him since the office had not turned in his report because of him being “too busy”. This is not true at all. Mission PD’s policy does not allow officers to leave until all reports are complete, ESPECIALLY when a custodial arrest has been effected. Perez turned his report in to the duty supervisor at the end of his shift.

As I said earlier, Mission PD didn’t actually do anything wrong by releasing Saenz. All they needed to say is that he was a high-profile person who could have been in danger if forced to remain in the jail, or that they didn’t feel he was a flight risk. However, they chose to lie about it and now they are having to tell lies to cover up lies and I think they’re having a hard time now keeping them straight! Jerald Perez is a good officer who did nothing more than to do his job the night Eddie Saenz was arrested. He does not deserve the insinuations that have arisen from this all because of the lack of integrity shown by his department’s administration and their illiterate spokesman.

6:14 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

thanks for the explanation, we here at the Political Ring side with the law in that DWI case. Mr. Saenz and his entourage had no business thumbing their noses at the Mission PD or one of its officers for simply doing his job. Now other than the officer in question all other political mumbo jumbo is coming from some brass connected to the political machine out of Mission.

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with onewhoknows. I've heard the story from officers at Mission PD. The officer did screw up by not capturing the sobriety tests on video. That's one of the first things they teach you in the mobile video class.

Anyway. Is anyone really shocked that Johnson, oops, I'm sorry, Cisneros-Johnson, got arrested?

PR. Do you know where he works now and why he no longer works at FNB?

9:01 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

9:01 AM,

Eddie Cisneros Johnson's whereabouts or employment is quite puzzling at this point. One day he was a VP at FNB and a City Commissioner and well the next day He isnt any of those things. Clearly puzzling if you ask me. And if that aint strange enough, he went by the name Eddie CISNEROS Johnson during political season, yet Now goes by Eddie Johnson on the MUGSHOT on Channel 5, although curious minds might ask about him, I too am puzzled about this young man and his identity crisis. Its not too unfamiliar for those losing political seats to become reclusive or in some situations become quite the opposite of what they were while in office. Does anyone know of J. Edgar Ruiz? Once on top of the County Political Food Chain and now some regular guy living in some apartment and some rumor he's got a gambling addiction. Ruiz is also rumored to have lost almost all he owned in gambling debts. AGAIN, that is what is rumored and sometimes in politics rumors is all one needs to start spiraling downward out of control. I never heard of malicious things Ruiz or Johnson did to anyone personally, but the malicious ones in politics never suffer the same aforementioned fate, Rather its quite the opposite. The malicious arrogant and edgy politicians beat off the competition with big sticks and remain in office forever thinking its their God given right to remain in power. Look around they're all around us. I dont fear the Ruizs, Johnson, Richard Garcias, or those losing their seat after a short stint in office, I fear my tax dollars fate with some of the poor saps that live in office for DECADES. OCHOA is one who feels he needs to be in office for reasons only known to him and his family. Go around and ask his followers and they'll nearly rip your head off if you so much as question the mayor's agenda. BLIND LOYALTY here in Hidalgo County! What can some ol politician do in one or two terms, stick his hand in the cookie jar a few times and hope they dont get caught? What about the politician who sticks their hand in everyones cookie jar? what about the politician who knows where all the dead bodies have been buried?(FIGURE OF SPEECH THEIR GUYS, MEANING KNOWS THE REAL STORY BEHIND THE SCENES, DONT GO ACCUSING ANYONE ABOUT DEAD BODIES)FIGURE OF SPEECH!

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to question a political family who talks of family values, honesty, and character. A county commissioners. daughter that has benefited from the political arena had an affair with a married man helped to break up the marriage and alienated the mans family has been allowed to use the Palacios name throwing around her connections. Both daughters were seen and heard harassing workers because they still worked for the married mans estranged wife. When these are the type of people that helped to put their father in office.What does this say about our politicians? This married man is also a federal agent (Border Patrol) what happened to moral turpitude? I'm appalled and disappointed why is so much nepotism allowed? Why are family members of our politicians allowed to run around throwing their so called political clout to achieve their goals. How did county administrators salaries get so high in so short of time?
This married mans now ex wife tried to do some good in the valley and all she was met with was dishonesty, people who useD her and basically YOU ARE NOT WELCOME? What kind of politicians do we have here in the Valley?

7:55 AM  

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