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Location: SOUTH TEXAS, TX, United States

Monday, June 16, 2008


People are actually shocked that the Hidalgo County Elections Administrator went from earning a salary in the upper $30,000's to $80,000 a year from the year 2000 to 2008, WELL DO YOU KNOW WHY SHE EARNS THAT MUCH? Just look at the cartoon picture and caption, think about it and draw your own judgment. This County Government is by far the MOST EXPENSIVE GOVERNMENT in our Hidalgo County Government's History.

Commissioners gave themselves hefty pay raises.
Sheriff got a raise and has his children on county payroll as well with fat salaries with boggus job titles to add insult to injury. Wheres THE O.W.L.S. on that one?
County Judge got new building, getting new office, and a hefty salary.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The OWLS are with Oscar Garza. They have been paid off. No sense of getting them involved. They lost there crediability. Hey PR I have something for you.

Richard Garcia practices law in federal court. Wendy Sturgis' husband is a prosecutor in federal court. Why don't you take a guess of how many cases they had together? Which is a conflict of interest. Do any of the federal judges know about this?

8:23 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

8:23 AM,

OK, which scenario do you prefer:

1. Richard Garcia is having an affair with Wendy Sturgis, which would probably have her husband not cooperating with Richard Garcia. Well you might say, what if the husband doesn't know, well men usually have suspicion. So regardless, why would the husband play along with just ONE attorney and risk losing his License to Practice law period for just one Scumbag lawyer....Do the math here pal.

Scenario 2: Sturgis' Husband and Richard Garcia are working the cases together and Garcia is SUPPOSEDLY doing to sturgis' husband as he is doing to Sturgis, AGAIN SUPPOSEDLY!! And not one Judge or other Attorney has caught on and while they're being so successful in doing so, one side has to be taking it in the , Well you get the picture here. Why would one attorney wanna be losing so many to just one attorney.

I guarantee you this, that if this prosecutor is that lame to where he's cutting deals with one particular attorney, the A.G. can assigned someone else. And again, cutting deals is not necessarily against the law, these are measures taken to limit the court time and man power to prosecute a single case.

My take on this issue:


12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't respond to e-news tripe.

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why does Eddie Saenz News not talk about his corrupt cousin who has her mug shot all over the news today? Birds of a feather!

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JD Salinas and Teressa Navarro were sexualy involved and most of us here at the courthouse knew about for years. Her sister works for Jd. News papers know but are not telling the whole story.

10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whts the deal with jd supporting Cornyn and not Noreiga

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cornyn's going to be re-elected.

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

helping republicans build the border wall and now a republican senator. when did jd drink the coolaid.

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Really, did you have to post your nonsense about people's personal lives. Yes, they are public figures, but still, there is no proof of the claims, and all it does is cheapen your Internet web site.

Now, it would be different if you published those allegations but you identified yourself. But no, instead, you will hide behind that age-old nonsense that anonymous postings are protected by the 1st amendment. Well, that's not quite true, but that is besides the point.

Don't get me wrong. Criticism of the powers that be is very much needed, but personal attacks and rumor mongering are beneath you and your many readers.

How about this, PR: if you have the backbone to identify yourself, then let's see how many comments you would screen and delete. Or are you just too chicken to lay yourself exposed, just like you bring up innuendo and let others spread their malicious rumors.

C'mon, PR, you are better than that. Set the highest standard for Valley anonymous bloggers, and screen comments before posting them. You will find a lot more people will flock to your site and away from the Edinburg News and Earn My Votes of South Texas.

Here's another novel idea. Why don't you use your obvious talent and research abilities and propose some GOOD ideas on how to improve local, county, and state government. No, not just complaining – that's not a solution. But bonafide recommendations.

Just a suggestion, PR. I hope you take it to heart. You will help Edinburg become the better for it, and that should fill you with pride.

9:38 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

propose some GOOD ideas on how to improve local, county, and state government. No, not just complaining – that's not a solution. But bonafide recommendations.”

OK, Here’s some GOOD ideas on how to improve our local government, are you READY?

1. Let’s elect a person who for once has the citizens’ needs come first over grudge matching with political adversaries.
2. Let’s elect people based on some type of track record or educational background rather than some “YES” people who are just stuffed coats waiting to make their supporters alot of money.
3. Let’s do something about these ridiculous city, school and county taxes, it’s not like our County Commissioners are worth their pay raises, they don’t even have college degrees that merit such pay. With so much city taxes going up due to an INCREASE in property values, all we have is a Bealls, Walmart and now a WOOOING JCPENNYs....What a LAUGH!!! Yet we have like #2,000 schools being built out their by the Checkpoint.
4. Oh, and while we’re at it, why don’t we tell our city commissioners to grow a PAIR and duke it out with BAROID on why to relocate their monstrosity polluted outfit OUT of our DOWNTOWN area between city hall and UTPA....for a minute there I could of sworn that TIDE and BAROID have just tortured our city streets and land with so much chemicals and heavy machinery.

Well why don’t you try those four ideas on for size and if they fit, we’ll process more just for your entertainment. And I mention them for entertainment purposes ONLY, because we life long residents know that the aforementioned is in a make believe world where CAUSE and EFFECT go hand in hand as do POWER and GREED. I don’t have that green horn anymore and my ideology has since dwindled, we don’t have a fool proof system and I don’t see a cure for this type of POLITICAL CANCER growing in our community. The Pachanga political SLATES will only grow more and more bold as well as ignorant to fool the masses out of their tax dollar. If you don’t believe me, just give yourself a reality check by looking to see who’s in charge in our local and county government. All these idiots are related somehow and theirs no end in sight for this pork barrel politics. The Troff will always be full for them to gorge themselves. And you speak of BONAFIDE RECOMENDATIONS? Take off your loyal blinders and see for yourself the mess we live in, look closer and remind yourself of what you see during election time. If you don’t see the mess then don’t expect change anytime soon. You that don’t see the mess will never clean it up.

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

You are so angry in many of your postings, maybe you should change the name of your site to Pissed Off!

Are you some sort of cranky, mean-spirited old man/woman, with nary a good word to say about the city of which you claim to be a lifetime resident?

Is your idea of coming up with a good idea simply means putting other people down?

C'mon, PR, fight fire with water, not more fire. I am still waiting to hear your solutions, not see you spew your revolution.

Do you ever go to city council meetings, or at least see them on TV, before you cast judgment?

Quite often, you have some very good postings, offer very insightful perspectives, then you go postal when someone disagrees with you, even when it is done in a respectful manner.

You say Tide Products has poisoned Edinburg? Well, get off your duff, send off an anonymous letter to the local press, and see if anyone will bite.

I mean, that Will Ripley at Channel 5 News just did a hatchet job on the City of McAllen for allowing a large pool of gasoline to continue existing right under the streets in the poor side of town. Send that muckracker your anonymous letter, with the background info, and tell everyone on your posting that you sent it off. That will put pressure on that reporter to look into the story, knowing a lot of people who read your blog knows he received the news tip.

Press coverage, it ain't rocket science. If you are smart enough to create and update this blog, then you have all the qualifications of a news reporter.

Why don't you rag about the local state representative and state senator for not doing anything about Tide Products' pollution, not just the current and past mayor?

Why don't you reveal that Tide Products was owned by Lloyd Bentsen's brother, and that's why no one with half a brain in politics wants to mess around with that environmental fiasco?

Joe Ochoa? Richard Garcia?

Edinburg used to be an economic dump before those two politicians were elected mayor. Say what you will about their corruption and cronyism, but the proof is in the pudding. We are longer McAllen's whipping boy.

By the way, can you say Othal Brand, Sr. Now, that was some pretty heavy duty corruption, but I guess only Edinburg has that characteristic in the bag.

So, quit your belly-aching and come up with solutions and good ideas, instead of always putting your city down.

How's that old Lynard Skynard song go?

"Well, I heard ole P.R. but Edinburg down,

Well, Edinburg don't need ole P.R. anyhow!"

We do need you, P.R., because you allow a lot of bonafide, important political discussions and secrets to be revealed here, without fear of retribution.

Onward through the fog!

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PR no tiene los huevos para ir a las juntas. El culero se la pasa mamandosela y no tiene ni una idea de que habla. Sigue pagando tus impuestos y si no vas a ofrecer soluciones para las problemas que dices que hay, entonces cayate el osiko pendejo.

10:33 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


First of all lets hear it for the Spanish mouth piece with the oh so colorful off the wall charming remarks that don’t really amount to much more than a warm bubbly feeling of flachulance escaping the clinched o-ring of dearer. The physical attendance of a council meeting is as useless as a Gus Garcia’s ranting about how FNB gets all the city’s business. WAH WAH WAH, it’s all pretty much choreographed and then set into motion the day of. Listen, here’s the deal, you’re city council is only broken into two factions, so the meeting is just about which side gets their way, me comprendes o te ases pendejo? You really think being their present at a meeting is really going to do the trick, first you must read about how to interdict into a meeting by reading Robert’s rule and then if you are going to present whatever you wish to present, it goes on the meeting agenda and once its on the agenda the council can prepare to either strike it down or pass it. Either way, most of it is all just to make it formal. And we all know the usual players get their way with or without being present. And to my spanish speaking compadre or comadre, the tube carries the meeting after the fact in some cases so the agenda is usually already set forth prior to such meetings. And if you believe that the city council is in any way suprised by the people’s attendance, think again, it really doesn’t matter how many people are their or what people snicker about, things are going to go as planned usually. FNB had a contract with the city of Edinburg’s employees regarding payroll checks and it was left in limbo due to then the elections of Eddie Johnson & Richard Garcia vs Ochoa and Gus Garcia, jr. WHY? If Johnson was a VP at FNB why didn’t they just prematurely vote to approve FNB’s contract with Edinburg employees payroll contract? I feel Richard and Eddie used that leverage to garner more funds from FNB for Re election and more votes being driven by FNB personnel. Well that backfired and the two came short on election day right? And with Gus Garcia, jr. coming in along with Ochoa, whom are Lone Star Bank peeps aka Alonzo Cantu buds, then they would opt not to re-negotiate contract with FNB right? Instead they would choose Lone Star right? Wrong, they were outnumbered from the get go. You see the two opposing factions were 3 to 2 so NO MATTER WHO WAS AT THE MEETING THE FNB CONTRACT WAS GONNA PASS REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE MAYOR AND GUS WANTED! Now don’t get me wrong, Gus came in with some rhetoric about why, when and how, but to no avail. FNB had the fix in already. Boys you don’t leave a lucrative contract like that up to chance. If you believe that physical attendance is needed to make a difference at a city council meeting, you actually believe that you’ll break the bank in Vegas’ Casinos one day or maybe hit the lottery. I’ll tell you what that just tells me that you will get wiped out of your money everyday of the week and twice on Sunday in Vegas and that you’ll be scratching that broke ass as long as your scratching that lotto ticket. So go ahead and think that your presence makes a difference at a city council meeting, my money says that a Mr. Rogers from FNB gets more done with one phone call (ie Renewal of Contract with the City’s Employee payroll) than you would with being present at every council meeting for the years of 2008-2010. Me comprendes primo hermano politico o te aces porque quires. A la otra ques estes en una junta dela commission del pueblo, garate de los tubios por que te van a ser linea y hechate un grito “viva” Edinburg, asi como dicea tu mayor cuando estaba coriendo su campana.

7:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"First of all lets hear it for the Spanish mouth piece with the oh so colorful off the wall charming remarks that don’t really amount to much more than a warm bubbly feeling of flachulance escaping the clinched o-ring of dearer."

Isn't that what you're response contained as well?

8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Well, that was a pretty good piece about David Rogers and First National Bank. Now that's why I mean by getting information out to the masses.

You sure do know quite a bit, more than your average Joe. You have a lot of historical perspective as well, so I wonder who you are. Not your average Jose, I can tell you that.

But don't think that people showing up at city council or county commission or school board meetings don't make a difference. On that point, you are dead wrong.

It is precisely because so few people go to these meetings that the corruption you hate gets pulled off. So do us a favor – encourage people to show up at these meetings. I guarantee you a new face at these government meetings really makes an impression, so can you imagine dozens of new faces?

One doesn't have to be anonymous or write in secret in order to influence change. Let's get to it!

4:22 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

4:22 PM,

I've been to plenty of meetings, I've viewed plenty of them on t.v. as well and these corrupted individuals only get bolder. You're insinuating that those who blog, should show up to these meetings with tags on them that read: "Hello my name is Average Joe, yeah the one who blogs about all your crooked crap we can care less about!" by the way keep up the good work wink wink. I have my suspicions too as to who you are, and I'm sure you're probably involved to some degree but hold your tongue on many issues due to political reprisals, and that my friend is the difference between us. I dont hold back anything, and I shall recieve as I do give out, I'm a sport about it, and will stand for what I believe in. You don't need to know one persons name here, all you need to know is the obvious. And that obvious is these HIGH TAXES in this city for WHAT? What do we really got? We have the same amount of schools as do cities with Real Retail Malls, yet we have JCPENNYs and Bealls, DO YOU NOT FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT? I know you might work with numbers to some degree, so just put the pen to the paper and add it up here my friend and see if it really adds up. Lets forget all the bandwagon idiots that come on here to cheer on their faction and just leave it to the numbers! MATH WISE IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE, SOMEONE IS POCKETING SOME DOUGH HERE, we have 50 thousand dollar campaigns for positions that pay NO SALARY????? HELLO!!! And all we have is JCPENNYs and BEALLS.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Yes, I am suggesting that bloggers who cover politics go ahead and identify themselves. Hundreds already do, and they write about topics in even more hard-hitting fashion than you.

So far, most of your postings have been pretty good. Not always accurate, but who is? Still, they are written well enough that you should be proud to attach your name to them.

If you work in city government, where you seem to have an expertise, then, yes, I can see why you would not identify yourself – your job can be negatively affected. And if you do work within the halls of city hall, just say so – that will make the politicos you write about really take note of you. It would be difficult (although not impossible) for them to discover your identity.

And, since they are public figures, they can forget about suing you for libel, even if you are wrong, because the standard they would have to meet to recover damages is just too high. Besides, they would have to give their most recent income tax returns to your defense attorney, and their financial secrets would become open documents, including to the press. That's another reason they wouldn't go after you, at least legally.

You can remain anonymous, like I do, but be even-handed in your criticisms of people. $50 thousand to run for city council for a job that pays nothing, you say? Well, what average Jose or Josefa can afford to run for office on good will alone? Those newspapers want you to buy ads with them, otherwise they will ignore you. Even if you go through an Internet campaign, you still have to pay someone to do it right.

So, let's not get all high and mighty on us, looking down from your moral high ground.

C'mon, Edinburg has come a long, long, long way in the past 20 years or so, yet you make it seem like we are New Orleans, steeped in corruption and drowning in incompetence.

Taxes, yes, they probably are too high. But I used to resent them for a long time, until one day, I was held up at a store and a bunch of cops showed up and nailed the SOB who pulled a gun on me. That's the last time I complained too much about taxes.

Also, the elderly and disabled had their city property taxes frozen in Edinburg to help them out. So much for an uncaring government.

Tax breaks being given out to the rich and powerful? No doubt about that, but complaining isn't going to change anything about that. Voting will. And showing up to the governmental meetings, where the politicos have to face the people right there and then, and not just be uncomfortable every three years during reelection time.

Chill out, PR. Everything in Edinburg doesn't stink, and every politician isn't crooked, at least all the time. I am still waiting for ideas from you for good government, and I don't mean more finger-pointing.

Have a vision. How about calling on Hidalgo County creating a hospital district, which would force the UT System to build a teaching hospital. That way, if you are poor and uninsured, you can still get decent medical care, even surgery, at a major medical center that can't turn you away because you are one of the "owners"? '

Or getting the Hidalgo County Commissioners Court to require that the campaign contribution reports on file at the Elections Department be converted to PDF and placed online on the county's website. Or for that matter, asking why the county website had to be developed by some company from way out of the Valley?

Hey, how about that? I think I just put out three great posting ideas for you! Talk about them one at a time, dissect them, promote them, ask your other readers what ideas and suggestions they have, and presto, you are on the way to effecting democratic advances in local government.

By the way, I appreciate that you respond to your contributors, and we all thank you for giving us a forum where we can be anonymous, so don't think my criticisms of you are meant to be hurtful, because they are not.

So, let's get to it!

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats up with the 1000 lbs. of drugs in the Eddie Saenz Vital Line Ambulance?

6:15 PM  
Blogger South Texas Kings-X said...


For the entire story...more secrets to be revealed...not rumors like the lloron that posted on your site to reveal yourself. Well why don't they tell their wives, husbands, etc..who they are screwing...I guess they are not man or woman go home and tell their significant other, Oh yeah by the way I was humping Jenny today! Don't worry you want us to help Edinburg, Mr. "why did you have to post your nonsense", well you asked for it and we won't stop just at Edinburg, we will begin with Edinburg since it is the root of all the corruption in Hidalgo County and just because a person is DA, lawyer, judge, etc... you will not be exempted! I know for every freaking weed you pull, two or three will grow back..we'll just keep pulling. And as for Mr. nonsense why don't you reveal yourself. All of you involved in the organized crime called politics, media, etc...will be exposed...that is why you should watch the toes you step on cuz they might be attached to the a$$ that is going to reveal you all, and you know who U R. Visit

More secrets to be revealed, more corruption to put away! If the law enforcement community wants to look the other way then fine, we'll bring back the "ghetto gunfighters" to take out the corruption.

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey South Texas King,

You've got nothing. What you are revealing is all rumors unless you disclose proof. Post recorded conversations or video of actual events you are talking about, then you can begin exposing supposed corruption. Without it, it's just your opinion. Anyone can have a website and post whatever they want, but that doesn't make it a fact.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

South texas kings-x is Edinburg News. Look at the writing style. He or she likes to begin sentences with the word well, as in, "Well why don't they..." That along with all the other grammar, spelling, and and punctuation goofs give it away.

Poor bastards!

10:47 AM  
Blogger South Texas Kings-X said...

Now we have someone drawing at straws to make out identities. Don't worry I don't deal in rumors. What I post comes straight from the inside. Everyone gets tried of being stepped on by those above them. Like I said for every weed you pull out, three more grow in its place...just keep pulling. Don't worry the list is long and I'm sure your name is on it somewhere. Don't worry I won't leave any stones unturned unlike Edinburg News...People shouldn't keep skeletons in their closets...Ethics Policy adoption my a$$ that is just a smoke screen. "It is up to each department head to enforce the policy!". Well that is just a disclaimer, why have an ethics policy at all...freaking joke, you will be a one termer mark my words!

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

South Texas King's X is David Diaz.

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


what about j.d.salinas? what's up with his west side political click? and clit (teresa navarro)? any info on that scum?

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear E-news writer,

The proper term is grasping, not drawing.

I read your knigs-x thing and it makes no sense. What's the point of your blog?

Oh yeah, and I have to respond to it on this blog because it, like your e-news blog, doesn't allow comments.

4:33 PM  
Blogger South Texas Kings-X said...

In regards to JD Salinas, it is like this its all about family, however; your ethics should not draw the line when family crosses the line. JD, Eddie Saenz, Teresa Navarro, and Uncle Joe Flores, yes Commissioner Flores is JD's uncle for those of you who don't know are all tight. Nonetheless, Teresa and JD had something back in the day...I don't believe in selective politics. If I do something or decide something it will always be consistent no matter how painful. Integrity is key to keeping the trust of the people. JD failed this test by placing Teresa's termination which was in his power on the back burner, not once, but twice. Hence, why I state one termer. In regards, to click, his power now extends to the East side as he married into the Cuellar family that owns JIII concrete. Not directly but indirectly. JD is a good guy, however; friendships need to be set aside and some decisions are hard, but they still have to be made..JD in my book made the wrong decision when it came to Teresa Navarro and that will effect his electibility in the next race!

6:04 PM  
Blogger South Texas Kings-X said...

The point of the blog...Well if it were yours you would know the point. No one states that you have to tolerate corruption. The traditional action is to not do crap and look the other way. Well I choose not to look the other way. I guess something happened, you know like the saying goes, "The needle that broke the camels back!" Wake up call to the community. There are things that are not known and probably would never be brought to light if they are not revealed. However, by not revealing them, innocent people are getting stepped on and kicked around by those who have held the power for too long. Well time to turn those tables. To the AG's Office-New Medicare/Medicaid Fraud Unit...want to make a difference...well go investigate Noe Ramon's Ambulance service...and that is just to warm-up...You want to fry a big fish...then visit Doctor's Renissance Hospital-Medical Billing Section and take statements from current and past employees on unethical billing pratices...don't be surprised what you learn

6:12 PM  
Blogger South Texas Kings-X said...

To the ignorant anonymous posters...You haven't lived long enough to know what I know. You would have had to been raised in politics and been living on the inside to know what I post are not rumors. Rumors are like a$$holes, everyone has one. What I post will always come from the inside, if not from the source. Secret are only secrets until they need to be used. Whether it is to take out the old dog that won't let the young pup have a bone or just pulling weeds. It is time for a change in those that hold power, and change is coming whether they like it or not. Not that the next one will be any better, but at least it will give someone else a chance to show what he/she has instead of the same crooked individuals. It's all about you scratch my back I scratch yours. Well the ones that don't last are the ones that don't play that game. Integrity and holding the line requires walking through fires, and not submitting but if I ain't making Joe Blow money over here or over there then I am not a team player. Well guess what my team is the community and those that are suffering at the hands of the idiots that wish we didn't know what we know and wouldn't post what we know. Some idiot posted something about the families being hurt and that we are hurting those families...Wake up JR., we are not the ones committing the actions we are just the ones bring it to light. The people of the community hold the power, not the politicians.

6:23 PM  
Blogger South Texas Kings-X said...

Why are comments not allowed on Kings X because it is just information. There is nothing you can tell me regarding Valley politics that I don't know. Regardless of which city you live in. The site is to reveal secrets not to have idiots whose secrets are going to be revealed to post and state otherwise or their family members. Put it this way, if you hold any political office of any consequence, and take it for what its worth, you will be revealed should you cross my path. My current objective is to expose the current corruption in County government because that is what affects the community at large. Later I will focus my full attention to Edinburg, as this is my hometown and I don't like what it has become, politically speaking...E-news, The Edinburg whatever with Joe what's his name and Earn My Vote with Ernest Barnett at the helm are about the two clicks in Edinbug made up of the Espinozas, Garcias, Palacios, Joe Ochoa, etc and they each are waging political mud slinging against each other. The only way to take corruption that is consuming Edinburg out is at the root. It would take an FBI inquiry and the local office ain't gonna make it happen. You need to lobby elsewhere to make sh!t happen...don't worry when it hits the DA won't have control cuz its going federal and not local. You won't be able to make a call, like you did for your wife's new position in E.C.I.S.D. Yeah, like I said all about secrets, truths, not want rumors go read it in a toliet...Kings X

6:35 PM  
Blogger South Texas Kings-X said...

Do you know who owns FNB? Do you know the roots of FNB owner? Do you know who belongs in that triangle? Who does the County bank with? It's not just coincidence! The Kings X is like the matrix, you can choose to take the red pill and stop livin' an illusion or you can take the blue pill and continue living the illusion...It's up to U! I choose to see the truth!

6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kings X, what about Joe Ochoa? You're letting me off the hook....his association with Hector Casas and Eddie Saenz (whose Vital Line company just got caught with drugs).

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

What's that old saying: Kings X wouldn't know a Big Story if it was printed in the New York Times on page 1, hand-delivered to him/her, and had a big, red headline blaring, "Hey, Kings X, this is is Big Story!"

In his rambling posts, he made a very interesting and probably false claim. He identified Earn My Vote as being run by a certain "Ernest Barnett at the helm."

Well, Kings X, you certainly have uncovered one of the most secret political scandals in Edinburg, yet you waste time ranting and raving about JD and Uncle Joe, Terry P and Teresa N, Ricky Rod and Mr. P, and Mayor Joe and Hector Casas.

So, how do you know who is this "Ernest Barnett", and for that matter, who is he, and who is he associated with. And how come you don't know who is Edinburg News, or for that matter, Political Ring?

Seems to me, given all the insider's information and dirt you have on Edinburg's Pillars of the Community, that perhaps you were once part of the Earn my Vote Society, and for whatever reason, parted ways.

How about it, Kings X? Care to get off your Throne and let the rest of us peons know who is Ernest Barnett?

Or, does the emperor wear no clothes?

11:31 AM  
Blogger South Texas Kings-X said...

Well, if you consider those that you just mentioned pillars of the community that is a joke, Terry, Mary Alice aka the Drunk,Teresa, etc...pillars, Pillars of the Community would have some been livin' under a f@cking rock for to long. In answer to your query, Ernest Barnett is "The Voice" for the click against Joe "the clown" Ochoa as he likes to put it, in Earn My Vote. Barnett mobile home park on Sugar and Canton. Regardless, I don't belong to no f@cking click, I can stand on my own two feet. I don't do favors, cuz I don't like to owe nobody sh!t. This way everyone is treated special favors here. That is the problem with being a politician, someone in power, etc...In order to ascend to power you have to do favors for those that helped you get to where you're at...well I don't operate that f@cking way. I will earn what I sow, you dumbsh!t

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

South Texas Kings name should be changed to King Mumbo Jumbo......Too much wording with nothing to show for it.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

King's X is Political Ring - read between the angry words..

9:11 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

9:11 AM,

HAHA! Pissing in the wind I see or taking a stab in the dark here just proves the guessing game can go on forever. Not even close with your guess. Thank you, please come again.

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

joey p. and mary alice the GED's what a joke!!!!!!

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello !.
might , perhaps very interested to know how one can manage to receive high yields .
There is no need to invest much at first. You may commense to receive yields with as small sum of money as 20-100 dollars.

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11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good day !.
might , perhaps curious to know how one can collect a huge starting capital .
There is no need to invest much at first. You may start to receive yields with as small sum of money as 20-100 dollars.

AimTrust is what you haven`t ever dreamt of such a chance to become rich
AimTrust represents an offshore structure with advanced asset management technologies in production and delivery of pipes for oil and gas.

It is based in Panama with affiliates everywhere: In USA, Canada, Cyprus.
Do you want to become really rich in short time?
That`s your choice That`s what you wish in the long run!

I`m happy and lucky, I started to take up real money with the help of this company,
and I invite you to do the same. If it gets down to select a correct partner who uses your savings in a right way - that`s the AimTrust!.
I earn US$2,000 per day, and my first deposit was 1 grand only!
It`s easy to get involved , just click this link
and lucky you`re! Let`s take our chance together to feel the smell of real money

6:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:30 AM  

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