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Location: SOUTH TEXAS, TX, United States

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Country Clubs, Golf Courses, Secret Societies, The Presidency, Politics, Wealth, Media, Entertainment etc were all Dominated by Whites at some point in History. The Presidency being the Most coveted position in our Nation now being sought after by an African American and actually has the upper hand in this race: popularity wise and economically. Obama, Oprah, and Tiger are just a few to mention that have helped bring down some racist walls in our country. Soon we will have our very first African American President and that will echo an eternity. Soon all children will be able to dream of being president one day. Thank you Obama and Obama supporters, the day of "just" White America is coming to an end. We have capable people of all ethnicity to make a difference in our world, I'm not against any one race, but I am against ignorant racism, categorizing or labeling. Obama is just the tip of the iceberg as to just how people can rise above it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

You have to give Aaron Peña credit. He saw the writing on the wall, abandoned his role as a leading South Texas advocate for Hillary Clinton, and showed up for Barack Obama's huge rally at UT-Pan American. Of course, he paid a price for it. He has now been painted up to be a Benedict Arnold.

His only mistake, I think, was he has gone around denying he is supporting Obama, sticking to the line that he was at the rally because his son was working for Obama. Please. Tell the truth – he supports Obama because he is the best person for the job.

If you look at Aaron's website, he is loath to come out and say he supports Obama. Like, who else can he support now that the damage has been done? Get behind the winner; every other key leader in South Texas went for Hillary.

Oh, oh. Your favorite whipping boy, Joe Ochoa, stuck his neck out and publicly endorsed Obama when everyone else was on the Clinton band wagon. School board member Robert Peña also endorsed Obama, along with Councilmember Gus Garcia, Jr., and the next senator from Cameron, Eddie Lucio, III.

I am sure the rest of the Clinton Valley Democrats will come on back to Obama, because the alternative is not a good one. Sen. McCain, bless his heart, is a great man and an American war hero, but he is towing the Bush party line, and that means more war, more enemies, more fear-mongering, and more economic disruptions.

I agree with you, P.R. It's time for a great change. I also salute Hillary Clinton and her husband, the former President, for the tremendous work they did in the White House. But enough of the same two families ruling the country. Let's get an EveryMan in the White House for a change.

9:53 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

Clinton vs Obama, has there ever been such an argument? Male vs Female? Maybe, Right vs Left? Never, Right vs Wrong? Not even close. Clinton and Obama don’t differ in party or platform, so why the whole Pena is a benedict arnold? You and I have the luxury of voting for whomever we please, don’t elected officials have the same right? Or did we slip into some type of Caste system, dictatorship, or communist rule? Publicly endorsing a candidate really doesn’t amount to much these days. A pledge is just that, a pledge is saying you will vote for that person. A pledge isn’t always a for sure thing, again nobody REALLY knows how one will vote in the voting booth. Yeah, people can speculate or try to tally up some support, but in the end people hate being told what to do, who to like or to support. Individuals are educated enough to distinguish which button to push once in the voting booth, so why are campaigns even needed to mob the precincts? Well that’s just for a show of support. Now as far as bandwagons go, a democrat I feel is voting for their party’s ideology regardless of who gets the nomination. In this case Mr. Obama seems to be that candidate, so Go Obama! Great, yes lets get some change, but to polarize people within the same party is ridiculous. If people vote democrat, great! If people choose to be ignorant during elections and not take part in the process well then that’s their right. But to say that any elected official exercised their right to endorse any one candidate over another is considered being some what of a traitor, well that’s just not quite right. Take for example if you will, Hillary, Obama and Pena are all attorneys right? Well in a court of law, this occupation will fight rhetorically and plead their case as to why they’re right while trying to bash the opposing attorney, but in the end the court room antics doesn’t negate the fact that these attorneys can be allies or personal friends. It’s been said the courtroom is a choreographed show as in politics, these candidates do their best to state their case in trying to persuade the people, only this time around the stage isn’t a courtroom its through the media on a grander scale. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited to know that my country is willing to change. I hope our city can do the same. And to quote you, “But enough of the same two families ruling the country. Let's get an EveryMan in the White House for a change. “ Well what about if we dissect a few words for it to read, “enough of the same ruling our city, let’s get a change, “ for our city.

10:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Valley Obama headquarters is housed in his law firm. Pena has close ties in both camps. That whole slander bit from the Eddie Saenz camp was a big failure. That's why he lost.

3:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EveryMan? PLEASE! He is the same as Clinton, Bush I, Bush II, and McCain.

3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What in the world happened to Saenz everytime he loses he goes into a cave. There are a bunch of pissed off people here in EE because he left town owing money.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Funny how you have him inaugurated already. I thought the election was in November?

Remember, that there is sadly a large segement of this nation that will not stand for a person of African decent to hold the office of President. Especially one with Hussein as his middle name. I'm not just talking about your KKK morons either.

Having grown up in the Valley, I can tell you that brown on black racism is just as prevalent as it is in other predominantly "white" parts of the country. Whether they're called "negros" or "mayates" (forgive the spelling), Hispanics do not have a kinship with African American community that the leaders of the Democrat party might want you to think. Look at the turnout for Hillary over Obama.

Don't be fooled by the rolled up sleeves, working class hero crap. Obama and his wife are Ivy League Elite ala the Bushes and the Clintons. Hope, change, a new direction. They're all great ideas, but that's what every challenger to a sitting party says every time and every time we get the same status quo. Is there really any difference?

And before you answer that with "the war," and "the economy" remember that it was a Democrat administration that led us down the road to Vietnam and a Democrat administration that led us through the economic malaise of the late 70's.

My point is that if we the people, stop concentrating on what the slogans say and cast aside this blind allegiance to party loyalty, we might be able to read between the lines and see how bad we're getting screwed no matter who's in charge.

4:05 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


Funny how you have him inaugurated already. I thought the election was in November?
Remember, that there is sadly a large segement of this nation that will not stand for a person of African decent to hold the office of President. Especially one with Hussein as his middle name. I'm not just talking about your KKK morons either.

Having grown up in the Valley"

"My point is that if we the people, stop concentrating on what the slogans say and cast aside this blind allegiance to party loyalty, we might be able to read between the lines and see how bad we're getting screwed no matter who's in charge."

Hey listen nobody is inauguarating anyone just yet, but we got the Obama shirts and stickers on, you know like on superbowl night, both teams got their perspective team winning the game on print and ready to break em out when the score in the 4th quarter is like 50 to 30 with just 5 minutes to go. Mathematically it makes sense to give the count to Obama, but hey you're right not everyone has voted, there are a few superdelegates left uncommitted, but as far as the whole African American Candidate getting this far in the Political Process leads me to believe that we as a nation are indeed changing. WHEN has this ever occured? Never, and believe me the Jacksons, Sharptons, etc have been out there. About racism being out there, sure but the sheer numbers and demographics don't lie, why dont you take a quick peak at them. You rant on about this nation not tolerating an african american as president, but you claim you've lived here in the valley all your life,,, WOW! You're really well traveled to say the least, its no wonder how you know what you're talking about. Lets clamper down on the negativety and the double shot of haterade, Obama will be the likely candidate in the Oval Office. The name thing you mentioned, well theres a great deal of PhDs out there who's job it is to study our political demographics and most are calling Obama the most likely candidate to be the Man to beat. Lets face it Valleyite, CHANGE is coming, TIMES are changing, Get to LOVING, and QUIT THE HATING. Hussein means King not Terrorist or Dictator and just happens to be one of the most popular names throughout our world right next to the name Bob. HA! I can bet you that the Name Hussein has been around thousands of years longer than the name Bob. Get over the smut campaigns already! If Hillary would of been the leading candidate, I'd be alright with it too. A democrat in office beats what we got going on right about now. McCain is too questionable age wise, cancer in the cheek wise, and not to mention he might have the Bush Cheney scene Re-deux when it comes to our Non Existent Economy. I'm sure Bill, Hillary and all the other democrat candidates will rally with Obama in the End to beat the Republicans. So why are you taking things so personal? Get in line and put your dancing shoes on for the victory dance! Now about the War, Economy, etc, any ONE person coming into office will not be the answer within the first term in office, I guarantee you that! I have to Hand it to Bush, he really messed things up so bad, that our deficit has more zeros than Bush's Harvard Trascripts! Ok Ok, I know Harvard doesn't use numerical grades, just some sarcasm on that one. But you get the point. Any person who serves their country has the right to lead it, regardless of creed or ethnicity right? Well Obama being African American, or Hillary being White, both have never served in the Armed forces, but People of their Ethnicity have, so whats the deal? They have the right to lead in any capacity they choose, it just so happens that they're seeking the most powerful position in our nation next to the Donald that is. Again some more Sarcasm about Trump. Believe me White Led Corporations are exstatic about having Obama be the face of our Nation, do you realize how much more ACCEPTED this country will become over night once Obama is in office. Once again will Corporate America be able to put their foot through the many doors that have been slammed in our face these past recent years due to War mongering Right wingers like Cheney and company. Lets face it our Economy can use a shot in the arm of penicillin to kill off this disease we've gotten over the past Bush years. I mean I'm getting this sludge sinking feeling, cough cough OIL cough cough, and well its time our Country is able to lead again on a Global level. We have surely alienated many countries in our monopolizing tactics in the oil and defense business. A change is coming.

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first comment is David Diaz. Total bullshit when a reporter takes cash from one candidate to trash another and then pass it off as legitimate news. Looks like he still wants to fight the last two or three lost elections. Suck it up bud your candidates lost. Ochoa is next.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You haven't inaugurated anyone yet?

You said,

"Soon we will have our very first African American President and that will echo an eternity."

in the post.

Respond to comments with the same personality that wrote your initial post.

12:48 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

12:48 AM,

Theres a difference between "Soon" and "Hail to the chief."

No inuagauration as of yet OFFICIALLY, but you can start tuning up the band. Now Cmon, why do you insist on being a stubborn suppressed feeling racist? A democrat will occupy the white house after Bush is out and the Mathematically most likely candidate is Obama. Unless you have another Math method where Hillary wins? Well do ya? I mean we can wait all week here, and no 2+2 aint going to equal 5, its always gonna equal 4. It doesn't take an astronomer to tell you that the stars are aligning for the new and mathematically the numbers are in Obama's favor. LOOK, I don't have a thing against Hillary or Bill, they will be in Obama's corner every step of the way against McCain, so climb aboard pal. The Inaugauration is coming, Obama is coming, and a new beginning is on the horizon SOON. Get it "SOON" not now, not yesterday, not 2 days from now, but SOON! And I will be bold in saying that Obama will get the nomination via superdelegates. Theres about close to 200 superdelegates still out there and they will have to go along with how their state voted.

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I get it. It depends on what the meaning of soon is. Kind of like what the meaning of "is" is, right?

Keep on bloggin' with your lame explanations. And by the way, just because soemone does not support Obama or points out the reality of race relations does not make them a racist. Your argument is weak when you throw out that term.

8:44 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

8:44 AM,

You aint got to like it, just accept it. Obama is on his way to the white house! Hey if you fail to see the writing on the wall, well then no argument will suffice. Go Seek lasik my friend. OH and about the Racism issue, well lets get your quote here, "Remember, that there is sadly a large segement of this nation that will not stand for a person of African decent to hold the office of President." Looks like you're including yourself in that segment of the nation as an FYI to those supporting Obama. Psychology 101, don't be projecting or opening windows you dont identify with then. You point that segment comment out because your presumably believe it and endorse such crap.

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

One of your readers struck a nerve by saying Mexican Americans in the Valley may not vote for Obama because he is black. But the real question is, will Mexican Americans from the Valley vote for a Republican white president?

I think there is much deep rooted anger against Anglos among Mexican Americans down here because, let's face it, the tension between Hispanics and Anglos in Texas goes back centuries. Can you say Texas Rangers? Can you say the broken Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, where Hispanic Texans lost millions of acres of land and countless wealth? Can you say 'stop speaking Spanish in public schools or we will paddle you?' The list goes on.

Look, people, Anglo presidents have done great things for our country throughout its history, and none of them were perfect. With apologies to a lot of local Democrats, the president who did the most for Mexican Americans was not Bill Clinton or John Kennedy or FDR. It was LBJ.

Sure, LBJ was messed up on a lot of other things, but he passed major civil rights legislation and got the War on Poverty going. Vietnam tarnished his record, but those accomplishments still benefit all Americans today.

But, times, they are a changing. Obama isn't perfect, either, and yes, he and Hillary and John McCain all are rich people. But Obama's personal history of struggle is similar to many Americans, and that shared experience can't be ignored.

Bottom line, I believe, it this:

Hispanics aren't comfortable with blacks in general, but it has been white people who have put their boots on our necks throughout the history of Texas.

Whether we show up and vote for Obama if he is the nominee, well, I can't answer that. But to paraphrase Muhammed Ali, when asked why he refused the draft to fight Vietnamese,

"Why should I vote for a white president instead of Obama? Ain't no black person ever call me greaser."

11:51 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

11:51 am,

Well lets see, words like Anglo, Black, Hispanic, Texan, and Greaser were kicked around within your statement, and well I’ve taken the initiative here to display some irony with the words and labels we use today.

Take for example Mexican, Hispanic, and well any derogatory name you want to add to it and well it is suppose to describe one type of person right? WRONG! We’re all different within one ethnicity, culture, or nationality. Let me prove that to you, in your paragraph you mention about 3 names to describe other than whites, yet Whites are just Anglos where in fact the following will describe some accuracy in detailing just who they break into categorically.

Anglo-Anglus English.A combining form meaning the same as English; or English and, or English conjoined with; as,
Anglo-Turkish treaty,
Anglo-American, Of or pertaining to the English and Americans, or to the descendants of Englishmen in America. n. A descendant from English ancestors born in America, or the United States.

Anglo-Danish, a. Of or pertaining to the English and Danes, or to the Danes who settled in England.

Anglo-Indian, a. Of or pertaining to the English in India, or to the English and East Indian peoples or languages. -- n. One of the Anglo-Indian race born or resident in the East Indies.

Anglo-Norman, a. Of or pertaining to the English and Normans, or to the Normans who settled in England. -- n. One of the English Normans, or the Normans who conquered England.

Anglo Saxon etc.

Is there racism among the aforementioned Whites? Of Course. So it’s a moot point to argue that ignorance is still present among our society. Declaring that whites have done an injustice to the African American community is not only true, but and injustice to all Blacks, and notice I mentioned Blacks and not AFRICAN AMERICAN. There are many Black individuals from all over the world the ignorance of thinking that all blacks come from Africa is well IGNORANT as well. Latin people come from all over the world too not just Mexico. So again, people splitting hairs about which democrat is better is irrelevant at this point in the primaries. Lets give Obama the chance and let Hillary serve in her own capacity to help the democrat party to victory. Obama alone isn’t the answer to our economical crisis, now that’s a given, people should understand that some economical restraint within our own household is inevitable in the near future. Obama being black doesn’t bother me it’s just the ignorance that prevails when people choose to use labels incorrectly is what stupidifies (bush word) us all at some point and that is what gets people to be intolerable of each other. I like what Obama has done during his campaign and it really doesn’t get any better, so close your eyes hear his message and for those racists out there just pretend for a minute while your eyes are closed that you’re hearing a White Anglo Saxon Protestant echo your living room through your television set and recognize the inspiration of hope. And if you don’t feel it don’t vote for it, but if you do, Welcome! Lets get going with this and help the change take place.

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again you talk out of two sides of your mouth. You say that he is in the Whitehouse and when someone calls you on the quick draw, you say you never said it. Again it's pointed out to you and instead of saying "yeah, you're right, sorry." you then tell the commentor that it's inevitable that Obama is in and if he or she doesn't like it. . .

6:28 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

6:28 PM,

Speaking from two sides of my mouth? HA! What kinda ignorant claim is that. I speak with my mouth not only one side, and the response was complex.

Did I INAUGAURATE OBAMA? NO! I'm just a voter, and the Inaugauration is a FORMAL PROCESS. Formal,,,being the key word there.

Do I Think He's going to be the NOMINEE? HELL YES!

Do I Think He's going to be the President of the United States? ANOTHER HELL YES!

Does The Delegate and Superdelegate Count DICTATE OBAMA is the PRESUMED WINNER? YES!

Now do you wanna wait till ITS OFFICIAL? FINE GO AHEAD! But in the Mean time, without the tally Officially being acknowledged, It's safe to say that Obama is the NOMINEE!!!

McCain anyone? MORE BUSH-SHIT ANYONE? CAN ANYONE AFFORD THESE TWO IDIOTS? PROBABLY NOT! Now can we celebrate already? Probably a bit premature, but Do you think I really Care what some bloggers write? Hell No! I'm saying it, blogging it, and betting on it that Obama is our Democrat Nominee and Presidential FRONT RUNNER!


DENIAL AND IGNORANCE are a harmful combination isn't it?

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not to long ago you were telling Obama to step aside and let Hillary have a go at the presidential race. Why the sudden change? Are you pulling a Aaron Pena?

7:57 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

7:57 AM,

Hey before you go accusing pena, me, or any other Democrat of being Judas, why don't you read the following news clip:

"Bill Clinton Pushes Hillary for Vice President
Obama Camp Resists 'Dream Ticket' Pressure; McCain's Search Continues

May 23, 2008

Bill Clinton has been Sen. Hillary Clinton's biggest booster in her presidential bid, but is now campaigning for a new job for his wife -- vice president.
The so-called "dream ticket" of Democratic nomination front-runner Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois and the New York senator has been talked up by wistful Democrats for more than a month as the two have gone toe-to-toe and chalked up record turnouts for primaries across the country.
The Clinton camp had previously said such a ticket might be a good idea -- with Obama in the veep spot.
But as the primaries come to an end and Clinton's chances of overtaking Obama's delegate lead dwindle, the former U.S. president has joined the Hillary-for-Veep bandwagon, ABC News' chief Washington correspondent George Stephanopoulos reported.
"He is definitely talking it up, making no secret it would be a strong ticket for Barack Obama," Stephanopoulos reported on "Good Morning America" this morning."

AGAIN, quit being Ignorant about it being Obama for President. Yes, I once felt A woman would make a fine president, didn't mean I was counting Obama out. I prefer to vote for a Democrat in this up coming election, and if Obama is the Nominee then Great! If Bill wants Hillary as V.P. Great too! Hillary and Obama really don't differ too much in Political Platform, so Either Democrat is great for our country. So do all your research as to what I said in the past, And really at this point a democrat HAS to be the ANSWER. It just happens to be OBAMA. Does this answer cure your curiosity? So are you going to bash Bill Clinton too as you did to Mr. Pena? Ha! Bet you didn't see that one coming, Bill declaring Obama the winner!!! Even though it isn't official yet. HA! Go Ahead attack Bill now, go pitter patter over why he changed his mind from Obama serving as VP to his wife to her serving as VP to Obama...

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing pulled was victory . . . AGAIN!!!!!!

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Speaking of preachers, how about John McCain having to come out and denounce that lunatic Hagee out of San Antonio?

Hagee (I think I am spelling his name right) supposedly said that the Catholic Church and Hitler teamed up during World War II to get rid of the Jews! And, of course, the Catholic Church is a whore, according to published and broadcast reports out there.

And, if Hagee's words were taken out of context (and that happens all the time in the press), then why did McCain denounce Hagee's opinions as 'crazy'?

With all the nonsense being spewed out there about race and politics, it may just turn out that religion and politics is a much bigger sore spot in our national psyche.

Nay, race is the big card. But our religious nut cases out there just serve to remind us that in some cases, our nation has its own brand of Ayatollahs! We should clean up our own messes before we go out there trying to shove democracy and the judeo-Christian beliefs down the throats of the rest of the world.

What do you say, Brother/Sister Political Ring?

11:00 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

We should clean up our own messes before we go out there trying to shove democracy and the judeo-Christian beliefs down the throats of the rest of the world."

Well in regards to the aforementioned statement and your comments on Haguee (Mccain pastor or reverend) and I presume Obama's former pastor Wright.

Well it's easy to explain these two men's comments, we live in a country where we live by the free speech and we hate eachother when we speak our mind. I blog a few things and people come on here tearing it up. Who's right? Who Knows. But it just seems that everyone likes to feel that they can say what they please in our country and when confronted about such words, they will assure you that they have the RIGHT due to our constitution. So while those men of the clothe rectify their words, people can speculate whatever they please, but the words those men speak fall on loyal listeners' ears. Corporate America has perfected finding a market for just about anything being said, written or sung these days. What WE hold to be holy may be quite the opposite to others and what others find to be sacred, we may hold it to be ridiculous. I can only Imagine the culture clash our troops face in a far off land (Iraq or Afganistan) Can we politically correct the world? NO NEVER. We just practice trying to be politically correct on a daily basis, but we haven't mastered it. Most politicians find this out the hard way as do entertainers. We declare to be an intelligent form of life, yet we deteriorate morally when someone fails to conform to our ideals.

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like some people are still hurting and carrying a grudge.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Well-said, your last comment.

But don't get too dismayed about our government – we have the worst type of government in the world, with the exception of all the others.

But that doesn't mean we should not be critical of our own system and our own shortcomings. That's what makes us a strong people.

Speaking of governments, how come you don't ever take a critical look at our local university or community college. Nothing in particular; I think they do a great job in particular.

But Jeeze, Louise, you recently said some like President Cardenas at UTPA has the right stuff to be mayor. Maybe so. But c'mon, they get more tax money than the local school district, and no one ever asks them any hard questions. Are you on the Bronc payroll, too?

How about STCC? They just had an election for board trustee in Edinburg, and no one knew anything about it until they showed up to vote earlier this month.

How about you give local politicos a break for a few weeks, and start looking at our Ivory Tower bureaucrats! That would really wake up our sleepy little town, don't you think?

5:25 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


Your Quote #1

"Speaking of governments, how come you don't ever take a critical look at our local university or community college."


I do have a CRITICAL POSITION on our Local University to some degree. I strongly feel that many of the Degrees that these Higher Learning Entities offer are Worthless. I mean, I can hear it now, Alumni coming on here RANTING and Raving about how stupid I sound. But Answer me a simple question: What kinda worthy good paying jobs do Kids with Philosophy degrees get? How bout Psychology Degrees? Do I hear Cha Ching on that one? Criminal Justice Majors end up with Police jobs that seldomely require such a degree. Yes theres some incentive pay of like a 100 dollars a month, but cmon, Im not downing the position, it's just by the time of the aforementioned educated graduates get started with some type of career, they have to work about 10 years just to pay off a 4 year degree that fails to make them more than 30,000 a year. No social science degree, Education degree, English, Spanish, Anthropology, Math, etc will bring in 40,000 plus a year, Unless you're a teacher for like 5 plus years. A complete rip off to some students who work extremely hard to get educated in something they like, Instead you can go get a 2 yr associates degree in nursing and make 60-80,000 a year. Something wrong with that system, I guess its the whole supply and demand thing on that one. Students with such less marketable degrees should be able to file for some student loan debt relief or deferment of some kind. I mean these kids got extremely lucrative loans, and well some are having to pay for their children's education at the same time they're paying off their student loans.

Quote #2

"But Jeeze, Louise, you recently said some like President Cardenas at UTPA has the right stuff to be mayor. Maybe so. But c'mon, they get more tax money than the local school district, and no one ever asks them any hard questions."


An example of a female leader within our community, didnt mean her exactly. I feel she's a good President, Nevarez always had that look like he wasnt really liked among the faculty, but you had to put up with him because well he was there forever and I guess the same can be said for our Mayor Mr. O. And I have yet to see Dr. Cardenas getting DWI, political scandal or mud slinging with ranking faculty at UTPA. Ochoa keeps the finger pointing with Richard Garcia so much that one can spew just witnessing the whole shananigans.

Quote #3

"How about you give local politicos a break for a few weeks, and start looking at our Ivory Tower bureaucrats!"

Give Politicos a break? I'm not rude, I just tell the truth. Politicos need to get their act together, dont ya think? Its a non paid position, where many deals come to fruition regarding our city development and again this position is non paid. Yet some of these candidates dish out 40 thousand for a campaign. WOW! can anyone tell me how that math works out? GEEZ LOUISE IS RIGHT! Stevie Wonder can see the irony with this picture, and you want me to give them a break, hey they ask for it, when they run. Its an understanding they agree to when they seek to represent taxpayers like me. you dont want the ridicule or heat, stay out of office. But then again, I dont go yanking peoples name through the mud if they did nothing to deserve it.

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, settle down, PR,

No one is asking you to drag anyone's name through the mud. That's a quick way to get sued for defamation of character (it doesn't mean you will lose, it only means a court will force your server to identify you, and then that's the end of your secret identity).

Regarding UTPA, well, you have some very definite and not positive things to say about Harvard on the Rio Grande. But there are very good programs there. My point is no one raises questions about the power structure there. Who really runs the show?

I don't think President Cardenas has got a grip on power, at least not yet. She was probably fatally wounded with that scandal that wasn't a scandal about having UTPA pay for her lawn service and air conditioning at her private home. Personally, I think with the fat paycheck she gets each month (about $200K a year), she should have paid for her own lawn service and repairs her own air conditioning system. She could have written it off her taxable income as an business expense.

Obviously, someone at UTPA had it out for her because they sent an anonymous letter to the state government that got the whole thing going. That letter was posted for the longest time on the UTPA website. I think the UT System forced her to post it, which was humiliating considering she was cleared of any criminal wrongdoing, because she we go again...MEXICAN!

How about South Texas Community College? Did you know two of their trustees were up for reelection? I never saw any stories in the Monitor. Oh, yeah, they get bunch of money for ads from South Texas Community College. No wonder journalism is a dying profession.

That's what I mean about encouraging you to took a hard look at UTPA and STCC. I mean, unless Joe Ochoa or Richard Garcia get arrested for DWI, really, what else can you talk about?

Both sides are in lockstep giving millions of dollars for the shopping center and for the big development north of town, and to the hospitals and so on, so what's the difference? The difference is you only focus on Ochoa.

C'mon, PR. You obviously know a lot of stuff about people and politics in Edinburg, but how can we take you seriously if you ignore the really big gorilla in town – the university?

By the way, why don't you start writing about the nonsense in McAllen? 150,000 people in that town, and not one blog about what goes on out there. Unless, of course, you know of one, and I would appreciate if you shared that information with us.

9:08 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

"No one is asking you to drag anyone's name through the mud. That's a quick way to get sued for defamation of character (it doesn't mean you will lose, it only means a court will force your server to identify you, and then that's the end of your secret identity)."

SO! Just pop up again under another name, problem solved...

"My point is no one raises questions about the power structure there. Who really runs the show?"

The UT in Austin Chancellor thats who. After all that is the UT SYSTEMS FLAGSHIP, One of the Richest in the Country. UT has a Board of Regents That control the UT System and of course they control the Chancellor of the UT in Austin Campus. Follow the chain of command and you'll see who runs it all.

"I don't think President Cardenas has got a grip on power, at least not yet. She was probably fatally wounded with that scandal that wasn't a scandal about having UTPA pay for her lawn service and air conditioning at her private home."

CMON! Really, lawn service and AC work? Thats the BEST SCANDAL you got??? DAMN! In the name of negative blogging, you mean she didnt sleep with anyone, or beat up some elderly, or get some nasty dwi charge or how bout buying some beach property with tax or school money? DAMN! the horror I tell you. If I remember correctly Nevarez had lawn done by UTPA personnel along with vehicle and clothing allowance, they're taken care of to say the least.

"I think the UT System forced her to post it, which was humiliating considering she was cleared of any criminal wrongdoing, because she we go again...MEXICAN!"

OH! Was Dr. Cardenas BORN in MEXICO? I HAD NO IDEA... So what does it mean when you're BORN here in the UNITED STATES? Just a questiion. How does one go about becoming an AMERICAN? I mean aside from the Native Americans, Who is entitled to be known as AMERICAN? Some Cross the Rio Grande, Some Cross the Atlantic, and well very FEW cross the CANADIAN BORDER cuz they aint making a wall there..Hint hint...I guess being American will never be possible for any Mexican American Hispanic Latinos huh? We should all go back to Mexico the mother land.....VAMOS viva Mexico...Calling Cardenas Mexican is a stubborn form of placing blame and labels on someone who is American of Hispanic descent who not only made her way through the racism, sexism days but got educated and now leads a chunk of a very reputible organization of the UT Systems.

"How about South Texas Community College? Did you know two of their trustees were up for reelection?"

YES! Cmon here pal, even winter texans know when shuffle board times are. They know this by reading the papers....Calendars? Alejo Salinas is an Edinburg Native and no stranger to the Political arena. He's a good and very educated man with roots longer than most here in Edinburg. He got re-elected, CONGRATS Alejos...He'd also make a fine mayor.

"That's what I mean about encouraging you to took a hard look at UTPA and STCC. I mean, unless Joe Ochoa or Richard Garcia get arrested for DWI, really, what else can you talk about?"

DWI? is that you worry about? Wow what a shame... Keep an eye on your tax dollar. You have no idea do you? Some here are so jaded its unreal...

"The difference is you only focus on Ochoa."

Wah Wah Wah!! Dude they both suck already!!! Hey pal if you want ochoa for like 20 more years because he's just your flavor and you're related to him, grab your ankles all day long then. But dont expect for everyone to enjoy the ordeal as much as you. Some of us are so anal retentive that a splash of water makes us twitch. If you wanna compare the two mayors, compare 1 term to like a decade in office! A decade with nothing to show for is extremely freakin lame and pathetic. What does Edinburg got as far as economic boom? JC PENNYS,,,wooooo. Ochoa gots to go, go retire to your beach front property.

"C'mon, PR. You obviously know a lot of stuff about people and politics in Edinburg, but how can we take you seriously if you ignore the really big gorilla in town – the university?"

Our city or University have nothing on BAROID. BAROID and the former TIDE is what you should be looking into pal. You'll be AMAZED at what you will find. These city commissioners are petty little NICKLE and DIMERS when they're compared to BAROID Executives (CHENEY COMPADRES). This Company TRAMPLES the HEART OF THIS TOWN DAILY as they please without anyone telling them any different. Quit focusing on the small potatoes and do something about the nasty 10 thousand pound gorilla not sitting in your living room but sleeping in your bed.
What use to be TIDE on the Corner of Schunior and N.Closner contaminated that city corner so much that I seriously doubt anything ever getting built there. But the reason nobody ever made a big stink about that is because that area was owned by the BENTSEN FAMILY. Yep, As in LLoyd Bentsen former US Senator. The Winns and Bentsens owned a great deal of Edinburg property when this town was predominantly White, well at least the West side. East side were Mexican and Black, hence the reason These two rich powerful families owned major busineses on the east side, TIDE and The plaza that had TG&Y, VALLEY MART, BEALLS. Look into it, I have and its mighty grim.

8:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chill out, PR!

Nobody meant for you to go postal on us! When you go ballistic, your credibility suffers. You don't want that, do you?

The point about anonymous bloggers getting outed is that when your name becomes public (and the blogosphere is very public), then you are going to be on the receiving end of all sorts of nonsense from people you have dumped on.

It's not so easy as just changing to another anonymous posting. Once your cloak of secrecy is unveiled, you will become the Internet victim of all of your enemies once they know who you are. They're not going to be interested in getting money out of you (unless you have deep financial pockets, that is). They just want everyone to know who you are, and let the chips fall where they may.

No one said anything negative about President Cardenas. Why so defensive about her? And why the shot at Dr. Nevarez? It's okay to take a critical look at him, but not at her? Double standards!

As far as the use of 'Mexican', well, if you want to say Mexican American or Hispanic or Latino or Tejano, you know full well what I mean. I have no doubt key UT officials, behind-the-scenes, put the stick to President Cardenas because she is a minority, or even perhaps because she is a woman. She committed no crimes, yet they hung her out there on her own campus' website.

If you think that the UT chancellor is the one who runs the show at the UT system campuses, then he must be Superman because there are more than 220,000 students and tens of thousands of employees in the UT System. The real nitty gritty gets done at the local campus levels. So I ask you again, who runs the show at UT-Pan American?

Alejos Salinas. Yes, a good man. Did great work with the city council in Edinburg and is a role model. But c'mon, you think STCC didn't deliberately conceal the fact he was up for reelection? Did you see any stories in the Monitor about him and the trustee from Weslaco being up? Nope.

Where were you at? Beating up on Joe Ochoa, and now, beating up on Ricard Garcia. We are just asking you to expand your coverage, that's all.

I liked your reference to Tide Products and the Bentsen family and the pollution out there in north Edinburg. Now, that's the kind of topic you should feature in your next posting! Very interesting!

That's it for now P.R. I respect your opinions (don't always agree with them) and I look forward to learning more about the many things you do know about the 'Burg.

Hey, what about the McAllen blogs? Any info on whether they exist (and I don't mean on the Monitor's website)? Elsa blogs?

10:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Do I Think He's going to be the President of the United States? ANOTHER HELL YES!" = INAUGURATED, in your opinion.

As for your offer to draw maps and charts, no thanks. You'd make them so confusing and multi-directional that we'd end up in the same place we started.

I don't know how you'll respond to this, but if you follow the true PR protocol, you'll call me a name like, racist or idiot and then attempt to explain how you've never said that you even support Obama and that I need glasses or reading lessons or something.

Before you rant, just know that there is nothing wrong with your opinion that you believe that Obama is the probable front runner for the Whitehouse. To some extent, I agree with you that he's got a good chance considering his feel good message, but let's not count our chickens before they hatch.

Remember, John Kerry was the presumptive winner at one point as was G. H. W. Bush before Bill Clinton came along.

10:56 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


"Do I Think He's going to be the President of the United States? ANOTHER HELL YES!" = THINK!

Thats the keyword there "THINK."

In sports: Fans employ the sponge number one finger that shows what they think of their favorite team. Does it necessarily make it so? To some maybe, but if you're carrying that sponge finger for a candidate like Ron Paul, we can pretty much laugh it off right? You bet we can, but if you're carrying one for Mccain, Hillary, or Obama well then it's fair game at this point right? Sure, but does it make it so that all 3 are in fact the number one candidate for the job? NO, thats what numbers are for, numbers as in stats, charts, tallies, and the like pretty much indicate some data that is somehow correct to some degree. So, that being said, the numbers in the democrat party INDICATE that Obama is WINNING and IS PRETTY MUCH ON HIS WAY TO ACQUIRING HIS PARTY'S NOMINATION. Go ahead and go through all the votes, state by state, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, whatever news or stats you like, and they'll indicate what I've been trying to highlight and that is that OBAMA is the likely candidate for the Democrat Party and Polls show that He is ahead of McCain on many polls in regards to a national election. Now are those national election polls acurate, well then they have their margin of error, but the numbers differ greatly that the margin really doesn't make a significant difference. NOW, if you wanna pick some argument for arguments sake, or that maybe youre just plain stubborn, or that maybe a tutoring must take place, I understand. But, If you're from the Valley and are having troubles making sense of whats going on, seek advice from some people who know. I'm just blogging what I THINK here pal. You dont have to conform to it, like it, accept it, or negotiate with it. MY OPINION is that OBAMA WILL BE OUR NEXT PRESIDENT, now if you wanna vote MCCAIN just inspite of the Democrat Candidate go ahead, but I do feel that The Texas Democrat Vote is one to be LOST to whomever the REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE has been in the Past Recent Elections, so with that type of voting Record, one can speculate with some assurance that our State vote here in Texas will go to the Republican Candidate Mccain.

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PRAISE THE LORD! You finally admit it.

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ringmaster! Let's go local. You're better when you're ripping on our locl politicians. Leave the presidential race to CNN and Foxnews.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

take JD for example. what in the hell is he doing helping the republicans build a WALL. the guy is propbably getting a cut through his butt buddy saenz.

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

"All politics is local," said former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neal.

Don't just cut loose on the local politicos, PR. What the next president does will really affect us. Now, if you "localize" their candidacies a bit more – maybe talk about what all the Hillary Democrats are going to when and if (I can't predict the future) Obama wins the nomination.

The way I see it, the Hillary Democrats had no choice but to support her because of political IOUs. But they will quickly come back into the fold because Obama is no fool – he will promise whatever it takes to get Hillary's support, even choosing her as his running mate.

I really don't see that he has any other choice. Who else but Hillary has the political assets to get the Democrats back into the White House? If Obama selects someone else, then I think Hillary's supporters – especially white women – will take a hike in November.

I think that if Obama wins the nomination and the presidency, at the local levels:

- Mayor Ochoa will get a federal post (Richard Garcia would love that!)

- Gene Espinoza will have to decide if he wants to go after his dream of being Edinburg mayor and run against Richard for mayor next May

– A ton of federal money will come into Cameron County, home of Eddie Lucio, III, one of a handful of area politicos who endorsed Obama. That will assure that Eddie Lucio, III will be in the headlines every day with his father doling out the cash, thus paving the way for Eddie to succeed his dad

– School board trustee Robert Peñam who also endorsed Obama, will get a big job in the U.S. Department of Commerce (he is an economic development expert), and lets see —

- Oh, yeah, Aaron Peña will be blocked by Hillary from getting squat from Obama, but a compromise will be reached, and Aaron's son, who did work for Obama, will get a key job in Washington, D.C.

Hey, maybe Aaron didn't make the political mistake many people believe. Don't underestimate our District 40 lawmaker – he took the vicious hits, but I am confident the will wind up sitting pretty, with his son in a top Democratic Party position in D.C., and himself in the GOP's inner-circle in Austin.

Any one who thinks these scenarios are far-fetched, think about this:

Who ever predicted 12 months ago that John McCain would outlast billionaires and big city mayors to snatch the GOP presidential nomination out of the clutches of disaster;


Who ever predicted 12 months ago that a Bro and a Bra would even be envisioned as the Dream Ticket to recapture the White House for the Democratic Party?

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ochoa for Federal Post?

Pena for Deparment of Commerce and an economic development expert?

I can't stop laughing. That's hilarious.

9:45 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...


Now was that an 80 proof blog or what? I mean did you ingest some 80 proof alcohol while contemplating what to type? Oh well, heres a label that struck a chord:

“Hillary Democrats”

Well lets see, A Democrat is one who supports the Democrat Party by voting for all those under such name when in an election. Who said anything about Democrats just being Hillary fans? Yes she’s got her share of followers, but in the end of the nomination process, I guarantee you this, the people supporting Hillary will have their candidate serve in some capacity for the people just as Bill has and will continue to do. Folks, these candidates aren’t you’re starving politicians, these are the Ubber Candidates, la creme dela creme of insiders, no stuffed coats here to say the least. Hillary and Obama both have already made History in so many categories, they have changed the political process forever now. So why the bitter faces as to why one candidate won the nomination over the other? They’re both capable to beat the pants off the Republican candidate in the General Election, but as they say in the Highlander series, “There can only be one.” OBA-MIN-TONS are in a class all their own. We have Tomcat, Brangelina, now Obamintons. Love or hate, shouldn’t be etched in the political process. Politics is like a courtroom, in the end both opposing counsels can very well be friends. We should not look back in anger nor feel resentment towards one another, in the end a Democrat should rise up into the White House regardless of Party infighting.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Ochoa

Secretary of Short

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, whaddaya mean 80 proof?

Some of the stuff you write, makes me think you are toking too much of that wacky weed that runs the Hidalgo County economy (and political system)!

Don't laugh off the locals getting key posts in the Obama administration. To the victor goes the spoils, and every other Democratic leader down here went with Hillary.

If I was Richard Garcia, I would be praying Ochoa gets picked to get out of town by Obama. Otherwise, the mayor's race, it gonna get ugly, not like that pantywaist campaign we just saw for city council.

Anyone have a crystal ball out there?

I still say Aaron Peña will get a key appointment from Obama, too. And when that happens, I am going to print up a bumper sticker with Aaron's face, and it will say, "If he's so dumb, then why is he (I'll fill in the blank with whatever cushy and powerful federal post he receives).

Truth, my friends, is stranger than fiction!

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's still standing!

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those Ochoa guys are yesterdays news and damaged goods.

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damaged goods? Look so we lost the city council races and sure Pena kicked our ass. Twice. But don't you think that we still got a shot to hold on to the mayor spot. It could happen.

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"But don't you think that we still got a shot to hold on to the mayor spot. It could happen."

That statement just says it all. Ochoa and his cronies will be losing BIG!

8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is Ochoa up for re-election?

6:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Political Ring,

Well, it looks like your candidate (my candidate, too), Barack Obama, is pretty close to wrapping up the Democratic Party nomination.

If that happens, I still think Hillary Clinton should get on the ticket as vice-president. Yeah, Bill Clinton will be a pain in the neck for Obama, but what does Obama want to do – write off all those true believer women who wanted one of their own in the White House?

You watch – McCain is going to come up with a latina for vice-president, and there are plenty of those type of Republicans out there.

So, if it is an Obama/Clinton ticket, there is going to be a large voter turnout for Democrats in Texas in November, which should help the Democrats win enough state House seats to elect a new speaker. Of course, if that happens, then Aaron and Kino are in trouble – to a point.

Kino would lose his chairmanship, setting him up for a tough rematch against Sandra Rodriguez in 2010. Aaron would lose his chairmanship, but that's okay – he switched over to Obama at the last second before the March 4 primary, and he will get himself a plum position somewhere in Obama's administration.

Don't believe it? Aaron has sold his law offices, has one of his homes up for sale, and has nothing to lose by not running for reelection in 2010. Besides, if you read his blog, he loves to talk national politics. I wouldn't go as far as to say as he would be selected as White House Legal Counsel, but maybe some type of White House adviser to border issues.

If that happens, and Aaron leaves for greener pastures in Washington, D.C., Perry would appoint a replacement, maybe someone like Dan Rios, who will probably lose his judge reelection bid because he is a Republican, not because he is not qualified.

Then, Eddie Saenz would have the final shot at state representative, which, by the way, does anyone know what ever became of his alleged DWI?

Joe Ochoa would also be gone to D.C. (like all good business people, his pharmacies are able to be run by his staff), leaving the mayor's slot open as well.

Hey, this is just a scenario, nothing has happened yet. But if Obama wins, it could mean big shakeups and movements in the local politics.

The clock is ticking....

By the way, Joe Ochoa, Gus Garcia, Jr., and Noe Garza are up for election in May 2009.

8:57 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

“By the way, Joe Ochoa, Gus Garcia, Jr., and Noe Garza are up for election in May 2009.”

Well let me see here, out of the aforementioned 3, 2 probably won’t be back. But I’m just prematurely speculating here of course. And here are my reasons for thinking so anyway,

Joe has a loyal bunch as followers, you know those that run around with pitch forks and fire torches that will run amuck if you so dare contradict their mayor. They will set ablaze anyone trying to second guess their “Way too damn long in office career politician!” Looks like Richard Garcia will be making his way to try to unseat Ochoa once again, this time Ochoa hasn’t made some stupid business moves ala Super Splash, SO! That just means people aren’t nervous having the O in office. Now does that mean he’s right for the job? Hell NO! But hey, when in Edinburg, do as the Mayor’s followers do huh? Yeah followers, as in who ever is in office at the time. To me neither candidate is worthy of the position. Mudslinging is getting way too old and really Edinburg only has JC PENNYs and Bealls, WOW! Damn, that’s piss poor for a city’s economy.

My Prediction: Joe’s slate might not do too good, but his loyal bunch will re-elect unfortunately.

Mr. Gus Garcia, jr., well he might have to make some serious decisions if he wants to escape the grips of his casting shadow, Ochoa. He can either stick with the ochoa followers and still be considered some type of lackee, or lick his chops and thumb his nose at the competition on his own record and merit. I mean the guy aint no slouch, I think he should start his own thing and deter from the ways of the old (ie mudslinging between ochoa and those opposing him and his buddies) Gus’ political future might depend on his network. Which most of it should be built on and around him rather than that of Ochoa. He can be smart if need be I imagine, and distance himself ala Barack Obama and quit the status quo and the same ol insiders that have long tired out the citizens of Edinburg.

My Prediction: If Gus’ doesn’t shed the dead weight on his shoulders, he may stand to lose to some opposing factions “yes” stuffed coat.

Mr. Noe Garza, aka Hush Hush, one thing will continue to make this candidate and thats his NETWORK. Many voters don’t even know what Noe looks like or have even met the man, but I guess just as long as his constituents get him elected, well whats there to fix. I mean cmon for some PSJA resident to come into Edinburg and win all these elections, and not even have a big family is pretty far fetched if you ask me. At least Leonel Guerrero and Gus Garcia jr, are home grown kids making an attempt to better their city, well at least one can argue that, but Noe getting elected here in Edinburg after the chaos he was involved in back in the hey days as city Engineer.

My Prediction: if you want to beat this candidate, you have to beat his supporters, because he aint got family here. His supporters and markers will be called in for this up coming election. A leonel Guerrero lacks his type of old school party faction of supporters. But Guerrero can get the people in his corners, who cares how big the faction is.

Ochoa makes it back as Mayor, unfortunately due to his loyal supporters.

Gus gets taken in a hotly contested race. Remember he inherits Ochoa’s foes, but doesn’t have the same size of family as Ochoa.

An Ochoa allie/nephew takes Noe Garza, maybe someone like Jaime Rodriguez.

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS: Indictments coming to those close to E. Saenz.

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey PR, I commend you for your bold predictions. IMHO, however, Gus Garcia and Joe Ochoa will not only lose this upcoming election, they will be losing BIG TIME. There are far too many folks sick and tired of all the mudslinging as a direct result of these two. Edinburg people, based primarily on Pena's and Garza's reelection results, will be going against that political network once again next May. Bottom line, the voters know what's up and they know Ochoa and Garcia aren't good for Edinburg.

7:48 PM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

7:48 PM,

It's fair for all to have their say, but I stand firm on my predictions. As I did with the following:

Aaron Pena over Eddie Saenz
Gene Espinoza over Leonel Guerrero
Alma Garza over Johnny Rodriguez
Obama over Clinton for Nomination..

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those were my same predictions too, so we'll see.

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe Ochoa and Gus Garcia will win re election bids hands down. Noe Garza will lose. As for Aaron Pena he is the Judas of the Democratic Party. He will be going to Austin this weekend to spy for the GOP at the Tx State Democratic Convention.

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sore losers!

12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your damn right. Ever since Pena kicked our ass in 2004 we have been hurting for another try. Now that we lost again we are damn angry. Shit how would you like to go around being a two time loser. Now we lost the city races. What else can we do but bitch. So let us bitch.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie Saenz can also have his mug shot right next to the mug shot of his blood.. Teresa Navarro. I only wonder why her county judge lover stabbed her in the back. Saenz kept bragging that he has JD in his pocket but now it just looks like he didn't bother to save his Teresa.

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nobody ever said these guys were decent people, their more like thugs.

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More like pigs feeding on taxpayers.

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure is a sad day when a hot piece of ass like Teresa Navarro gets arrested. did the paper get it right? is she really 48? Damn, I must have a ting for older broads.

8:16 AM  
Blogger THE POLITICAL RING said...

Okay! Well English Rock Band, Queen’s Song titled, “Another one bites the dust” is blazing in the background and the cameras are on the Hidalgo County Elections Department... Gee, well whataya know, their director is turning herself in. Hmmm, well she’s to be considered “ALLEGED” until she gets her fair trial. Ok then, does anyone have any predictions here? It seems to me that this County could use an OVERHAUL, Start from the TOP on DOWN! We’ve seen more than our fair share of shady characters and NO, I do not need to go into specifics here, the taxpayers already know who they are. But one thing really puzzles me, why aren’t the FAT CATS getting popped? C’mon lets not play dumb here folks, I think we all know the usual suspects already, but the FAT CATS are yet to be dealt with. It’s unfortunate when a head of a department gets into some controversial allegations that cost taxpayers money. Again, it is “Allegedly” so I am going to hold back on some comments until these issues get ironed out. Personally I feel that Teresa must be going through some difficult times, but in the end if she’s guilty of such allegations, the taxpayers don’t deserve such public servant. Eddie Saenz must be thinking about his luck at this point. His smut campaign enews is dwindling, his candidacy shrank over night, his recruits lost in the city elections, and well now has to determine if he wants to taint the campaigns of Gus Garcia and Joe Ochoa. My last words to this would be for Gus Garcia, “Get rid of the dead weight on your shoulders (ie ochoa & saenz and seek more reputible associates for your upcoming re-election.” Guilty by association tends to really popular around these parts.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, until native America rears its head and trounces this boatster uncle tom. They always do. And they are the original niggers of this place we call America, too, remember. They remember. They remember like elephants.

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is JD's poor management that he doesn't have the balls to fire his former girlfriend Teresa Navarro. Thats what you get when you hire a full time judge. You get a full time idiot. I guess she knows where the bodies are buried.

10:12 PM  
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