FINALLY! A U.S. President can engage a crowd of millions on National T.V. without having to trip on words like Guantanamo, Iraq, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the list goes on. Finally were back with having a President with a sharp I.Q. and General Knowledge of World Current Events. Obama started with the message of CHANGE and now it seems that people have taken a backseat to this Obama bus eagerly awaiting to see the changes occur for the better. Enough was enough with the old administration and the people sure came out in droves to declare their frustration on such a pittiful president and cloak and dagger administration that has had all the worse occur to our country on their watch....HEY it can't get any worse.
Now! as for County politics:
We got a stuffed coat in the County Judges office, we need some change their too. Bring back Ramon Garcia, at least he donated his earnings. And at this point the current administration seems to be so money hungry that it has managed to spend so much money on so much crap: New building for taxes, new County Judge office coming soon at your taxdollar expense, SUVs for everyone at the Sheriff's office. Shoot even the secretary their has a take home vehicle! Whats up with that? Can you say "Compadrismo at its Finest!"
C'Mon now that makes like 0 and 6 for the Ochoa/Saenz duo campaign. I mean they had Chavana parading about his cronies all over town seeing what penny would drop in the wishing well. I wonder what he was wishing for? Oh well sadly the Palacios Team whipped on them pretty bad AGAIN! Oh well the old fogies held their seats as if there was any doubts. Hey ochoa / Saenz team, maybe the people of Edinburg are tired of you guys and really don't like you. And maybe just maybe they're nice to you for economical reasons, hint hint, your employees cough cough. They didnt seem to like Chavana's brother either, much less the alien looking Enriquez (no not because his eyes, but because he alienates himself from the people) If you wanna win an election, you gotta be able to mix it up with the people one on one. Now if you're just gonna hang on coat tails well then you're alienating yourself from the voters.
I can throw a rock either in the court house, county offices, city council meetings, or city hall and I can bet you that It'll hit someone involved in some type of corruption. How do Carmen or Gilbert Enriquez differ from that? Carmen NES vs. Gilbert Enriquez's million change orders to city hall or PD building, are you ready? on your mark, get set go! start the comparison...
I am not gone, just nothing NEW out their worth going on the record about. Its the same ol factions doing the same ol politics.
Ochoa going up against The Palacios and losing most of the time.
First National Bank going up against Lone Star National Bank. now they have like 50 branches just in Edinburg alone. HA! just joking on that many locations in one town, but they're spreading quicker than an STD and just as painful.
Saenz going up against well anyone for any political position, Will someone please give this guy some type of position that is appointed elected or just voluntarily, his DWI was never really meant to be, well so he says.....what a dufus....
Our County Judge? Republican Today? Democrat Yesterday? Aggie forever!!!! What an OXYMORON.....HA! I think they need to label his Hand with a sharpie as to what Party he pertains to.
Jesse Contreras v. Danny Rios for the 449th, WOW! how that result happened is totally amazing me at this point. Let me see, people in the Hidalgo County area voted in a Democrat Judge candidate over a Republican......WOW! thats just one knee slapper....I guarantee you that I now feel totally represented having this Honorable man sitting as judge,,,,HA! I believe the strait ticket still exists and that is what most did, overlooking an honorable candidate in Rios.
I heard J.D. bad mouthing the congressman the other day. He told a group of us that he was going to kick his ass because he was old and tired. PR why is this guy beating up on the congressman? Did I miss something?
Why don't you ask your candidate to look into this. A teacher from the Edinburg school dist was arrested for DWI. He was arrested while driving to school early in the morning. Then he gets in a crash. He almost hits parents dropping off there kids. Only to get a 5 day suspension with pay. And now there blaming his meds? give me a break!
Obama is just as big a gaffe factory as Bush. Listen to Obama when he's on his own. "Uh, well,'s uh." Do you remember the 57 states?
It's a shame that people think that somehow in the next four years that their lives are going to change because of who we elect as president.
I especially feel sorry for the millions of middle class and poor black Americans who have invested so much emotionally in Obama to think he can change their circumstance. Sadly, most of them will be in the same situation in four years. The question is, who are they going to blame?
NAZI Texas? If you can't beat 'em, call 'em a Nazi. Typical leftist tactic.
On the other hand, I do agree with you about the school board and city stuff. Stick with that. You're much better at it.
Oh yeah, I was hoping you'd source your information on the IQ's of both Bush and Obama. I'd just like to check your math.
6:13 AM,
Well I have no idea as to when and who that teacher with the DWI was? Would you like shedding some light on that issue? Seriously any light would be greatly appreciated.
11:44 AM,
Nazi Texas, was no leftist tactic, just one of those I call a spade a spade. I understand if you don't agree, we can still agree to disagree right? Now do I hate my state? No don't be ridiculous, I wouldn't recide here if I did, would I? I mean cmon we live in a State where just about more than half the population carry guns, hunt, and well vote Republican. Shoot! And if you disagree with our govt. you're considered UN-Patriotic, Hows that suppose to sit with the voters? Now as far as IQ scores between Obama and Bush, REALLY? DO WE NEED A RESULT IN THIS FIELD? Thats like ordering an INQUEST on Amy Winehouse if she ever passed on....Give me a break here, lets just let the obvious be what it is, Oh and by the way for those who don't know who Amy Winehouse is (A British Singer, known for heavily abusing drugs and overdosing at least twice,,,Hence her hit song REHAB)
Gates and Clinton? Richardson? Rahm Emmanuel? NOW THAT'S CHANGE!
Where's all the screaming in the MSM that we heard when W brought in all his dad's former advisors and appointees?
Activist: Craddick violates law by paying daughter
By JAY ROOT Associated Press Writer © 2008 The Associated Press
Dec. 3, 2008, 5:36PM
AUSTIN — Republican House Speaker Tom Craddick is facing an ethics complaint over campaign payments and state health insurance benefits he has provided for his daughter, a former lobbyist who's employed by her father as a political consultant.
Filed this week by Houston-area Democratic activist John Cobarruvias, the complaint alleges Craddick has run afoul of laws designed to prevent politicians and their families from living off campaign accounts. Craddick's lawyer, Ed Shack, denied the speaker violated any ethics provisions.
Tom Craddick has paid Christi Craddick about $12,000 a month for her consultant work, for a total of more than $600,000 since 2003, records show. The powerful lawmaker also helped craft a law in 1997 that made his adult daughter eligible for lifetime state health insurance as long as she doesn't marry.
That's the rub, Cobarruvias says: Christi Craddick can receive a campaign salary only if she's not the speaker's dependent child. But she can only get the state health insurance by being declared his adult dependent.
"He can't have it both ways," said Cobarruvias.
Craddick spokeswoman Alexis DeLee called the complaint "groundless" but declined to provide any information about Christi Craddick's health insurance or even to give her age. Christi Craddick did not immediately return a phone call from the Associated Press on Wednesday.
The Austin American-Statesman, which first reported on the complaint, said she was a 26-year-old registered lobbyist in 1997 when her father helped her get state health insurance.
Shack, Tom Craddick's lawyer, said he could not provide any information on Christi Craddick's health care benefits, either.
According to the 1997 law that made Christi Craddick eligible for lifetime state health insurance, eligible children are required to pay a $365 a month premium at today's rates. Of the 500,000 people in health plans administered by the Texas Employee Retirement System, only 117 people receive coverage from their state-employed parents under the controversial provision, ERS records show.
Details of the 1997 law were not revealed until after Tom Craddick had lined up the votes to become speaker in 2002. Former ERS director Sheila Beckett said at the time that Craddick had "initiated" the insurance law change.
"I was assuming he was concerned about the continuing insurance coverage for his daughter," Beckett said then.
Shack said it doesn't matter how the speaker describes his daughter for health insurance purposes because prohibitions against paying dependent children for campaign work fall under a different section of Texas law. And Craddick did not violate those provisions, the lawyer said.
Designed to stop politicians from using their campaign accounts to benefit themselves, their spouses or their dependent children, the law does not set an age-limit for dependent kids. However, state ethics rules say a son or daughter should be considered a dependent if the lawmaker provides more than half "of the child's support" during a calendar year.
"That's aimed at having a child who lives at home," Shack said. "She is paid compensation for work performed. That is not support provided to someone."
I will start posting soon!
JD is doing a good job and his staff is second to none, did you know that he has the highest educated county judge staff south of Austin. Out of his ten asstistants 8 have or are in the process of obtaining MASTERS DEGREES yes 8!!! Including JD!!
Well thats good to hear that they are educated, we should look at the rest of the directors in the county, and the chief of staffs with there high school diplomas and GED's (pct 1 chief of staff) making over $100,000!!! what a joke, but look at his last name PALACIOS!!!!!!!!
Masters degrees or any degrees for that matter don't mean squat other than you had the free time and the ability to sit and do the work. I've seen a lot of genuises laying bricks and lot of morons with a wall full of diplomas.
didi i strike a nerve must be a palacios that commented, GED joey p. and mary alice what a joke, but what do you expect god bless edinburg!!!!
joey the GED for commsioner!!!!!!
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