I've been away enjoying some R & R and I come back to read my blog with some interesting entries by one that goes by king-x. Now I will reserve my comments on this character until I further read and analyze his/her work. Now now now, I know for sure this person doesn't really write to please anyone in particular so I can respect that. Is this person out to reveal some coruption? Is this person on a one way track to sabotage some political careers? Is this person afiliated with any faction, political network, or family? or is this person just hell bent on just unleashing revenge on some old employers of the past? Well I don't have the answers to these questions, so again I will reserve my opinion about King-x for the time being. My take on this person for now is that if they want to reveal corruption that is cheating the taxpayers, then full steam ahead. But if theirs some political agenda behind their rhetoric to benifit a campaign well then, YAHN! NEXT! I must say, there seems to be some originality in their perspective so far, and it might not be long before they begin a campaign against me. But with every blog comes a series of free thinking expressions illustrated to drive some controversies regardless of what side of the tracks you live on. Now as for trying to guess identities of bloggers well thats just pretty stupid if you ask me, it takes away from the sport of free thinking, free writing, and most of all free expression. Yes yes, people get carried away with some french on these blogs and can hold back a little if they just worded their thoughts a bit differently, but hey I'm not one to judge and am guilty of letting loose from time to time. So bring it on mr. king-x and lets see what you got in the goody bag. I'm interested in knowing more about your SECRETS REVEALED. I guess the pic of the unknown masked magician that got popular after a series of televised appearances on fox recieved so much praise that even that secret revealer was revealed at some point. As bloggers, We may not always agree on certain issues, but I can RESPECT THE TRUTH wherever it may surface.