Friday, August 29, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008

"IT'S OVER?" YEP! YOU SAID IT LADY... The Fat Lady Singing here in Hidalgo County is hardly what it seems to be. For those who don't follow the expression, The fat lady singing just means if the search for some stability in our Hidalgo County Politics. Now, does this new administrator bring tricks, smoke & mirrors, and the the like? Who Knows? Time will tell. Two Elections administrators down already, we're yet to see how this one fills out. But insiders are full of joy that an ignorant one will be at the helm yet once again. From the News Clip, Ms Ramon, stated that she barely started studying the Elections Process, so YIPPY! We have a Career switch for the third time NOW from Teacher to Banker to Elections Administrator and maybe the third time is the CHARMER for Ms Ramon. I'm not blaming Ms Ramon for applying, I'm kinda upset at the caliber of choices that are consistantly rammed down the voters' mouths when it comes to public officials.
A Clip from THE MONITOR just proves that people aren't just whispering, but actually dumbfounded about the latest BLATANT ATTEMPT AT those in POWER Keeping a BIG FAT LID ON IT. C'mon with this new supposedly best qualified candidate is nothing more than what JJ Rodriguez was in Edinburg, she is the likely candidate to go with the flow as they say in politics. She's less likely to "Rock The Boat" Insiders describe how those politicos in West Hidalgo County stressed that they wanted Ms Ramon in and that was it. So of course our Loyal County Judge, obliged by casting his vote for this candidate that has really no business in such as position that was supposedly posted state wide. You mean to tell me, that nobody from San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Christi, or other Texas Parts had no better qualifications? We actually found this Teacher/banker here under a rock? Damn! The LUCK we have here in Hidalgo County.
The Best Candidate? New elections administrator meets few requirementsComments 8 Recommend 6
August 22, 2008 - 2:21PM
Considering the embarrassing mess that Teresa Navarro, Hidalgo County's former elections administrator, has found herself in and has dragged the county into, it would seem reasonable to assume that the powers that be would have wanted to choose the very best candidate possible to replace her.
Well, the administrator named Wednesday hardly appears, at least at first glance, to quite fulfill that seemingly reasonable expectation.
The new elections administrator - who supposedly was unanimously chosen by the county commissioners and the county elections commission - is Yvonne Ramón, who will come into the job with absolutely no experience in dealing with elections.
How, exactly, it was determined that she was the "best qualified" of the candidates appears to be a total mystery. In fact, she seems to meet very few of even the "minimum qualifications" that Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas set forth to be considered for the post.
The county judge himself listed the "minimum qualifications" on his Web site,
"A four (4) year college degree from an accredited university or college in public or business administration or political science and five (5) years of progressive managerial and supervisory experience; including four (4) years of demonstrated and effective experience in an elections related area. The administrator must be a registered voter of the state (Sec. 31.034 Election Code). May not be a candidate for public office, hold a public office, or hold an office or position in a political party. Other restrictions apply. (See Sec. 30.035 of the Election Code). Expert knowledge of concepts, practices and procedures of department and related functional areas is expected from the incumbent."
Ramón' holds bachelors and masters degrees from University of Texas Pan-American, but neither is in one of the fields proscribed in Salinas' minimum qualifications list. On her application for the post, Ramón says her bachelor's degree is in education, sociology and English and her master's is in educational leadership.
Although it is likely that she has voted in elections, that does not come anywhere near filling the stated requirement of "four (4) years of demonstrated and effective experience in an elections related area."
The funny thing is that among the four finalists for this spot, at least two met the minimum qualifications, including the elections-related experience. They, however, were passed over for the job. Why?
One of Ramón's major qualifications stressed during Wednesday's announcement is that she is the assistant principal at Fossum Elementary School. Someone, however, failed to mention that she was named to that post at the brand new school - which has yet to open - on June 8, meaning she has never even functioned as the assistant principal in any sort of active setting there.
Although we hope we are wrong and Ramón turns out to be a fantastic elections administrator, this appears to be yet another instance of Hidalgo County governmental business as usual.
August 22, 2008 - 2:21PM
Considering the embarrassing mess that Teresa Navarro, Hidalgo County's former elections administrator, has found herself in and has dragged the county into, it would seem reasonable to assume that the powers that be would have wanted to choose the very best candidate possible to replace her.
Well, the administrator named Wednesday hardly appears, at least at first glance, to quite fulfill that seemingly reasonable expectation.
The new elections administrator - who supposedly was unanimously chosen by the county commissioners and the county elections commission - is Yvonne Ramón, who will come into the job with absolutely no experience in dealing with elections.
How, exactly, it was determined that she was the "best qualified" of the candidates appears to be a total mystery. In fact, she seems to meet very few of even the "minimum qualifications" that Hidalgo County Judge J.D. Salinas set forth to be considered for the post.
The county judge himself listed the "minimum qualifications" on his Web site,
"A four (4) year college degree from an accredited university or college in public or business administration or political science and five (5) years of progressive managerial and supervisory experience; including four (4) years of demonstrated and effective experience in an elections related area. The administrator must be a registered voter of the state (Sec. 31.034 Election Code). May not be a candidate for public office, hold a public office, or hold an office or position in a political party. Other restrictions apply. (See Sec. 30.035 of the Election Code). Expert knowledge of concepts, practices and procedures of department and related functional areas is expected from the incumbent."
Ramón' holds bachelors and masters degrees from University of Texas Pan-American, but neither is in one of the fields proscribed in Salinas' minimum qualifications list. On her application for the post, Ramón says her bachelor's degree is in education, sociology and English and her master's is in educational leadership.
Although it is likely that she has voted in elections, that does not come anywhere near filling the stated requirement of "four (4) years of demonstrated and effective experience in an elections related area."
The funny thing is that among the four finalists for this spot, at least two met the minimum qualifications, including the elections-related experience. They, however, were passed over for the job. Why?
One of Ramón's major qualifications stressed during Wednesday's announcement is that she is the assistant principal at Fossum Elementary School. Someone, however, failed to mention that she was named to that post at the brand new school - which has yet to open - on June 8, meaning she has never even functioned as the assistant principal in any sort of active setting there.
Although we hope we are wrong and Ramón turns out to be a fantastic elections administrator, this appears to be yet another instance of Hidalgo County governmental business as usual.