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Sunday, October 07, 2007

LIFE imitating ART?

Eddie Saenz for TX DISTRICT 40
Sorry folks but this is exactly what is starting to happen, life is imitating art. We the citizens are suppose to sit back and let some candidate with money declare that the Cop who did his job in eliminating a possible DWI THREAT to other drivers off the road was indeed wrong? Cmon! we here at The Political Ring don't specialize in BASHING Candidates, but when you refuse to admit doing wrong like us ordinary folk, and on top of that accuse some officer of the law doing his job of being wrong, Well that just about does it for us. That officer in Mission was just doing the job he once swore to do and now we have Ol Eddie getting the Mayor's son in his corner, political favors, and some nice public letter in the monitor equaling a pretty penny I'm sure. But in the end, why all the hoopla and so defensive against an employee doing his job. That is a bit bullish on Eddie's part to go bulleying a civil service employee in court. Chances are the charges will get dismissed after much arm twisting on the officer by well who do you all think. I'm sure the list is long, but distinguished. And is that justice? NO, hence the picture of Ol Paulie Walnuts from the Sopranos, "Hey forget about it T." "It's all taken care of T." Were some of Paulie's lines in the hit series, and well those type of lines probably fit this situation. A dapper dressed business like attired man with connections and money to influence either for good or bad depends on who you ask. This type of cover up deserves such poster figure. I thought Mr.Saenz would of owned up to the incident, but the letter in the monitor failed to do so. I expected a class act in asking the public for forgiveness, but Mr. Saenz has proven to deny such incident even occurred and that it wasn't his fault and that is just not acceptable. Wrong words in the letter, Wrong actions in accusing the officer in doing wrong, and wrong actions in covering it up. Whats next sir? What do you want to cover up next? Which hourly employee do you wanna sick your high priced lawyer on? Who do you wanna discredit next? What situation will you use your political connections to get out of next? Fighting an officer of the law in court will probably gain you some confort in stroking your ego, but the public isn't as jaded as you might think sir. Wrong Wrong Wrong, I expected better in a candidate and I was wrong. This is not a personal attack, but we here at The Political Ring will not sit here and watch this type of mob mentallity bulleying the everyday man working to make ends meet. That officer was doing his job and now we are defending him and his actions.

Friday, October 05, 2007


by the EDDIE SAENZ for District 40 or enews?
Well we read the letter on enews' blog and well we started thinking about the title. And disected the whole thing and these are the choice of words that were chosen to describe the state of the campaign at the Saenz camp or at enews. By the way, we didn't bother giving the definition of LEADERSHIP, because as you guys may already know, Mr.Saenz isn't IN OFFICE. So read and enjoy:

Adversity- A condition of misfortune, poverty or difficulty
Misfortune - 1. unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event

2. an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes.
Poverty- having little money or few possessions.
Difficulty- trouble: an effort that is inconvenient.
Do any of the aforementioned words APPLY to Mr.Saenz? It was an ALLEGED DWI! Wheres the ADVERSITY in that? One chooses to drink, then one chooses to drive, then one chooses to lie about it. I see no adversity nor leadership. I seriously think that this letter needs to be re-addressed.

Monday, October 01, 2007


Remember the Alamo? Drafthouse theater builders still hope for 2007 opening.

Monitor Staff Writer
October 1, 2007 - 1:18AM
Kyle Arnold
EDINBURG — The screens are dim at the Alamo Drafthouse months after the much anticipated movie theater and restaurant was expected to open.

In fact, crews haven’t hung the screens and most of the interior work at the cinema and its neighboring businesses isn’t complete.

Developers and owners first announced that the theater restaurant would open its doors, fire up its grills and start rolling projectors in March.

But after many delays, builders have pushed back the starting date until at least December, hopefully in time to catch part of the lucrative holiday blockbuster season, said developer Paul Garza.

The sheer scope of the project and unexpected costs has pushed back Alamo Drafthouse’s opening and the rest of the Trenton Crossroads project, he said.

“There has never been a ground-up Alamo Drafthouse,” Garza said, noting that all the existing Alamo Drafthouse locations were converted from older movie theaters.

“And this is the first one that’s over 800 people. What we’ve got is different than anything in the whole (Rio Grande) Valley.”

Construction at the 20-acre site at the northeast corner of Trenton and Jackson roads has temporarily stopped while the development company Garza heads — One Orion Properties — refinances for funds to finish the site. He said the bank asked him to stop work so the property’s value wouldn’t change while they arranged more financing.

Work should restart in the next few weeks, he said.

“We are about 86 percent done,” he said.

Several restaurants, a bowling alley and other retail businesses are also expected to go up at the site.

Owners of the Drafthouse franchise in South Texas say the cinema’s management team has been hired and the rest of its 140-person workforce should be employed after an opening date is announced.