"I'm sick and tired of the delays of the old administration and we need to complete these stalled projects now!" That quote was that of the newly Re-elected Mayor right? Years later, wullah! we've got everything complete in our neck of the woods right? WRONG! C'mon Ochoa saved the Elder's tax freeze, hooray! He gave all the adult daycare centers new bingo cards, he loaded up the so called political strategists aka politiqueras with plenty of money, and all he did was take his old look and style and grew some hair. Well if it isn't putting lipstick on a pig and calling it anything but a pig. So who's next now on the ol recruitment list for our enamored mayor who's done so much for our city? He's managed to recruit the likes of political novice Gus Garcia and we've seen what a fine questionairre he's been as of late, not to mention mr. ochoa's marionnette dolls don't finish there. NO Sir, he's got a few strings he pulls over on the school board too, Robert Pena too has a few strings at Mr. Ochoa's disposal. Now we have a fresh duo of yes men willing to attach those strings up to Mr.Ochoa and make a fine Marionette cortet the bunch of YES yelling choir boys. You see, from what I gather is that Mr. Ochoa and his group of lets call them "YES" has a nice ring to it. The Group YES, or Operation YES, or The YES Boys. Either name makes for a good laugh right? Well not exactly, the last laugh is on our behalf, yep you guessed it, they're really getting the last laugh on all this. We are the taxpayers that are allowing such tactics to take place in the first place. So are we to blame? you bet we are. Freshly annointed newbies will attempt to unseat those council members now in office for reasons well, WHO REALLY CARES right. I mean cmon its Mr. Ochoa and his faction coming for those seats, so does he really need to give us any reasons as to why who chooses to unseat anyone or take control of the city and school governing entities? Nope not at all, he's got plenty of family, a hate smut campaigning blog, and plenty of favors to call in for his personal gain. So you and I really have no say in this up coming election or do we? Well its no mystery on just how much this administration has failed to get new projects done, started or even moved on. But is that all apart of a political strategy? Of course, do you remember the first line of this blog, well that was ochoa and gus stating their claim as to why they were the men for the job, because of stalled projects many believed to have an ochoa hand in. Now who's to blame, well thats neither here nor there, so with all the accusations aside in regards to the old administration well out the door two went and now you would of thought that things were to be worked out so much smoother right? well name me a project mr. ochoa and gus have given life to? completed? name anything these two have done in the years since being elected? The veteran councilman which most know already speaks his mind and is less likely to kneel or be a YES boy like ochoa's boy"no"wonder. Now am I wrong? well time will tell, but this I assure you if you research ochoa's decade stay on the council and take any one term of that and compared it to the previous mayor record, one with economical experience will clearly note that both differ significantly and that one raised the bar on our city's infastructure aesthetics. Lets base our votes on proof not feelings or personal relations. One mayor gave us one failed project after another and had the audacity to return only to get elected and stay put. Now is he waiting to see if his newly minted yes crooners get elected? You bet your sweet taxes he is. You see in order for this cock to rule the hen house his elder veteran outspoken councilman at some point adversary needs to be sent packing along with the only female on the council to make room for You guessed it, FOR SURE VOTES IN HIS FAVOR. Then Ochoa will have no adversary, but one who most will already know to sway in this unbalanced council. Now do you think I have an ounce of animosity towards the new boys coming to drum up votes for their boss? NO not at all, but like the old saying goes, "I don't want your house, I want the land it sits on." Ochoa can care less about these 2 boys he's recruited, rather he wants their loyal vote. Is that a sad scenario? No, its politics and politics has a way of making some people who are in the system a great reward. So for those skeptics out their or loyal ochoa followers that bother to read this and are in serious denial or in disgust, relax I leave you to research for yourself on the many failed attempts and projects your enamored mayor made in his reckless political past. And it is also a fact that he's made no secret as to RECRUIT simple minded kids that allow him their vote in exchange for carrying their political campaign. You see most of these simple minded boys have no clue about politics, they're business people who at best have families in this city, but its the more savvy life long politician in ochoa that affords them a political faction, so in return they remain loyal. Again AT BEST THESE BOYS HAVE EXTENDED FAMILIES IN THIS CITY, but the political ties come from OCHOA. The strings, cables, pullies, and hoists are being assembled as we speak and the show tickets are being printed, we shall witness how well the marionette cortet performs with ochoa at the helm. Win or lose, you can bet Ochoa will still be going around recruiting the likes of YES boys or shall I say men to fulfill his political aspirations.