Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Political Season usually brings out the Political Vultures which love to poke there beaks into just about any Political Carcass remotely showing any sign of life or they simply wait for something thats dead and dive into it regardless of how long its been dead. Case and point, enews, they seem to circle over a selected few and keep nawing at it with beak and tallons trying to pry flesh and blood regardless of how dead the carcass (ie issues are). This is how they survive one must assume right? Well its the obvious answer at this point isn't it? I mean who else takes up so much time trying to rape a candidate of any valid accolades just to try to survive? That is exactly what vultures do, they're scavengers looking for carcasses with no life. They prey on the dead, how macaub you say? Exactly my notion, regardless of how morbid this practice is, the goons over at the enews' nest consider this sort of scavenger tactic real work. Well bravo for them, they have learned to survive on scavenging off DEAD things. I guess that explains their choice in issues. It's been months already and nothing new is coming about on there webpage, its the same ol, "THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING, LETS GO TELL THE KING, their king being, let me guess Eddie Saenz. How insulting it must feel when people are denying one's accusations based on the source it came from. Many of us on these blogs know thing is growing and that is the resentment towards enews' cowardly unjust scavenger tactics resorting to unsupported accusations without proof, instead it is based on hear say. And all their hear say is based on dead issues.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007

So what seems to be the problem now with our city council or city administration? Back when Richard Garcia was mayor it was the city jail dragging on, now we have our mall strip and the Undrafted-House not seeing its fair share of money or Finance. Cmon council, if Tony Romo got his Contract extended, shouldn't this Un-Drafted House get its fair share of budget to be completed? All jokes and pundits aside, this type of lothargic process seems to have become the norm in this little town of "you scratch my back, while i fill your pockets with wink wink best bids contracts." Let me guess Enriquez Enterprises is going to come in and do some change-work orders and those in on it are going to vote for such debacle. Wait a Minute, hold the phone, isnt that the ol quick switch-aroo that happend last time with the jail. Out went Velasco and In came Enriquez, boy someone on that council sure does love that arrangement. I mean the process is getting all too familiar and lame. I just wish more citizens took part in voting. I wish we had an O.W.L.S. group here in Edinburg rather than just POLITIQUERAS looking for the MORDIDAS ala MEXICO STYLE during Political Season. I just wish our community would take there political b.s. to the next level already and get rid of the so called "taquaches" you know the possums that are so far underneath EVERYTHING IN CITY GOVERNMENT that when they finally get thrown out they look like the sweaty soaked possums. It's stupid to continue to excite the public about new establishments coming into our community only to be HALTED BECAUSE SOME IDIOT ISN'T GETTING THERE CUT! I'm sure some elected or public official will declare some eloquently worded speech or excuse about Finance, bonds, budget or some crappy ol excuse as to why they cant reach a completion in such projects. Look at McAllen is what I'll say, where in the Heck do they have such problems. Our city hall, jail, and now this mall is so slow to get completed, I guess the tacuaches are digging deep making sure they're getting there cut, contract bids, or kick backs. This process is getting old, lame, and embarrassing. And the sad part is that these same sin beruencas still try getting re-elected, why you ask, because the majority of la raza get catered to during the political season ONLY! Then its back to getting under all the government stuff for the tacuaches.
Heres my advice to our city administration and political officials:
Go to McAllen with a pen and tablet and take some much needed notes on how to complete projects, open a real airport, and enrich your community. Oh and one more important thing tell them to teach you guys how to make your city SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS, I mean lets get real here almost all the politicians usually live in the same areas. When was the last elected official from la llelera (the fridge) Lull TX whatever you wanna call it? Linn? San Manuel? East of Edinburg by la Blanca or North of Town? ITS TIME OUR CITY BECOMES SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS JUST LIKE MCALLEN. Lets see McAllen has about 4 to 6 Hospitals, just like Edinburg, about 3 HEBs compared to Edinburgs 2, Walmarts we have the same amount, High Schools they have 3 including the Baccalauriette School and we have 3 high schools too, and plenty of jails, and juvenile detention centers. Edinburg is larger than McAllen Land Mass wise, so why DONT WE HAVE SINGLE MEMBER DISTRICTS?