Lets See what have we got here consisting of corruption:
a Hidalgo County Constable, a State Rep., a County Commissioner just to name a few.
Political Races and a case of Dejavu
For County Judge: Ramon Garcia vs Eloy Pulido, DEJAVU or what we call it in Spanish "CHINGADO OTRA VEZ?:
My take on this one: Ramon is a rich attorney way too busy for County day to day business, but I was under the impression that he would donate his County Judge Salary, when he was elected.
Eloy Pulido, the FULL TIME COUNTY JUDGE, Well with FULL TIME comes FULL PRICE which is way too expensive. Didn't Mr. Pulido apply for the Hidalgo County Risk Management Position under the Ramon Garcia Administration. Didn't Mr. Pulido also vow to never enter Politics again on the News when interviewed about him seeking the aforementioned Risk Management position? Wasn't Mr. Pulido also recorded by a former employee, where that employee got that tape to be played on the news? The recording had Mr. Pulido pist giving orders to some guy about firing an employee on the news, EMBARASSING TIMES for that man I'm guessing.
JD Salinas: Wow! I know theres a song called: 'Take the Money and Run' well JD took the Federal Job and RAN!
Edinburg Politics: Ok a little late, but hey I was busy. Joe and Gus ran and beseated Richard and Eddie Right? Then Richard makes a run for Mayor again against Joe, but Joe decides to bow out and retire. Gus along with Richard ran again, but this time unopposed. WOW! tell me it aint so, Did Edinburg run out of politicians? The whole thing was a hoot, which by the way I dont think Ochoa and Gus ever delivered any political promises.
County Politics
Precinct 4 County Commissioner
Oscar Garza vs Joseph Palacios: Damn! Wheres the Education at the County Government? First of all Our County Commissioners have no Degrees, but yet they jacked up their salaries raping the taxpayers yet again, Joseph if elected will fit right in. I don't prefer either candidate, I'm just really upset that we couldn't come up with a BETTER CANDIDATE than these two. Garza got rich overnight in office. Palacios well, wink wink, I guess, I mean what other position does this family want? I mean c'mon they're the Jay Leno of the Valley. Think about it, they want it so Screw Garza, like NBC screwed over Conan O'Brien for Jay Leno. So let me get this straight, If you're boss gets indicted for some type of corruption and you're not just an employee low on the totem pole. Wasn't this guy in charge of Ms Handy's office? I mean when you're in Charge, you should know about the GOING ONS in the office as well as where the boss is at. I mean theres secretaries that know just about everything about their bosses (corruption, cheating, or whatever goes on in the office) Don't know about this race, it's just not a good one. I mean one of these guys is gonna get elected and again couldn't we have come up with a better candidate?
Kino Flores' former State Rep Position up for grabs
Sandra Rodriguez vs Sergio Munoz
Rodriguez almost unseated Flores the last go round. Munoz seems pretty ambitious to follow in his father's foot steps. I see Rodriguez taking this race over Munoz. Granted each has grassroots within the district, but I'm betting Rodriguez comes away with it.
It's funny how That title has always been associated with Rene Guerra (Black and Yellow Political Signs)
Rene Guerra vs Alma Garza and some Former Judge Fidencio "I use a hand puppet in Court, cuz I can" Guerra. Well call it DEJAVU or "Chingado otra Vez," but I see Mr. Guerra leaving office on his own terms. Well if Ms Garza wins, ok well new blood heading that office. If Fidencio wins, well does that puppet go on salary? I mean will it make its way to the prosecutors office and get it's own cubicle too. If Mr. Guerra wins AGAIN, status quo, business as usual.
My Take on all the aforementioned Races:
Boring, No New Interesting Candidates to Choose From or Follow.
Limited Jobs, Crappy Economy, and we couldn't get better Candidates.